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13 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
2019.15 · Collection · Nov. 2019

Growing collection of strike ephemera from students, CUPE staff, and faculty members at UNBC. Collection includes picketing signs, strike buttons, photographs, art, and videos from pickets and UNBC Faculty Association events during the 2015 and 2019 strikes, as well as posters and other ephemera from the UNBC Occupiers group.

2010.7 · Collection · 2010

This collection contains two tapes of interviews by Kent Sedgwick and Megan Heitrich, and one tape by Megan Heitrich alone. Interviews focus primarily upon the Japanese Internment during WWII in the Prince George – Valemount corridor. The interviews are with women who lived near an internment camp during the war, and had some contact with the Japanese men.

The interviewees were selected for having mentioned the Japanese internment in prior interviews: Louisa Mueller and Ruth Cunningham in interviews by the Prince George Oral History Group, and Karlleen Robinson in “A History of Logs and Lumber.” In the Cunningham Interview, Ruth’s daughter Lillian Coulling is also present.

Trelle Morrow Collection
2007.47 · Collection · [2007]

Includes an audiocassette and a CD copy of an interview conducted by Kent Sedgwick with Trelle Morrow on the history of architectural design in Prince George.

Sans titre
George Street Letters collection
2005.12 · Collection · June 2005 - June 2005

The George Street Letters Collection consists of the inaugural issue of "George Street Letters."

2011.7 · Collection · 2001-2002

Collection consists of eight interviews with experts reviewing A Guidebook for Improving Aboriginal Participation in Forest Management Decision-Making, later published with the title The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators by Melanie Karjala, Erin Sherry, and Stephen Dewhurst in 2003. The reviewers were chosen based on their expertise and interest in Aboriginal participation in forest management decision-making. They were asked to provide their opinions on issues related to Aboriginal participation in decision-making processes in BC, as well as feedback on the Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP) Guidebook. Reviewers had the option to make their review confidential resulting in the return or destruction of the interview. Eight of the original twenty-nine interviews are archived in this collection; the remainder are no longer extant.

The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators can be found:

UNBC Commerce Collection
2001.43 · Fonds · 2001 - 2001

Collection consists of 2001 UNBC Commerce Graduating Class yearbook.

2001.35 · Collection · 2001

Collection consists of 17 oral histories, and transcripts generated for the Living Landscapes Red Rock Community History Project and copies of photographs. Recordings by Lorita Doudiet; Doris Holzworth; Torben Lindstrom; John Marcoll; Kate Marcoll; Eric Patterson; Bill and Mary Payne; Tom Payne; John Ryser; Mabel Rutherford; Margaret Shatzko; Krystyna Simpson and Marge Slater.

Sans titre
Aleza Lake Research Forest Society fonds
2006.18 · Fonds · 2001-2019

The Aleza Lake Research Forest Society (ALRFS) records encompass material that was created or collected by the Society over its existence (2001-present). Records created by the ALRFS consist of administrative and operational records, as well as publications from the Society. Collected records include historical records relating to the Aleza Lake Experiment Forest gifted to the Society or its members. These include maps, photographs, reference material, and documents. Members and associates of the ALRFS also documented the history of the forest through the creation of oral history recordings and written histories such as John Revel's "Devil's Club, Black Flies, and Snowshoes".

The fonds includes a significant amount of reproduced archival material about Aleza Lake from other institutions, such as BC Archives, the Canadian Forest Service, and the BC Forest Service. Many of these reproductions were created as part of the 2006 ALRFS Natural Resources History Internship in an effort to compile the history of the research forest.

Also included are cartographic and photographic materials that depict the Aleza Lake Research Forest and surrounding areas.

Carrier Language collection
2004.10 · Collection · c. 2000

Collection consists of a set of 4 Carrier language audio recordings from a UNBC class, a set of 4 audio recordings from the Carrier Language Translation Project, a Carrier dictionary, and Carrier language publications.

Sans titre
Retain 2000 collection
2001.52 · Collection · 2000 - 2000

Collection consists of 1 publication entitled "Retain 2000: Conference Proceedings: Retention in Education Today."

