File consists of notes and reproductions relating a 1913 amendment to the Land Act, which is the British Columbia legislation used by the government to transfer land to the public for community, industrial, or business use. The 1913 amendment stated that land would be free to settlers with proof of three years residence or pre-empting unsurveyed or crown land after March 1913. File primarily consists of photocopied newspaper articles discussing the amendment.
Elements area
Scope note(s)
- Travel or exploration for personal, geographical, scientific or mapping reasons
- Expeditions, exploration, adventure, prospecting, guiding
- Individuals and groups involved in exploration or travel (eg. explorers, adventurers, prospectors, guides, outfitters)
- Expedition planning, reports and accounts
- Personal travels for discovery and education (eg. travel diaries)
- Early contact with First Nations
- SEE ALSO: Land, Settlement and Immigration
Source note(s)
- MemoryBC Subject Groups