Data set consists of lab data for sites Y04-01 to Y04-04. Original data set created in 2004; an update was provided in March 2023 but horizon designations were not updated to be consistent with the paper.
In July 2009, Dr. Paul Sanborn undertook the first soils field research at the Fort Selkirk volcanic field in central Yukon, with helicopter support and funding from the Yukon Geological Survey. This file includes the following data sets gathered from the research:
- Ft Selkirk 110114069.xls [particle size analysis data, CANTEST]
- S1090final.xlsx [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory]
- S1112final.xlsx [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory]
- Ft Selkirk 2009 soils data (updated Sept 15, 2010 and April 10, 2023).xls [consolidated lab data for all 2009 samples]
For July 1-7, 2009, Dr. Paul Sanborn did the first soils field research at the Fort Selkirk volcanic field in central Yukon, with helicopter support and funding from the Yukon Geological Survey.
Initial findings were published in the 2009 edition of Yukon Exploration and Geology, but this paper did not include most of the laboratory data:
Sanborn, P., 2010. Soil reconnaissance of the Fort Selkirk volcanic field, Yukon (115I/13 and 14). In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 2009, K.E. MacFarlane, L.H. Weston and L.R. Blackburn (eds.), Yukon Geological Survey, Whitehorse, Yukon. pp. 293-304. [Note that in Fig. 1, the labels for Camp 1 and Camp 2 on map are transposed; Camp 1 should be to the east of Camp 2.]
The Lost Chicken Mine, a placer gold mine in eastern Alaska, approximately 120 km west of Dawson City, Yukon, is an important fossil locality for the late Pliocene (approximately 2.5 – 3.0 million years ago). A comprehensive account of the stratigraphy and paleontology of this site was given by:
Matthews, J.V., Jr., J.A. Westgate, L. Ovenden, L.D. Carter, and T. Fouch. 2003. Stratigraphy, fossils, and age of sediments at the upper pit of the Lost Chicken gold mine: new information on the late Pliocene environment of east central Alaska. Quaternary Research 60: 9-18.
Dr. Paul Sanborn visited the site on July 20, 2004, as part of a group led by Duane Froese (Professor, University of Alberta). The group concentrated on a single exposure (~ 2 m thick) straddling the Lost Chicken tephra, a volcanic ash bed (2.9 ± 0.4 myr) which is a major stratigraphic marker at the site. Sanborn described, photographed, and sampled this exposure, and obtained a basic set of characterization data. Intact samples were collected but thin sections were never produced.
In July 2009, Dr. Paul Sanborn undertook the first soils field research at the Fort Selkirk volcanic field in central Yukon, with helicopter support and funding from the Yukon Geological Survey. This document is a complete transcription of field notes, with
soil and site photographs.
This external hard drive contains back-up files from Gary Runka and Joan Sawicki's computers. The digital files consist of personal, professional, and business records. Includes textual documents (PDF and Word format), spreadsheets (Excel), digital images (JPEG), and email backup files.
Drawing depicts visual notes taken at the 2020 Public Health Summer Institute with the theme "Think Globally, Act Locally: Public Health and the Anthropocene". Themes related to the COVID-19 pandemic are depicted.
Fonds consists of the research and professorial records of Dr. Joselito Arocena, a founding faculty member of UNBC. Arocena was an internationally-recognized soil scientist and UNBC’s first Canada Research Chair. His records demonstrate his accomplishments as an academic and researcher, as well as his many and varied interdisciplinary research endeavours. Also included are selections from Arocena’s extensive photographic slide collection which illustrate his teaching, research projects, and personal interests.
Sin títuloThe David Davies Railway Collection encompasses all facets of railway history specifically in the province of British Columbia and the Yukon territory. The collection consists of research material accumulated over the course of more than fifty years, and includes monographs, periodicals, articles, clippings, railway timetables, photographs, maps and plans, and excerpts. Material covers public, tourist, and private (industrial) railways, including: CPR, KVR, E&N; CNR, CNoR, GTPR; and PGER, BCR. The collection excludes material regarding streetcar systems and rapid transit, but includes long distance electric interurbans.
This fonds illustrates the writing career of Canadian author Ann Walsh. Types of records included in this fonds include: published and unpublished short stories, manuscripts, correspondence, grant applications, photographs, audio and video recordings, contracts, book reviews, plotting notes, speaking notes, promotional materials and workshop materials.
Sin títuloPhotograph depicts a steam locomotive pulling 1 railroad car.
Photograph depicts a steam locomotive in action. There are snowy fields in the foreground and mountains in the background.