2017.6 · Collection · 1999-2002

The Upper Fraser Historical Geography Project was conducted by UNBC faculty and a team of researchers between 1999 and 2002. The lead researchers were Aileen Espritiu, Gail Fondahl, Greg Halseth, Debra Straussfogel, and Tracy Summerville. The project resulted in the creation of 93 oral history records and their transcripts. Participants included regional forest industry executives, politicians (including former MLA Ray Williston, local mayors and Fraser Fort George Regional District representatives), forest industry workers, and former and contemporary Upper Fraser community residents. The oral histories document the rise, consolidation and demise of the forestry-based settlements along the Upper Fraser River between 1915 and 2000.

Rhys Pugh collection
2002.13 · Collection · 1999

Fonds consists of 2 boxes of audio recordings and 1 binder related to the Oral History Programme Project conducted by Rhys Pugh in the summer of 1999.

Rose Prince collection
2000.29 · Collection · 1998

Collection consists of 1 video recording (VHS) entitled "Uncorrupted : The Story of Rose Prince." The documentary, originally shown on EWTN, asks "Will Rose Prince be British Columbia's First Saint?" Director/Producer Ken Frith travels across British Columbia, Canada on twelve occasions to interview people about Rose Prince. Each journey is recorded as a short travel log showing the environment in which the interviewee lives. In addition, the film records the events taking place at the annual July pilgrimage to her gravesite at Lejac and the fact that miracles are being associated with the use of dirt from Rose's grave.

Nechako River Alliance fonds
2021.03 · Fonds · 1998-2003, 1998-2001 predominant

Fonds consists of textual records relating to the Nechako River Alliance, including grey literature, correspondence, meeting minutes, data, reports, and clippings.

Island Cache Recovery Project Collection
2003.11 · Collection · 1998-2000

Collection consists of material resulting from Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project Collection. Includes oral history interviews of former Island Cache (Cottonwood Island) residents on recording media (cassette and VHS) as well as transcripts of the oral histories. Also includes administrative records for the project and photocopies of background research material used for the project, such as Prince George city records, newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence.

Sans titre
2001.58 · Collection · 1997-1999

Collection consists of oral histories gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's oral history project with the Prince George Metis Elders Society. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral histories on their original cassette tapes.

Sans titre
"It's Still Winter" eJournal Collection
2024.2 · Collection · 1997-2002

This collection encompasses the records of the eJournal "It's Still Winter: A Web Journal of Contemporary Canadian Poetry and Poetics", which was co-published online by College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern British Columbia between 1997 and 2002. The editors of the journal were Don Precosky and Barry McKinnon. The journal published the work of poets from across Canada, but the majority were from northern British Columbia.

The collection contains analogue reproductions of the eJournal issues, drafts and manuscript submissions to the eJournal, and digital records relating to the eJournal (including the website files for the online eJournal).

2014.9 · Pièce · [1996?]

Prince George's Central Interior Radio station CJCI interviewed Mayor John Backhouse about his 25 year career in Prince George at the end of his mayoral term. The interview covers his early career in England, his job at the Prince George Public Library as Chief Librarian, and his activity in Prince George municipal politics.

Nechako Watershed Council fonds
2018.08 · Fonds · 1994-2008

Fonds consists of the records of the Nechako Watershed Council.

Sans titre
1996.7 · Collection · [between 1993 and 1994]

Collection consists of material created or received by the British Columbia Utilities Commission for the Kemano Completion Project Review. This material was copied for reference for the Commissioner of the Kemano Completion Project Review, Dr. Peter Larkin. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, BCUC documents, information requests from the registered participants in the review, submissions to the public review and community hearings from participants, and exhibits submitted for inclusion in the review.

2005.5 · Collection · 1993-

This collection consists a nearly complete collection of issues of the UNBC student newspaper "Over the Edge" dating from its first newsletter type issue from 1993 onwards. This includes the first volume of the bi-monthly complimentary arts magazine "Edge".

Issues contain articles, photographs, letters, and editorials dealing with university life, politics on campus and university events, entertainment and news. As well, local Prince George events and some national and international events pertaining to student life are also included.

