Science and Technology

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Study and application of science
  • Scientists, researchers, etc.
  • Research, research foundations, and institutes
  • Technology schools or programs
  • Clubs, user groups, and professional organizations related to science and technology

Source note(s)

  • MemoryBC Subject Groups

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Science and Technology

      Equivalent terms

      Science and Technology

        Associated terms

        Science and Technology

          2347 Archival description results for Science and Technology

          2347 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          Branch Lines
          2006.18.4.04 · File · 2006-2007
          Part of Aleza Lake Research Forest Society fonds

          File consists of two original copies of the Volume 17, No. 3 issue of UBC Forestry's Branch Lines newsletter from December 2006. This issue features various articles relating to the Aleza Lake Research Forest, including the front page article, "Percy Barr's Research Forest Legacy". Also includes correspondence relating to the newsletter issue.

          2002.14.4.21 · File · 2002-2003
          Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

          File consists of drafts sections from "Creating Complicated Lives: Women and Science at English-Canadian Universities, 1880-1980"; the book chapter, "Science, Environment, and Women's Lives: Integrating Teaching and Research," which was published in "Teaching as Activism: Equity Meets Environmentalism"; an article, entitled, "Mabel F. Timlin, 1891-1976: A Woman Economist in the World of Men," which was published in "Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal"; notes for Ainley's retirement speech; and a sabbatical proposal.

          2002.14.4.22 · File · 1996-1997
          Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

          File consists of draft book chapters and notes about drafts of the 2nd and 3rd chapters of "Creating Complicated Lives: Women and Science at English-Canadian Universities, 1880-1980"; course outlines; course lecture notes; and conference proceedings of "Laboratory Work in the Field Sciences in Canada: Gender Implications?," which was presented at the 2nd Joint British--North-American Conference on the History of Science.

          2002.14.4.17 · File · 2004
          Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

          File consists of consent, permission and ethics forms associated with the data collection for Ainley's research project, "Re-Explorations: Science and Environment in 19th and 20th Century Canada and Australia"; conference proceedings and notes for conference proceedings; notes on research projects; and a curriculum vitae.

          Blank consent forms
          2002. · File · [between 1994 and 1996]
          Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

          File consists of a covering letter for potential interviewees detailing Ainley's background, previous research and the "Critical Turning Points" research. File also contains blank interview consent forms.

          2003. · File · 1988
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of a photocopy of a Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada article by Rogers et al. entitled "Bioconcentration of Chlorophenols by Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Overwintering in the Upper Fraser River: Field and Laboratory Tests".

          2002. · File · 1996
          Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

          File consists of a consent form, transcript, transcript summary and audio recording from an interview with Beth Currie conducted for Ainley's "Critical Turning Points" research. File also contains Currie's resume and a business card.

          Beaumont and Pine Park
          2016.7.3.25 · File · [July 1998]
          Part of Dr. Joselito Arocena fonds

          File consists of slides depicting Totuk Lake, chernozem, Vanderhoof, a log house, Beaumont Provincial Park, Tamarack Lake, Dahl Lake, an ant hill, and red soil.

