Image depicts a view of Blackwater in the country near Punchaw, B.C.
Blackwater River, BC
25 Archival description results for Blackwater River, BC
Image depicts Blackwater River, B.C.
Image depicts the Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River.
Image depicts Blackwater River, B.C.
Image depicts a bridge over Blackwater River, with an unknown individual standing on it.
Photograph depicts a view of the Blackwater bridge from downstream. The cabin, house and telegraph poles in the background.
Photograph depicts a view from above the Blackwater telegraph cabin and house. The house has a large fence garden beside, telegraph poles with wires are visible alongside the dirt road. Wood smoke drifts from the house chimney to the sparsely forested area beside.
Photograph depicts a canvas tent and wooden tent frame in the foreground, more canvas tents erected in the background. Two men carry poles on the right, while another man in center photo stands near another pole frame. There is a body of water in the background.
Photograph depicts three men standing on a bridge in the foreground, a cabin and fenced house in the midground, sparsely forested hills in the background. There are telegraph poles with wires between the bridge, cabin and house.
Photograph depicts a body of water surrounded by sparsely forested hills and low mountains.
Photograph depicts the Blackwater bridge and cabin. The forest in the foreground has been roughly cleared.
Photograph depicts a large body of water the shore edged with forest and low hills.
File consists of pamphlets and brochures including:
- "The Ancient Forest: A Walk through British Columbia's Hidden Treasure"
- Northern Silviculture Committee "Research Using the Past to Step into the Future"
- "Jumpingpound Demonstration Forest: A Self-Guided 10 kilometer Discovery Trip"
- "Willow River Demonstration Forest"
- "Roads, Rivers and Trails of the Lower Blackwater River"
- Roads, Rivers and Trails of the Bella Coola Valley"
- "Teapot Mountain Hiking Trail"
- "Bobtail Bluff Hiking Trail"
- "Fort George Canyon: Hiking Trail"
- Northwood informational booklet.
Image depicts a fence in the Blackwater River area in the Chilcotin.
Photograph depicts Hugh Taylor (facing camera) and other unidentified men packing horses and mules in cleared area, trees on hill in background. Animals are gathered around a pile of supplies, and it is believed that a power line crosses the midground. Handwritten annotation on envelope of negative: "Pack train on Blackwater 1902."
Photograph depicts train of mules packing many items through cleared area near the Blackwater River, B.C. Power line, trees and hill in background. Hugh Taylor believed to be present on this journey.