Missing issues: v.2 i.5 (Nov. 1995); v.5 i.11 (Feb. 1999); v.9 i.11 (Feb. 2003); v.9 i.12 (Mar. 2003)

UNBC History Video Recordings
1997.3 · Fonds · 1993-01-01 - 1994-12-31

Fonds consists of 26 large-format video recordings entitled "UNBC Updates" related to early history of UNBC; also includes footage of Civic Centre February 1993

Sans titre
McGregor Model Forest Association fonds
2007.11 · Fonds · 1992-2007

Fonds consists of the McGregor Model Forest records documenting the operational history of the model forest from 1992 through 2007. These records document the various functions of the McGregor Model Forest reflected in the four series:

  • 1) Projects and Research consisting of reports, proposals, and project and research materials ranging from 1994 to 2006
  • 2) McGregor Model Forest Association Administration records largely consisting of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from 1993 - 1997; work plans from 1994 - 1997, 2002 - 2003; annual reports from 1995 - 2006; Technical Steering Committee Meeting Minutes from 1993 - 1997
  • 3) Publications by the McGregor Model Forest Association, the Canadian Model Forest Network, Natural Resources Canada, or other forest research organizations
  • 4) Promotional Materials including materials from outreach events such as posters, presentation slides, and ephemera.
Sans titre
Dr. Robin Fisher fonds
2019.9 · Fonds · 1992-2002

This fonds encompasses the academic and administrative career of esteemed Canadian historian Dr. Robin Fisher during his tenure at the University of Northern British Columbia. The records span Dr. Fisher's appointments at UNBC as professor, founding chair of the Department of History, Dean of Arts and Science, and Dean of the College of Arts, Social and Health Sciences.

Series include:

  1. Personal Records relating to Dr. Fisher's various appointments at UNBC
  2. Treaty Advisory records originating from Dr. Fisher's involvement in the Northern Interior Regional Advisory Committee and other treaty process advisory activities
  3. Teaching records relating to the development of Dr. Fisher's undergraduate and graduate courses, primarily in the Department of History
  4. Conferences & Service records relating to conferences attended or organized by Dr. Fisher, as well as activities given in service to the University or the community
Sans titre
UNBC History Audio Recording items
1992.11 · Collection · 1991 - 1991

Fonds consists of 4 audio recordings of interviews related to the opening of the University of Northern British Columbia, including Jean Forsythe, Russ Clinton, John Chapman, and Charlie Lasser. All were interviewed by T. Cattell.

2013.15 · Collection · 1991-2001

Collection consists of various originals, drafts, and photocopies of development planning reports for the Cariboo-Chilcotin region of British Columbia. Many of the reports were authored by the Cariboo Economic Action Forum.

Alain Lefebvre collection
1992.16 · Collection · 12 February 1991

Collection contains a signed Spruce Kings hat, a signed game puck and a letter to Al Lefebvre of UNBC.

June Swanky Parker fonds
2008.11 · Fonds · 1990 - 1991

Fonds consists of a trip diary compiled by Ms. Parker while she was involved in the Bicentennial Exhibition commemorating Alexander Mackenzie's trip along the Nuxalt-Carrier Grease Trail along with the other five members of the "Milltown Six". Diary consists of textual and photographic documentation, as well as, watercolour and pencil sketches.

1992.7 · Fonds · 1989 - 1990

Fonds contains the records of Joanne Hewlett which relate to the Interior University Society. The Interior University Society was incorporated in 1987 after organizational efforts initiated by Tom Steadman, Bryson Stone and Charles McCaffray. The society’s objectives were to promote the establishment of a university in Prince George, B.C., later to be known as the University of Northern British Columbia. The first president of the society was Prince George lawyer W. Murray Sadler. The Society launched a membership campaign in 1987, retained the services of Dr. Urban Dahllof to undertake a feasibility study, and conducted a survey to determine the support level in northern B.C. for a university. In October, 1988, the society’s proposals and studies were presented to the provincial cabinet. In 1989, an Implementation Planning Group was established, chaired by Horst Sander. The planning group completed its study and reported to the government in December of 1989, recommending a full-status university be established in the north.

UNBC History Collection
1993.1 · Collection · 1988-2019

Collection consists textual material, objects, and ephemera related to the history of the University of Northern British Columbia.