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 537-719 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: a document by L.R. Russell et. al. entitled "Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, and 1982", dated November, 1983 (ex. #537); "Memorandum from C.S. Shirvell to G. Ennis, regarding Corrections to Notes from Nechako Workshop, November 14, 15", dated November 28, 1985 (ex. #538); "Memorandum from M. Fretwell to D.L. Deans, regarding Nechako River Programs: Stream Fertilization Fish Assessment Proposal", dated May 10, 1988 (ex. #540); "Summary of Evidence from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program for Technical Hearing Phase Ill: Fisheries", dated March, 1994 (ex. #572); and a "Memorandum from the Director General Pacific Region to Mr. Lefebvre, regarding Alcan Trial Proposed Out of Court Settlement", dated March 12, 1987 (ex. #719).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 500-531 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: a document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Availability of Juvenile Chinook Salmon to Predators Along the Margins of the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C.", dated January 1994 (ex. #500); maps from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program entitled "Airphoto Mosaics: Nechako River from Kenney Dam to Vanderhoof" (ex. #520); document by P.A. Slaney entitled "In-Stream Engineering of Fish Habitat Structures in a Large Regulated Central B.C. River" (ex. #521); document by P .A. Slaney et. al. entitled "Debris Structure Placements and Whole-River Fertilization For Salmon ids in a Large Regulated Stream in B.C.", dated 1991 (ex. #522); and a "Submission by H. Brooks" (ex. #531).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 442-464 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: a "Memorandum from Assistant Deputy Ministers to Deputy Minister of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Funding Requirements Resulting from Alcan Agreement", dated December 15, 1987 (ex. #442); document by L. Jaremovic and D. Rowland of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Compilation and Analysis of Nechako River Spawning Escapement and Carcass Recovery Data 1983 to 1986", dated January, 1987 (ex. #443a); article by R.W. Kraft of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Investigations of the Effect of the Power Development on Fisheries" (ex. #444); "Memorandum from J.P. Tuyttens of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to T. Taylor, Regional Supervisor of Fisheries, regarding Kenney Dam Closure and Observations Following Same", dated November 10, 1952 (ex. #445); "Memorandum from C. Clarke to R. Bell-Irving of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Expert Reports for Nechako Court Action - Temperature Requirements for Juvenile Chinook Salmon, dated May 29, 1986 (ex. #446); "Memorandum from J.G. Stockner and K. Shortreed to S. Samis, regarding Volume 21 - Water Quality", dated September 26, 1984 (ex. #450); document by S.A. McFarlane entitled "Utilization of the Nechako River by Chinook Salmon" by S.A. McFarlane (ex. #452); "Memorandum from P.S. Chamut to P. Asselin, regarding Nechako Steering Committee Meeting", dated January 31, 1990 (ex. #455); "Memorandum from R. Bell-Irving to C.L. Dominy, regarding Minister's Request for Technical Briefing", dated May 27, 1987 (ex. #457); "Document on Salmon Streams by Fishery Officers - Nechako and Stellako Rivers" (ex. #458); "Minutes of Technical Discussions of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans at Yellow Point, Vancouver Island, regarding Nechako River Flows", dated April 23, 1987 (ex. #461); "Memorandum from Director General of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to P. Asselin, regarding Migratory Bird Sanctuary - Nechako River", dated September 9, 1987 (ex. #462); document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Application of the EARP Guidelines to the Kemano Completion Project" (ex. #463); and "Tapes of the Minimum and Maximum Daily Water Temperatures of the Nechako River at Finmoore and Stuart River Above Nechako River from 1988 to 1993" (ex. #464).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 426-439 provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: a document by S.G. Hinch et. al. entitled "Potential Effects of Climate Change on Biomass of Adult Fraser River Sockeye Salmon" (ex. #426); "Memorandum from C. D. Levings to M. Fretwell, regarding Nechako Court Action - Possible Remedial Measures to Maintain Productivity at Low Flows", dated July 15, 1987 (ex. #427a); letter from W.J. Rich of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. to J.H.C. Walker, dated October 5, 1993, and document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Nechako Reservoir Kemano Project: Release to the Cheslatta River Summary Report", dated October, 1992 (ex. #428); table entitled "Pre-spawning Mortality in Nechako River Sockeye 1950 to 1993" (ex. #430); document by P. Gilhousen of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Pre-Spawning Mortalities of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River System and Possible Causal Factors", dated 1990 (ex. #431); "Expert Report of I.V. Williams, regarding Water Temperatures in the Nechako River" (ex. 432); "Memorandum from D. Alderdice et. al. of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to G. Ennis, regarding their Position on Nechako River Flows", dated February 13, 1986 (ex. #433); "Various Expert Witness Reports of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans" (ex. 437a-j); and an article by J. Winton and R. Hilborn from the North American Journal of Fisheries Management entitled "Lessons from Supplementation of Chinook Salmon in B.C.", dated February 1994 (ex. #439).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 412-425 provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: "Hard Copy of Overheads of Dr. M.J. Bradford" (ex. #412); "Additional Hard Copy of Overheads of Dr. M.J. Bradford" (ex. #412a); article by Dr. M.A. Henderson et. al. from Geo Journal magazine entitled "Probable Consequences of Climate Change on Freshwater Production of Adams River Sockeye Salmon", dated 1992 (ex. #414); Document by M.S. Henderson and A.J. Cass entitled "Effect of Smolt Size on Smolt-to-Adult Survival for Chilko Lake Sockeye Salmon", dated May 22 1990 (ex. #415); "Hard Copy of Overheads of I. Williams" (ex. #416); "Notes of Jenkins, regarding Nechako River Working Group" (ex. #417); table entitled "Escapements of Chinook Salmon to the Fraser River, Data from Fairwell et. al. 1987" (ex. #418); "Hard Copy of Overheads of P. Saxvik" (ex. #420); document by P. Saxvik entitled "Fraser River Canyon Fish Passage Summary Report (June 1988) Updated October 1989" (ex. #421); document by P. Saxvik entitled "Temperatures in the Nechako River'', dated March, 1994 (ex. #423); "Hard Copy of Overheads of M. Healey" (ex. #424); and a document by S.G. Hinch et. al. entitled "Climate Change and Ocean Energetics of Fraser River Sockeye" (ex. #425).