Photograph depicts steam locomotive # 163
Photograph depicts 2 steam locomotives approaching, three tracks, and a switch in the foreground, trees in the background.
Photograph depicts a train on a wooden trestle. The track is above and inlet with a steep rock cliff between the ocean and the tracks.
Photograph depicts the last car on a train. One man is standing on a step, there is an outdoor viewing deck at the end of this railroad car.
This document is an unpublished draft manuscript of a Northern British Columbia history annotated bibliography. The document is based overwhelmingly on research into secondary sources published prior to 2016; more recent sources are not included. The annotated bibliography includes the following sections:
- Historiography
- Settlement Histories
- Alexander Begg's History of British Columbia
- R.E. Gosnell
- E.O.S. Scholefield
- Regional History
- New Histories
- Environment
- Northern History
- Ancient History
- Bibliography
Item is a draft of "B.C. Hydro Proposed 287 kV Transmission Line - Kitimat to Terrace - Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Fish and Wildlife Values" by Grant Hazelwood. Also includes accompanying print pages for a 2015 BC Hydro powerpoint slideshow regarding the Terrace to Kitimat Transmission Project (TKTP).
The Kluane Lake area of SW Yukon was a continuing focus of Dr. Paul Sanborn's research for more than a decade, and generated several productive collaborations. Key themes included biological soil crusts in boreal grasslands, and interactions between aeolian sediment deposition, slope processes, and fire in boreal grassland and forest soils.
Research results appeared in these publications:
Marsh, J., Nouvet, S., Sanborn, P., and Coxson, D. 2006. Composition and function of biological soil crust communities along topographic gradients in grasslands of central interior British Columbia (Chilcotin) and southwestern Yukon (Kluane). Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 717-736.
Pautler, B.G., Reichart, G.-J., Sanborn, P.T., Simpson, M.J., and Weijers, J.W.H. 2014. Comparison of soil derived tetraether membrane lipid distributions and plant-wax δD compositions for reconstruction of Canadian Arctic temperatures. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 404: 78-88.
Sanborn, P. and A.J.T. Jull. 2010. Loess, bioturbation, fire, and pedogenesis in a boreal forest – grassland mosaic, Yukon Territory, Canada. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 1 – 6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia.
The 2003 field work with Darwyn Coxson was a pilot study to assess the types and distribution of biological soil crusts in boreal grasslands in the Kluane Lake area. Eight sites were visited at which the team sampled the crust and the uppermost A horizon immediately underneath it. Note that site numbers Y03-03, -04, -05, -06, -07, -09, -10 and -12 were indicated as sites 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12 in Table 1 of Marsh et al. (2006). Additional crust sampling was conducted at two additional sites (“Peninsula”, “Silver City”) in 2004; details of sampling methods and site locations are in Marsh et al. (2006).
Results from 2009 field work were presented in Sanborn and Jull (2010), along with soil charcoal radiocarbon dates from 2003-2008 sampling which were used to reconstruct fire history in the Kluane Lake area. The 2003 (a single site at Silver City), 2004, and 2008 field work consisted of a reconnaissance of grassland and forest sites across a range of aspects and slope positions in order to recover buried soil charcoal.
File consists of the following data sets:
- Kluane crust Min N (2003) S671FINL.xls [mineralizable nitrogen for biological soil crusts & upper mineral soil, 2003 samples]
- Kluane Crust samples (2004) moisture contents.xls [moisture content of air-dry 2004 crust samples from Peninsula & Silver City sites; sampling procedures & locations in Marsh et al. (20060]
- Kluane Soil Crusts (2004) chemical analyses.xls [consolidated file of chemical data for 2004 crust samples from Peninsula & Silver City sites]
- Kluane 2003 soil & crust 15N data.xls [15N natural abundance, total N, organic & inorganic C for 2003 crust & upper mineral soil samples]
- Kluane 2003 soil data.xlsx [consolidated file of chemical data for 2003 crust and mineral horizon soil samples]
- Kluane Crust 2004 total C & N data.xls
- Kluane AMS dates (2003-2008 charcoal samples).xls [radiocarbon dates from the University of Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab]
- Kluane soil transect - texture data.xls [2009 soil particle size analysis data, with potential lithological breaks highlighted]
- Kluane surveys 2009.xls [topographic surveys for 3 soil transects cutting across eskers along Cultus Bay Rd., SE shore of Kluane L.]
