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Northern BC history annotated bibliography
2001.1.085 · Item · 2016
Parte de NBCA Document and Ephemera Collection

This document is an unpublished draft manuscript of a Northern British Columbia history annotated bibliography. The document is based overwhelmingly on research into secondary sources published prior to 2016; more recent sources are not included. The annotated bibliography includes the following sections:

  • Historiography
  • Settlement Histories
  • Alexander Begg's History of British Columbia
  • R.E. Gosnell
  • E.O.S. Scholefield
  • Regional History
  • New Histories
  • Environment
  • Northern History
  • Ancient History
  • Bibliography
Granville Island street railway
2013.6.25.5 · Dossiê/Processo · 2011-2013
Parte de David Davies Railway Collection

File consists of research material regarding Granville Island street railway operations of BC Hydro Railway. Predominantly consists of photocopy reproductions, excerpts from books, and clippings from periodicals. Includes the following works: "The Granville Island Switching Operations of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Railway" by Sochowski and "BCER Granville Island: Extension of Industrial and Interurban Lines within Vancouver City" by Davies.

PGE/BC Rail Dease Lake extension
2013. · Dossiê/Processo · 2010-2013
Parte de David Davies Railway Collection

File consists of research material regarding Pacific Great Eastern Railway and BC Rail Dease Lake extension. Predominantly consists of photocopy reproductions, excerpts from books, and clippings from periodicals. Includes the following works: "PGE/BCR: Dease Lake Extension - First 25 Years, 1968 to 1993"; PGE/BCR Dease Lake Branch Progress at end of 1974; "Dease Lake or Bust: BC Rail's Takla Sub, a Socred Mega-Project, Lives On" by Johnson; and "To Alaska or Bust on a Mixed Train: Was BCR's Dease Lake line too late...or too early?" by Patterson and McMillan. Also includes a map of the Dease Lake extension annotated by Davies.

2023. · Dossiê/Processo · 2010
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This data set consists of elemental analysis data for selected B horizons from Wounded Moose paleosols sampled by Tarnocai and Smith. The file includes the original ALS lab report, additional panes showing comparison of replicates, and calculation of a weathering index.

Fort Selkirk volcanic field soil reconnaissance data
2023. · Dossiê/Processo · 2009-2023, predominant 2009-2010
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

In July 2009, Dr. Paul Sanborn undertook the first soils field research at the Fort Selkirk volcanic field in central Yukon, with helicopter support and funding from the Yukon Geological Survey. This file includes the following data sets gathered from the research:

  • Ft Selkirk 110114069.xls [particle size analysis data, CANTEST]
  • S1090final.xlsx [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory]
  • S1112final.xlsx [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory]
  • Ft Selkirk 2009 soils data (updated Sept 15, 2010 and April 10, 2023).xls [consolidated lab data for all 2009 samples]