          BCUC Exhibits #400-409
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 400-409 provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: "Notes of M. Healey of Strangway Working Group" (ex. #400); Flow Graph entitled "Framework to Achieve Nechako System Chinook Production Goal" (ex. #401); article by C.M. Tarzwell from American Fisheries Society Journal entitled "Experimental Evidence on the Value of Trout Stream Improvement in Michigan" (ex. #402); article by C.M. Tarzwell from Third North American Wildlife Conference entitled "An Evaluation of the Methods and Results of Stream Improvement in the Southwest" (ex. #403); article by R.I. Hunt from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society entitled "A Long-Term Evaluation of Trout Habitat Development and Its Relation to Improving Management-Related Research", dated May, 1970 (ex. #404); document by R. House of the Bureau of Land Management in Salem, Oregon entitled "Evaluation of Improvement Techniques for Salmonid Spawning" (ex. #405); document by J.P. West entitled "Enhancement of Salmon and Steelhead Spawning and Rearing Conditions in the Scott and Salmon Rivers, California" (ex. #406); document by J.W. Anderson et. al. entitled "Design, Placement and Fish Use of lnstream Structures in Southwestern Oregon" (ex. #407); document by T.E. Nickelson et. al. entitled "Effectiveness of Selected Stream Improvement Techniques to Create Suitable Summer and Winter Rearing Habitat for Juvenile Coho Salmon in Oregon Coastal Streams", dated March 18, 1991 (ex. #408); and a document by W.R. Meehan entitled "Influences of Forest and Rangeland Management on Salmonid Fishes and Their Habitats", dated 1991 (ex. #409).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 386-399 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: "Memorandum from G.L. Ennis to Distribution, regarding Nechako River Workshop: Notes from November 14 and 15, 1985", dated December 24, 1985 (ex. #386); "Memorandum from H. Mundie to F. Boyd, regarding Preparation for Nechako River Court Action", dated November 4, 1985 (ex. #387); "Memorandum from F.C. Boyd to G. E. Jones, regarding Nechako Court Case and Technical Meeting Preparations", dated December 10, 1985 (ex. #388); "Memorandum from Chief of Habitat Programs to A. Bell-Irving, regarding Reconstruction of Events Leading to Decision by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans in February, 1986, on the Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Case (Nechako Flows Issue)", dated March 5, 1987 (ex. #389); "Memorandum from A. Bell-Irving to Distribution, regarding May 29, 1986 Meeting with Provincial Officials for Nechako River Management Plan", dated May 30, 1986 (ex. #390); "List of Expert Reports of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans" (ex. #391a); document entitled "Alcan Project: Studies Initiated by Fisheries Agencies" (ex. #391b); "Expert Report by Dr. J.H. Mundie for the Nechako River Court Action" (ex. #392); "Memorandum from J.H. Mundie to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako River- Expert Witness Statement", dated July 18, 1986 (ex. #393); "Memorandum from H.J. Mundie to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Involvement in the Nechako River Case, dated February 24, 1987 (ex. #394a); "Nechako Court Case Summary of the Attorney General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney General of B.C." (ex. #397); "Outline of Evidence from the Government of Canada for Phase III: Fisheries", dated March, 1994 (ex. #398); and "Hard Copy of Overheads of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans" (ex. #399).

