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2007.17.3.8 · Item · [192-?]
Parte de James Joseph Claxton Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts two rows of men in military uniform being given a briefing by a man in the foreground of the image. Typed annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Briefing the Auxiliaries: General Crozier, officer commanding the Auxiliary Division of the R.I.C., giving some of his men a briefing. The photographer who took this picture and the one above had to hide his camera behind a bystander’s back since her would have been arrested if he had been seen.”

2007.17.3.3 · Item · [192-?]
Parte de James Joseph Claxton Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts five men in top hats and overcoats greeting several men in military uniform. Typed annotation on recto of photograph states: "Ministers and their agents: Lloyd George receives men of the Royal Irish Constabulary and reviews a parade of Auxiliaries in Downing Street. With him are Sir Hamar Greenwood and Mr. Bonar Law."

2007.17.3.6 · Item · [192-?]
Parte de James Joseph Claxton Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts an overview of a large formation of Royal Irish Constabulary constables lined up for inspection by the Director General in the courtyard of Garda Headquarters, "The Depot," located in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland. Typed annotation on recto of photograph states: "The Royal Irish Constabulary"

2007.17.3.10 · Item · [192-?]
Parte de James Joseph Claxton Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts Brigadier-General H.W. Higginson in conversation with a Royal Irish Constabulary sergeant. Typed annotation on recto of photograph reads: “Brigadier-General H.W. Higginson, commanding 17th Infantry Brigade, talking to a sergeant R.I.C. at Ballinhassig R.I.C. barrack. Note the heavy barbed-wire on either side of the path to the front-door.”

Hand car
2002. · Item · [192-?]
Parte de Prince George Railway & Forestry Museum Collection

Photo depicts two men on a hand car: handwritten descriptor with photo reads: "Hand car photo, Chicken Lake (now Lake Kathlyn just west of Smithers on CN mainline; was the Grand Trunk Pacific ice house. Sunday March 14th, 19__."

2007.17.3.15 · Item · [194-?]
Parte de James Joseph Claxton Photograph Collection

Photograph states the Canadian Army in uniform standing in rows in a field reading a lesson. Typed annotation on recto of photograph states: “Canadian army in Holland and Germany: First Canadian Army reading the lesson at an impressive Victory service near Enshede, Holland” It is believed this image along with text noted above was published on p. 197 of "Canada’s Weekly."

Manager's Progress Photographs
2000. · Dossiê · [195-]
Parte de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

This file contains photograph from early construction of Cassiar Mine and townsite. Photographs were stapled to inter-office correspondence paper and sent with pages of photo descriptions. Photographs have been removed and rehoused, maintaining original order.

Armistice Day 1914 – 1918
2000.21.1.16 · Item · [196?]
Parte de Jack Carbutt Collection

Item is an audio recording of music entitled "Armistice Day 1914-1918" used by Jack Carbutt for his Remembrance Day radio broadcasts. Accompanying note signifies music provided to Carbutt by Bill Ward.

2002. · Item · [197-?]
Parte de Prince George Railway & Forestry Museum Collection

Photograph depicts an Arch-logging truck dragging a large load of logs, uphill on a snowy road. Notes on envelope read: " Arch-logging truck, Barney Creek, Summit Lake east of Highway 97. Maximum negotiable grade1/2 % up to 3/4 % for short distances (100 yards)." The truck in this image is a 1962 Pacific model SUD-A serial number T6261-192, purchased by Church Sawmills of McGregor River, BC. The truck was delivered October 16, 1962 came equipped with a Cummins NH250 engine, 5 speed main transmission and 4 speed auxiliary with power tower (for running the winch on the arch).

2000. · Dossiê · [197-?]
Parte de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photographs of asbestos milling in Welshpool, Australia. Collection depicts the mazza machine, mixing plant, beam rollers, paper machine, asbestos feeder, asbestos store house, asbestos transport, bower separator, laboratory equipment, curling box rollers, pipe turning lathe, pipe flexural tester and pipe coupling multi parter.

Arch truck logging
2002. · Item · [197-?]
Parte de Prince George Railway & Forestry Museum Collection

Photograph depicts an Arch logging truck. The truck in this image is a 1962 Pacific model SUD-A serial number T6261-192, purchased by Church Sawmills of McGregor River, BC. The truck was delivered October 16, 1962 came equipped with a Cummins NH250 engine, 5 speed main transmission and 4 speed auxiliary with power tower (for running the winch on the arch).

Wells Hotel
2012. · Item · [197-?]
Parte de J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Image depicts a crowd of people outside the Wells Hotel in Wells, B.C.

A Street in Wells
2012. · Item · [197-?]
Parte de J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Image depicts a street in Wells, B.C. The Sunset Theatre is located on the left of the image, and the Jack O' Clubs Hotel is the building with the green roof on the right. The hotel burned down on February 14th in 1994.