File consists of various documents including:
- plantation charts at McLeod Lake
- notes on lodgepole pine
- notes entitled "A Sustainable Forest for Tomorrow"
- notes on white spruce
- "B.C. Natural Resources"
- E.P. 966 Post-Planting Ecophysiology on Interior Spruce Handout, 92.07.30 Tour
- "The Rise and Fall of Lodgepole Pine"
- Aleza Lake Research Forest "Historic Timber Sales" map (2013)
- "The Need to Develop a Sustainable Forest"
- "1992 N.S.C. Field Tour" Aleza Lake Research Forest"
- Typed notes entitled "Fifty Years of Practical Research - White Spruce and Lodgepole Pine" consisting of brief point-form notes on white spruce, lodgepole pine, and other species
- "E.P. 972.01 The Biological Effectiveness of Mounding and Herbicide Treatments Handout, 92.07.30 Tour"
- Photocopy of page from Appendix II of EP 668
- Edits to text entitled "Forest Management in BC: Evolve or Die" and accompanying email exchange
- handwritten notes
- photocopied pages from E.P. 786.06 and 859.03 report
- correspondence regarding presentation.