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Archival description
2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Hardwood stand on Lacustrine deposits following severe burn, negligible coniferous understory. 1922 burn N side Eaglet Lake. Aspen with scat Birch +/-20 yrs. +/-6 D.B.H. +/-35'. Understory willow and alder, twin flower R O Dogwood Rose H B Cranberry, scat sorylus, rubus, was A-D S-B site."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "1922 burn Giscome, stand of immature birch 35', 20 yrs, Dom stem 8" D.B.H. Understory Rubus, Rosa, Cornus moss, Aralia Snowverry, Columbine - scat Corylus. Stand originally Douglas fir, Spruce and Balsam. Well drained lacustrine deposits. Potential grazing." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Poor quality Spruce left after diameter cutting. Note insect killed trees and leaning tree. Sparse stocking. Very poor increment. Devils Club site. Silty clay. No post logging regeneration. Continous understory of alder and willow. West Branch, F.E.S. Aleza Lake."

Interview with Krystyna Simpson
2001.35.02 · Dossiê · 2001
Parte de Red Rock Community History Project Collection

File consists of materials resulting from the interview with Krystyna Simpson, conducted as part of the Living Landscapes Red Rock Project. Includes audio cassettes containing the oral history, a transcript of the interview, and a consent form.