- Includes: farming and ranching; agribusiness; horticulture and gardening; agricultural academic research; agricultural professional groups; agricultural cooperatives and organizations; irrigation; agricultural fairs and markets.
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Arts and Culture
- Includes: visual arts; performing arts; literature; artists; cultural institutions; arts and culture related businesses and organizations; cultural events; research and writing pertaining to arts and culture; professional organizations.
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Buildings and Structures
- Includes: buildings; monuments and statues; bridges and trestles; building management; construction.
- DO NOT USE for records pertaining to activities carried out in or on a building or structure, unless the building and the activity are directly related (e.g. hotels).
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Business and Commerce
- Includes: commercial activity involving exchange of commodities or services; retail and service businesses; banking; business owners and operators; business-related associations and chambers of commerce.
- DO NOT USE for not-for-profit enterprises.
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Children and Youth
- Records regarding persons aged 20 or younger
- Records created by children and youth
- Children and youth issues
- Activities, organizations, programs, and events devoted to children and/or youth
- SEE ALSO: Family and Personal Life; Community Life
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- Individuals (eg. journalists, broadcasters, documentary film makers, commercial photographers)
- Communication media (eg. newspapers, magazines, newsletters, radio, television, telephone, cable, documentary film, internet)
- Communication businesses and organizations (eg. advertising, printing, publishing, photofinishing)
- Symbols, logos, and flags
- Professional organizations related to communications
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Community Life
- Municipalities, towns, villages, neighbourhoods, religious and cultural groups, camps, schools, etc.
- Community activities and events
- Groups working for the development or maintenance of events, services and facilities for the community and its promotion
- Community support and charitable organizations
- Community booster and event promotion agencies
- Fraternal organizations
- SEE ALSO: Family and Personal Life; Events and Celebrations
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Cultural Groups
- Includes: individuals and groups working towards preservation of a cultural group or community; activities and events promoting the life and values of cultural groups; initiatives and legislation that promote the existence and participation of diverse ethnic, racial, religious or social groups with the larger community.
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- Activities and structures relating to educational activities
- Individual teachers and educators
- Students of all ages
- Public schools, private schools, and agencies offering training or education
- Vocational training and continuing education
- Regulatory and support organizations for education
- Professional organizations relating to education
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- Includes: environmental issues; nature, wilderness and scenery; climate and weather; environmentalists; environmental organizations and businesses; parks and natural areas; wildlife management; habitat and species protection/recovery; conservation activities.
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Events and Celebrations
- Specific cultural, arts, political, sports, holiday and community events
- Personal events
- Organizations, public agencies and businesses dedicated to planning for events
- Examples: centennials, parades, festivals, fairs, exhibitions, concerts, ceremonies, parties, royal visits, campaigns, weddings, funerals, baptisms, protests and demonstrations
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Exploration, Discovery and Travel
- Travel or exploration for personal, geographical, scientific or mapping reasons
- Expeditions, exploration, adventure, prospecting, guiding
- Individuals and groups involved in exploration or travel (eg. explorers, adventurers, prospectors, guides, outfitters)
- Expedition planning, reports and accounts
- Personal travels for discovery and education (eg. travel diaries)
- Early contact with First Nations
- SEE ALSO: Land, Settlement and Immigration
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Family and Personal Life
- Individuals of all ages and families
- Friendships, personal relationships, home life
- Generational and genealogical records
- Sexuality
- Support and charitable organizations for the private lives of families and individuals
- SEE ALSO: Community Life; Children and Youth; Women
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First Nations
- Individuals and communities of native ancestry
- North American indigenous peoples, Metis and Inuit
- Records pertaining to and created by First Nations individuals, families, bands, agencies
- Government agencies and treaties
- First Nations organizations and businesses
- First Nations schools and education
- Issues pertaining to First Nations peoples or history
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Geographic Features
- Includes both natural and artificial features
- Physical landscape, built landscape
- Urban and industrial landscapes
- Topography
- Site plans
- Boundaries, districts, reserves, parks, sanctuaries, towns, etc.