- S1061_1069_Final_Rev1.xls [lab data report from Ministry of Forests Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for 2009 transect samples: total C, inorganic C, & total N]
- 100812003 (annotated) -corrected.xls [2009 transect samples: particle size analysis data report from CANTEST]
- Kluane soil transect - master data file.xls
File consists of a presentation folder containing the Official Report of Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard) from Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Afternoon Sitting (Volume 5, Number 2) which includes a tribute to Gary Runka. Also includes a DVD.
File consists of research material regarding Pacific Great Eastern Railway and BC Rail Dease Lake extension. Predominantly consists of photocopy reproductions, excerpts from books, and clippings from periodicals. Includes the following works: "PGE/BCR: Dease Lake Extension - First 25 Years, 1968 to 1993"; PGE/BCR Dease Lake Branch Progress at end of 1974; "Dease Lake or Bust: BC Rail's Takla Sub, a Socred Mega-Project, Lives On" by Johnson; and "To Alaska or Bust on a Mixed Train: Was BCR's Dease Lake line too late...or too early?" by Patterson and McMillan. Also includes a map of the Dease Lake extension annotated by Davies.
File consists an audio recording of an oral history with Harry Coates recorded by Barbara Coupe.
File consists an audio recording of an oral history with Harry Coates recorded by Barbara Coupe.
File consists of research material regarding Granville Island street railway operations of BC Hydro Railway. Predominantly consists of photocopy reproductions, excerpts from books, and clippings from periodicals. Includes the following works: "The Granville Island Switching Operations of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Railway" by Sochowski and "BCER Granville Island: Extension of Industrial and Interurban Lines within Vancouver City" by Davies.
This fonds illustrates the life and work of G. Gary Runka and his contributions to the province of British Columbia. Gary Runka was the first General Manager of British Columbia's Agricultural Land Commission and helped establish the provincial Agricultural Land Reserve. After transitioning from a government career to private consulting, Runka provided comprehensive professional services through his land consultancy business, G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd., offering land capability and environmental assessments, integrated resource management, land and water use conflict resolution, and interdisciplinary land use planning. Described by colleagues as one of BC's most highly respected agrologists and influential land use planners, Runka had a 52-year career working on (or against) an incredible number of landmark projects in British Columbia, such as the Site C Project. Gary Runka’s partner in life and vocation, Joan M. Sawicki, worked with Gary on many of these projects—as well as her own; her contributions are also represented throughout the records of this fonds.
Gary Runka's deep connection to the land is evident from his earliest papers on aerial photo interpretation, his work with the Canada Land Inventory, through his speeches and his work establishing the BC Agricultural Land Reserve and in his subsequent consulting career through G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. Gary Runka's influence and legacy was recognized in the tributes paid after his death, including the post-humus award as the Real Estate Foundation's "Land Champion" for 2014.
The G. Gary Runka fonds has been divided into the following nine series:
1) Personal Records
2) Speeches & Publications
3) Professional Records
4) Agricultural Land Commission
5) Land Sense Ltd.
6) Client Files
7) Maps
8) Photographs
9) Digital Records
File consists of documents relating to the construction of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway (PGE), which predominantly consist of photocopy reproductions, excerpts from books, and clippings from periodicals. Includes a chronology of the history of PGE, a list of sub-contractors who completed the Squamish sub-division, "PGE/BCR: Dease Lake Extension First 25 Years, 1968 to 1993", and "P.G.E.R. 1914 to 1923: Progressive Dates of Commencement of Passenger Service".
Photograph depicts Cayla Runka, Gary Runka, and Shaundehl Runka.
Photograph depicts Gary Runka hiking on Southern Vancouver Island.
File consists of maps of the Pacific Great Eastern (PGE) and BC Rail (BCR) trackage in British Columbia, which consist of photocopy reproductions and hand drawn works by Davies. Includes maps of PGE/BCR track in various B.C. cities (Fort St. John, Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Squamish, 100 Mile House, Lillooet, Fort Nelson, Williams Lake, West Vancouver, Quesnel); maps of PGE/BCR track at various times (1973, 1986); and maps of the Dease Lake extension.
Forest soil sulphur research was a continuing interest for Dr. Paul Sanborn for more than 30 years, beginning at UBC in the mid-1980s when he took a graduate course in Forest Soils from Dr. Tim Ballard. Among the things that he learned was that soils in much of BC were deficient in sulphur (S). Simultaneously, he became aware of the large amount of research on prescribed fire in BC forests, with broadcast burning being the main method of site preparation across much of the province at that time.