          BCUC Exhibits #377-385
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 377-385 provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: "Letter from J.R. Haig of Department of Justice to D. McK. Brown and D.M.M. Goldie of Russell and DuMoulin, regarding Attorney General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd.", dated August 20, 1980 (ex. #377); "Terms of Reference by Alcan Joint Technical Committee", dated February 9, 1982 (ex. #378); "Memorandum from L.A. Russell to A. Bell-Irving, regarding Summary of Proceedings of a Workshop on Methodologies for Determining Flows for Fish Maintenance", dated May 28, 1982 (ex. #379); document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper", dated January, 1994 (ex. #380a); errata of document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper", dated February, 1994 (ex. #380b); a document by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Potential Effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon", dated 1983 (ex. #381); "Memorandum from L. Tousignant and J.C. Davis to K.C.C. Stein of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Issues Requiring Corporate Direction", dated October 10, 1984 (ex. #382a); "Memorandum from the Director General of Program Planning to Assistant Deputy
          Ministers, regarding Summary Notes from [their] Meeting on Kemano with Stein, October 25, 1984", dated November 9, 1984 (#ex. 382b); "Memorandum from A. Bell-Irving and W.J. Schouwenburg to Dr. N.W. Faulkner, regarding Future of the Kemano Task Force", dated November 7, 1984 (ex. #383); "Letter from A. Bell-Irving of Department of Fisheries and Oceans to D.H.G. Abelson of Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife, regarding Fisheries Management Plan- Upper Nechako River", dated March 26, 1985 (ex. #384); and "Letter from C.W. Shinners to W.J. Rich of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd., regarding 1985 Injunction Flow, Nechako River", dated April 29, 1985 (ex. #385).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 356-376 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes: graphs entitled "Comparison of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Base Flow Regime and Alcan Smelters and Chemicals ltd.'s Proposed Flow Regime" (ex. #356); "Letter from D. Morton, President of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals ltd. to The Honourable T. Siddon, regarding Attorney General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. and the Province of B.C.", dated July 21, 1987 (ex. #362); "Submission Presented by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Comptroller of Water Rights of B.C. Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C.", dated October 31 , 1949 (ex. #371); Report by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Temperature Changes in the Nechako River and their Effects on the Salmon Populations", dated February 6, 1952 (ex. #373); "Graph of Nechako River Regulated Monthly Flows from 1930 to 1985" (ex. #375); and volume 1 of a document by the Fisheries and Marine Service and the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development", dated February, 1979 (ex. #376).

          BCUC Exhibits #354-355
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of exhibits 354 and 355 provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. Includes a January 1987 document by W.T. Stanbury and I. Vertinsky entitled "Notes on the Analysis of Risk in the DFO-Alcan Case" (ex. #354) and a document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Nechako River, B.C.: Flow Requirements for Fish and Fish Habitat", dated February 10, 1986 (ex. #355).

          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of copies of Exhibits 201a-351 (incomplete) provided for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project and a partial index of the BCUC exhibits. Includes: "1991/92 Budget from Ministry of Environment for Nechako Kemano Completion Project Flow Mitigation/Compensation" (ex. #201a); "Document by D.W. Chapman entitled "Nechako River Flow Regime: A Report to the Court", dated January 27, 1987 (ex. #259); "Amended Statement of Defence to Amended Counterclaim in Number C803064: Attorney-General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C.", dated February 26, 1986 (ex. #280); "Pages 1 and 2 of Memorandum from M. Fretwell to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Court Action - Possible Remedial Measures to Maintain Productivity at Low Flows", dated June 25, 1987 (ex. #291); Article by A.B. Nehring and A.M. Anderson from Rivers magazine entitled "Determination of Population-Limiting Critical Salmonid Habitats in Colorado Streams Using the Physical Habitat Simulation System", dated January 1993 (ex. #301); Article by I. G. Jowett from North American Journal of Fisheries Management magazine entitled "Models of the Abundance of Large Brown Trout in New Zealand Rivers", dated 1992 (ex. #302); "Memorandum from D.L. Deans to A. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Settlement Agreement-Tributary Inflows", dated March 29, 1988 (ex. #314); "Submission by J. Kelly", dated April 27, 1994 (ex. #337); Comments by Dr. P.A. Larkin on the Discussion Paper entitled "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project", dated April 12, 1984 (ex. #339); and "Letter from T.L. Perry of the Sierra Club of Western Canada to Dr. P.A. Larkin", dated December 7, 1983 (ex. #351).

          BCUC Exhibit #490
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of "Hard Copies of Overheads by C.S. Shirvell", which were presented as Exhibit 490 at the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.

          BCUC Exhibit #440
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of a copy of a document regarding a "Summary of Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP)", which was presented as Exhibit 440 at the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.

          BCUC Exhibit #410
          2003. · File · [1994]
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of a copy of "Index of Exhibits for Evidence of D. Deans", which was presented as Exhibit 410 at the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.