- NOTE: Mainly but not exclusively pertaining to photographic and cartographic records
- SEE ALSO: Land, Settlement and Immigration
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- Local, municipal, regional, provincial, federal, jurisdictional governments
- Officials (eg. mayors, premiers, MLAs, ministers, civil servants)
- Districts (hospital, improvement, land) and boards (school, health, library, police, etc)
- First nations and tribal governments
- Support organizations (eg. municipal associations)
- Organizations in direct response to government (eg. ratepayers associations)
- Protest against government
- Taxes
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Health and Social Services
- Activities and systems for maintaining individual and community health and wellness that are provided by public, private or community agencies or individuals
- Medical services, hospitals, and clinics
- Social programs and services (eg. youth, seniors, mental illness, maternity, counseling, support)
- Fire and emergency services, disaster relief
- Protective services and emergency support (eg. community watch)--NOT police
- Safety and community health programs and training
- Individuals (eg. doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, counselors, clinicians)
- Health and wellness services offered by charitable groups (eg. meditation, retreats)
- Businesses, professional and support organizations related to health and social services
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- Resource industries (eg. mining, forestry, fishing, etc.)
- Resource industry cooperatives
- Processing, packing and shipping industries
- Construction, ship building
- Salvage companies and operations
- SEE ALSO: Agriculture; Business and Commerce; Transportation and Utilities
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- Labour and union organizations
- Professional associations with labour focus (eg. teachers, nurses)
- Arbitration boards
- Individuals
- Events (eg. strikes)
- Union-associated social groups
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Land, Settlement and Immigration
- Claiming, settling, and moving to a new land
- Land titles, distribution, grants, etc.
- Community and regional settlement patterns
- Land settlement companies
- Land surveys and surveyors
- Real estate companies and activities
- Organizations involved in sponsoring and supporting immigrants
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Law and Justice
- Activities and structures for the administration of law and justice
- Law enforcement (eg. police forces, RCMP, coast guard)
- Courts, prisons, remand centres
- Litigation, arbitration, mediation, restorative justice, reconciliation, settlements
- Administrative and support organizations (eg. police boards)
- Community service programs
- Legislation
- Individuals (eg. lawyers, judges, police officers, bylaw officers, criminals)
- Professional organizations related to law and justice
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- Military service, training and activities
- Military institutions, bases, and sites
- Individuals and organizations (eg. veterans, military personnel, militia, cadets)
- Military vehicles and ships
- Equipment, weapons, uniforms, artifacts
- Legislation
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Natural Resources
- Land, water, minerals, forests, fisheries, soil, oil, and gas
- Energy (eg. hydroelectric, thermal, solar)
- Game management
- Individuals, industries, and businesses related to natural resources
- Regulatory and professional organizations
- SEE ALSO: Business and Commerce; Environment; Industries; Land, Settlement and Immigration
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- Clubs, societies, and associations of all types, except official government functions
- Organizations (eg. agricultural, business, charitable, community, cultural, ethnic, fraternal, labour, military, political, professional, recreational, social, sports)
- Clarify using a second heading where possible
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- Individuals (politicans, campaigners, party members)
- Political parties, campaigns and organizations
- Political theory and study
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- Personal, institutional and organizational relationships between humans and what they regard as holy, sacred or divine
- Churches and denominations
- Religious orders, groups, and organizations
- Non-traditional religious groups and organizations (eg. cults)
- Individuals (ministers, missionaries, members of religious orders, etc.)
- Schools, charities, missions, and hospitals run by religious groups
- Religious theory and study
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Science and Technology
- Study and application of science
- Scientists, researchers, etc.
- Research, research foundations, and institutes
- Technology schools or programs
- Clubs, user groups, and professional organizations related to science and technology
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Sports, Recreation and Leisure
- Physical activity, occupations or amusements for the purpose of wellness, socializing, relaxation, entertainment or competition
- Sports, outdoor recreation, hobbies, games, travel, etc.
- Individuals, organizations, clubs
- Professional and amateur competitors/teams
- Education and training related to sports, recreation and leisure
- Businesses related to sports, recreation and leisure
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Transportation and Utilities
- Act of means of transporting from one place to another
- Act of means of providing water, power, sewage, etc. to communities
- Facilities and infrastructures (eg. harbours, highways, airports, hydroelectric projects)
- Vehicles, rolling stock, aircraft, equipment, ships and boats, ferries
- Accidents (eg. highway crashes, derailments, air crashes, ship wrecks)
- Rescue services (eg. towing, coast guard)
- Businesses and corporations (eg. motor associations)
- Professional organizations and unions
- SEE ALSO: Agriculture; Business and Commerce; Industries; Military
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- History, social, political and cultural situation of women
- Women's issues
- Individuals
- Clubs, societies, and organizations
- Women-only facilities and activities
- Records created by women
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