Natural Resources

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Land, water, minerals, forests, fisheries, soil, oil, and gas
  • Energy (eg. hydroelectric, thermal, solar)
  • Game management
  • Individuals, industries, and businesses related to natural resources
  • Regulatory and professional organizations
  • SEE ALSO: Business and Commerce; Environment; Industries; Land, Settlement and Immigration

Source note(s)

  • MemoryBC Subject Groups

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Natural Resources

      Equivalent terms

      Natural Resources

        Associated terms

        Natural Resources

          6040 Archival description results for Natural Resources

          2012.05.01.03 · File
          Part of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

          File consists of a document entitled "A Summary: History and Progress," which contains an overview of Columbia Cellulose Company's operations, ownership and financing, management staff, progress during 1968, three-year profit plan targets 1969-1971, and general information (magazine reprints, photographs, 1967 annual report, and 1968 interim reports).

          2003. · File · 1987
          Part of Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

          File consists of a photocopy of a New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research article by Irvine et al. entitled "A Test of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Underyearling Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdnerii, in Experimental New Zealand Streams".

          2007.11.3.01 · File · Oct. 2000
          Part of McGregor Model Forest Association fonds

          File consists of a copy of "A User's Guide to Local Level Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management," created by Canada's Model Forest Program through Natural Resources Canada and an accompanying CD-ROM. The guide consists of:IntroductionModel Forests and Local Level IndicatorsWhat Model Forests have AccomplishedActivities of the Model Forest NetworkTrends and Commonalities.the CD-ROM contains all the files in the print User's Guide marked with a CD-ROM symbol as well as many others: the CD-ROM contains HTML files to form the Local Level Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management website, the main website menus consists of:LLI Reports: LLI-specific reports and publications are grouped by model forest.Model Forest Toolbox: Reports are listed under various categories such as User Guides, Data Gathering, State of the Forest Reporting, etc.Contacts: Find out how to contact the Canadian Model Forest Network for more information.Links: Find out what else is happening in LLI at model forests and around the world.

          2011.7 · Collection · 2001-2002

          Collection consists of eight interviews with experts reviewing A Guidebook for Improving Aboriginal Participation in Forest Management Decision-Making, later published with the title The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators by Melanie Karjala, Erin Sherry, and Stephen Dewhurst in 2003. The reviewers were chosen based on their expertise and interest in Aboriginal participation in forest management decision-making. They were asked to provide their opinions on issues related to Aboriginal participation in decision-making processes in BC, as well as feedback on the Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP) Guidebook. Reviewers had the option to make their review confidential resulting in the return or destruction of the interview. Eight of the original twenty-nine interviews are archived in this collection; the remainder are no longer extant.

          The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators can be found:

          2000. · Item · 1965
          Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

          Typed annotation on caption below photograph: "General Superintendent A.C. Beguin receiving 1965 Safety Award for Open Pits and Quarries in British Columbia from Mr. R.B. Bonar, Dept. of Mines and Petroleum Resources." Photograph depicts A.C. Beguin shaking hands with Mr. Bonar as he accepts a large plaque. Counter bar and curtains in background.

          Accounting Ledgers
          2017.7.2.01 · File · 1942-1951
          Part of S. B. Trick Lumber Co. fonds

          File consists of two ledgers recording sales and expenditures. One ledger includes shipping and sales as well as expenditures, including salaries, from Oct. 1944 to June 1951. The other ledger, with "M + T Journal" on the cover, records logging accounts and payroll from Sept. 1942 to Nov. 1950.

          Acquisitions & Investments
          2003.8.1.7 · Subseries · 1963-1986
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Subseries consists of records relating to Noranda's acquisitions and investments. These records were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman at the Noranda Inc. (formerly Noranda Mines) corporate office in Toronto. Primarily includes files regarding various companies Noranda was potentially interested in acquiring. Also includes business proposals, correspondence, and investment fund records.

          Noranda Inc.
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1965-1990
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of market research and competitor analysis for Northwood Pulp and it's renamed successors Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (1972-1998) and Northwood Forest Industries Ltd. (1979-1998). These records were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman during his tenures as the company's President and Director, as well as his Presidency of Northwood Pulp's parent company, Northwood Mills. Includes files pertaining to various individual forest products companies acquired by Northwood and conglomerated under the umbrella of Noranda Mines, and later, Noranda Inc.

          Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.
          Acquisitions and Finance
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1984-1993
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of financial records and documents regarding potential acquisitions for Noranda Forest Inc. These records were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman during his tenures as the company's CEO (1987-1991), Chairman (1987-1993), and Director (1987-1994). Includes files on individual companies that were investigated for acquisition by Noranda Forest Inc. Also contains financial records on investments, tax issues, and the company's public offering.