Sanborn undertook various projects in this area of research:
- UBC Postdoctoral Project on effects of prescribed fire on sulphur in forest soils (1988-90)
- Cluculz retrospective study (E.P. 886.10) with the BC Ministry of Forests and UNBC
- Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) with the BC Ministry of Forests and UNBC
Photograph depicts Gary Runka and Joan Sawicki on a BC central coast beach.
Document is a research installation layout map for the Kenneth Creek site of the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15).
With the assistance of the Yukon Geological Survey, Dr. Paul Sanborn was able to visit the terminus of the Klutlan Glacier, a major outlet glacier which originates in the Alaska portion of the St. Elias Mountains. The stagnant terminus has a thick cover of debris, including a large component of White River tephra, providing enough soil material to support a boreal forest. Field work occurred on July 8, 2007, and results were published as:
Sanborn, P. 2010. Soil formation on supraglacial tephra deposits, Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90: 611-618.
Data sets for the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) include:
- 03-095 UNBC PS-For.xls Particle size analyses (Kenneth Creek 0-20 & 20-40 cm)
- 03-096 UNBC PS-For.xls Particle size analyses (Holy Cross 0-20 & 20-40 cm)
- 082037.xls XRF elemental analysis (Holy Cross pedon)
- 082038.xls XRF elemental analysis (Kenneth Creek pedon)
- 084996.xlsx XRF elemental analysis (HC & KC parent materials)
- EP 886 15 S isotope data (2001-2005) - foliage_completed (Feb 18).xls Pine foliage d34S (total S & total SO4-S)
- EP 886.15 2003 Foliage & Soil Chemistry Summary.xls
- EP 886.15 Foliar Analyses (selected) 2001-2006.xls Total N & S, SO4-S
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross & Kenneth Creek 2005 foliage.xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross & Kenneth Creek 2006 foliage.xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 FH (S516FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Foliage (T727FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Litter (S515FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S507FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2002 Foliage (T785FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 FH (S642FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Foliage (T836FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Litter (S641FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S643FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 FH (S702FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Foliage (T904FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Litter (S701FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S703FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 FH (S521FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Foliage (T727FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Litter (S520FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S508FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S509FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2002 Foliage (T785FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 FH (S645FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Foliage (T837FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Litter (S644FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S646FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S647FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 FH (S705FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Foliage (T905FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Litter (S704FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S706FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S707FINL).xls
- EP 886.15 Sample Inventory.xls Listing of MoF Lab Job No.'s
- Fertilizer March 2003.xls d34S data for commercial fertilizer S sources
- hc_2002.xls Initial (2002) pine tree measurement data - Holy Cross
- kc_2002.xls Initial (2002) pine tree measurement data - Kenneth Creek
Document is a research installation layout map for the Holy Cross Creek site of the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15).
During the 1980s, Agriculture Canada pedologists Scott Smith (retired from Summerland Research Station, formerly based in Whitehorse) and Charles Tarnocai (retired from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa) had a large field program which addressed the trends in soil development in the central Yukon. Across this region, particularly between Whitehorse and Dawson City, the land surfaces and surficial deposits vary greatly in age due to the differing extents of glaciations over the past ~2 million years.
This work built on a pioneering study from the previous decade:
Foscolos, A.E., N.W. Rutter, and O.L. Hughes. 1977. The use of pedological studies in interpreting the Quaternary history of central Yukon Territory. Bulletin 271. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 48 p.
Tarnocai and Smith presented their results in two publications:
C. A. S. Smith, C. Tarnocai, and O. L. Hughes. 1986. Pedological investigations of Pleistocene glacial drift surfaces in the central Yukon. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 40 (1): 29–37.
Tarnocai, C. and C. A. S. Smith. 1989. Micromorphology and development of some central Yukon paleosols, Canada. Geoderma 45 (2): 145-162.
Tarnocai and Smith shared the unpublished data and soil samples from this work with Dr. Paul Sanborn, and this resulted in a student project published as:
Daviel, E., P. Sanborn, C. Tarnocai, and C.A.A. Smith. 2011.Clay mineralogy and chemical properties of argillic horizons in central Yukon paleosols. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91: 83-93.
This data set consists of elemental analysis data for selected B horizons from Wounded Moose paleosols sampled by Tarnocai and Smith. The file includes the original ALS lab report, additional panes showing comparison of replicates, and calculation of a weathering index.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This PDF is a digital version of a poster presented by Sanborn and Jull at the 2009 Canadian Quaternary Association conference, Simon Fraser University.
Photograph depicts a Kluane Lake transect 1 location.
Photograph depicts a Kluane Lake transect 1 location.