          Noranda Forest Inc.
          Adam Zimmerman fonds
          2003.8 · Fonds · 1957-1994

          This fonds consits of the administrative and business papers of Mr. Adam Zimmerman during his tenure as a senior level executive with Noranda Inc., Noranda Mines Ltd, and Macmillan Bloedel Ltd., particularly in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia with the majority of these records relating to the senior level operations of these companies. It includes textual records relate to the creation and development of Northwood Pulp & Timber Ltd. in Prince George including all aspects of its regional operations throughout Northcentral BC). The fonds also includes records related to Noranda Inc.’s successful and unsuccessful attempts at business acquisitions in both forestry and mining operations internationally, particularly in Mexico, Brazil, the Netherlands and Tasmania.

          The fonds also contains textual records generated by Zimmerman in his directorship and chairman positions on various forest industry association boards. It includes his notes, general correspondence, minutes, as well as booklets and brochures notably from the Canadian Forest Industries Council, the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, the Forest Sector Advisory Council and other similar industry associations. Much of this material relates to the issue of the softwood lumber dispute and Zimmerman’s involvement in the lobbying efforts regarding Canada/U.S. Free Trade issues and includes bound reports, agreements, and publications as well as correspondence to/from Zimmerman and his handwritten notes within the files. The fonds also includes general business information (annual reports, brochures, publications) pertaining to other Canadian forestry and mining companies.

          The fonds also contains Adam Zimmerman’s speeches and correspondence related to his involvement in numerous charities, foundations and corporate fundraising initiatives with numerous Canadian educational institutions, non-profit societies and federal election campaigns.

          Business records of Noranda Inc. are extensive and include administrative, business, personnel, financial and legal records. Record types include correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, business proposals and meeting notes, merger proposals and notes, prospectuses, board meeting agendas and minutes, annual reports, financial statements, resumes, portfolios, printed brochures, publications and other ephemera related to the business operations of Noranda Inc., Noranda Mines and MacMillan Bloedel [during Noranda Mines take-over of MB] all during Zimmerman’s tenure as Chair and/or CEO. The fonds includes correspondence, financial reports, legal testimony transcripts resulting from the Gaspe Copper Mine labour strike in Quebec in 1957 and the subsequent Gaspe Law Suit of 1960 between Noranda and the United Steel Workers of America. The fonds also includes extensive correspondence between Zimmerman and various levels of government regarding the lobbying of government on forestry policy and correspondence with various environmental lobbying groups in the 1980s including correspondence with well-known environmentalist David Suzuki.

          Subjects include all facets of business operations pertaining to Canadian forestry and mining sectors including labour issues, environmental impacts of industrial developments, industry and effects on the Canadian economy, the free trade debate, the softwood lumber issue etc.

          The fonds provides a detailed archival record of Mr. Zimmerman’s contribution to the building of Noranda Forest in Canada, Northwood Pulp & Timber in BC and Noranda Inc. as a resource-based conglomerate. Many records were utilized by Mr. Zimmerman in the writing of his book, Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway?: reflections from a life in business, (Don Mills, Ontario: Stoddart; Distributed in Canada by General Distribution Services), 1997.

          Zimmerman, Adam
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1964-1987
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of administrative records concerning Northwood Pulp and it's renamed successors Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (1972-1998) and Northwood Forest Industries Ltd. (1979-1998). These records were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman during his tenures as the company's President and Director. Includes general correspondence, Board of Directors meeting materials, annual reports, legal and personnel records, and documents relating to various associations with which Northwood had memberships or relationships.

          Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.
          2003.8.1.2 · Subseries · 1965-1992
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Subseries contains administrative records created and accumulated by Adam Zimmerman at the Noranda Inc. (formerly Noranda Mines) corporate office in Toronto. Includes correspondence, legal records, speeches, reports, and records regarding corporate relations, donations, the Noranda Environmental Committee, marketing, and other administrative matters.

          Noranda Inc.
          2003.8.3.1 · Subseries · 1967-1986
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Subseries consists of administrative records relating to the Noranda Manufacturing Division. Includes correspondence, memoranda, and company reference files.

          Zimmerman, Adam
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1986-1994
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of administrative records for Noranda Forest Inc. These records were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman during his tenures as the company's CEO (1987-1991), Chairman (1987-1993), and Director (1987-1994). Includes general correspondence, the resume of Adam Zimmerman, annual reports, AGM records, human resources documents, and public relations material, among others.

          Noranda Forest Inc.
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1964-1987
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of administrative records created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman in his various roles with Noranda Mines (Comptroller, 1961-1966; Vice President and Comptroller, 1966-1974; Executive Vice President, 1974-1982). Includes correspondence, strategic planning documents, reports, promotional material, meeting documents, and more. Also includes records relating to Noranda Minerals, which was created from a reorganization of some Noranda Mines companies.

          Noranda Mines Ltd.
          2003. · Sub-subseries · 1966-1985
          Part of Adam Zimmerman fonds

          Sub-subseries consists of administrative records concerning Northwood Mills that were created or accumulated by Adam Zimmerman during his tenures as the company's President, Director, and Chairman. Includes general correspondence files and Board of Directors documents. Also includes financial, legal, and personnel records.

          Northwood Mills Ltd.
          2012. · Item · [ca. 1967]
          Part of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

          Attached description: This aerial view of the chip distribution system shows the network of enclosed conveyors which distribute different species of chips to individual piles. Reclaim-pits under these piles pick up chips for transporting to the two Kamyr continuous digesters. The building in the lower right of the picture is the main structure, housing the transfers and screening with the operators on the top floor. A blower system is used to carry chips from the existing Woodroom No. 1 to the piles. In the background, the sulphite and kraft pulping groups of Columbia Cellulose and Skeena Kraft are shown.

          2012. · Item · [ca. 1967]
          Part of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

          Attached description: Both the Columbia Cellulose Sulphite mill and the Skeena Kraft mill are shown in this aerial view. Woodroom No. 2 is shown at the left, and the main buildings of the sulphite mill in center. The right centre area of the picture shows the new 750 t/d Skeena Kraft mill. Skeena Kraft is the largest single-line pulp mill in operation in the world. In the foreground is the fishing village of Port Edward. The Integration of chip manufacturing and power plants provides the mills with common service facilities. Watson Island is approximately 11 miles from the city of Prince Rupert, which now has a population of about 17,000 people.

          Aerial view of Prince Rupert
          2012. · Item · [ca. 1967]
          Part of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

          Attached description: The thriving city of Prince Rupert is shown in this aerial picture. Prince Rupert has been enjoying a construction boom which includes the construction of the $80 million Skeena Kraft mill, hundreds of single-family homes, and hundreds of units in apartments, motels, and hotels. The construction of Skeena Kraft provided the stimulus for a population expansion to over 17,000. The Columbia Cellulose and Skeen a Kraft payrolls account for well over a third of the incomes of the city. Prince Rupert is, along with Terrace, the hub of a new economic region encompassing the Nass and Skeena valley regions.

          2023.2.2.6 · Subseries · 1983-2010
          Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

          During the 1980s, Agriculture Canada pedologists Scott Smith (retired from Summerland Research Station, formerly based in Whitehorse) and Charles Tarnocai (retired from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa) had a large field program which addressed the trends in soil development in the central Yukon. Across this region, particularly between Whitehorse and Dawson City, the land surfaces and surficial deposits vary greatly in age due to the differing extents of glaciations over the past ~2 million years.

          This work built on a pioneering study from the previous decade:
          Foscolos, A.E., N.W. Rutter, and O.L. Hughes. 1977. The use of pedological studies in interpreting the Quaternary history of central Yukon Territory. Bulletin 271. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 48 p.

          Tarnocai and Smith presented their results in two publications:
          C. A. S. Smith, C. Tarnocai, and O. L. Hughes. 1986. Pedological investigations of Pleistocene glacial drift surfaces in the central Yukon. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 40 (1): 29–37.
          Tarnocai, C. and C. A. S. Smith. 1989. Micromorphology and development of some central Yukon paleosols, Canada. Geoderma 45 (2): 145-162.

          Tarnocai and Smith shared the unpublished data and soil samples from this work with Dr. Paul Sanborn, and this resulted in a student project published as:
          Daviel, E., P. Sanborn, C. Tarnocai, and C.A.A. Smith. 2011.Clay mineralogy and chemical properties of argillic horizons in central Yukon paleosols. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91: 83-93.

          Agriculture in Prince George
          2012. · File · 1983-2007
          Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

          File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to historical agriculture in Prince George. Includes material on the Prince George Farmer's Institute; experimental plots surrounding Prince George; farming in areas surrounding Prince George including Pineview, Mud River, and Blackburn; ranching; gardening; and the Prince George Experimental Farm. Includes: "Moose in British Columbia, Canada" an educational pamphlet from the Fish and Wildlife Branch of the Department of Recreation and Conservation in British Columbia.