Sans titre
Dr. Joselito Arocena fonds
2016.7 · Fonds · 1988-2019

Fonds consists of the research and professorial records of Dr. Joselito Arocena, a founding faculty member of UNBC. Arocena was an internationally-recognized soil scientist and UNBC’s first Canada Research Chair. His records demonstrate his accomplishments as an academic and researcher, as well as his many and varied interdisciplinary research endeavours. Also included are selections from Arocena’s extensive photographic slide collection which illustrate his teaching, research projects, and personal interests.

Sans titre
1992.3 · Fonds · 1987 - 1990

The fonds consists of textual materials pertaining to Ms. Gerdes’ participation in the Interior University Society and the Implementation Planning Group and includes correspondence, meeting minutes, financial documents, handwritten notes, reports, briefs, news releases, a transparency, facsimiles and newspaper clippings.

2015.4 · Collection · 1987-2013, predominant 1996-2013

Fonds consists of records to the Nechako Watershed Council. These records were created and/or accumulated by Dr. Richard Krehbiel, who was a Nechako Watershed Council member.

1992.4 · Fonds · 1987-1988

Fonds consists of the records of W. Murray Sadler which are related to the Interior University Society. The Interior University Society was incorporated in 1987 after organizational efforts initiated by Tom Steadman, Bryson Stone and Charles McCaffray. The society’s objectives were to promote the establishment of a university in Prince George, B.C., later to be known as the University of Northern British Columbia. The first president of the society was Prince George lawyer W. Murray Sadler. The Society launched a membership campaign in 1987, retained the services of Dr. Urban Dahllof to undertake a feasibility study, and conducted a survey to determine the support level in northern B.C. for a university. In October, 1988, the society’s proposals and studies were presented to the provincial cabinet. In 1989, an Implementation Planning Group was established, chaired by Horst Sander. The planning group completed its study and reported to the government in December of 1989, recommending a full-status university be established in the north.

Sans titre
1992.5 · Fonds · 1987 - 1990

The fonds consists of Mr. McMann's records relating to the Interior University Society and the Implementation Planning Group (for the proposed University of Northern British Columbia), including correspondence, minutes, briefs, proposals, and committee and program files. Although a correspondence series was created, correspondence in the form of letters and memos are found in all series.

1992.6 · Fonds · 1987 - 1990

Fonds consists of the records of Francis Asten Howard-Gibbon related to the Interior University Society. The Interior University Society was incorporated in 1987 after organizational efforts initiated by Tom Steadman, Bryson Stone and Charles McCaffray. The society’s objectives were to promote the establishment of a university in Prince George, B.C., later to be known as the University of Northern British Columbia. The first president of the society was Prince George lawyer W. Murray Sadler. The Society launched a membership campaign in 1987, retained the services of Dr. Urban Dahllof to undertake a feasibility study, and conducted a survey to determine the support level in northern B.C. for a university. In October, 1988, the society’s proposals and studies were presented to the provincial cabinet. In 1989, an Implementation Planning Group was established, chaired by Horst Sander. The planning group completed its study and reported to the government in December of 1989, recommending a full-status university be established in the north.

Interior University Society fonds
1992.1 · Fonds · 1987 - 1990

The fonds consists of minutes of executive meetings (1988-1989), Board of Directors meetings (1988-1989), annual general meetings (1988-1989), and a public meeting (1989); administration files including constitution, incorporation documents, and annual financial reports; correspondence, including that of the IUS presidents Elsie Gerdes and W. Murray Sadler and of various IUS committee members, and letters of support; reports, speeches, and records of membership campaigns and various programs of IUS committees; news releases and studies, including briefs to the provincial government; correspondence with the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council relating to the establishment of an Aboriginal Studies Faculty; records and reports of the Implementation Planning Group; clippings; photographs of IUS meetings and activities; and, ephemera.

Board of Governors fonds
2013.1 · Fonds · 1987-2011

Fonds consists of records held by the Board of Governors relating to the history of the University of Northern British Columbia and the operations of its Board of Governors. Includes records relating to the Interior University Society, the Interim Governing Council and its committees, the Prince George Campus Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Endowment Investment Committee. Also includes Board of Governors meeting minutes and financial records.

Sans titre
Jill Singleton Collection
2020.09 · Collection · Aug. 1985

Collection consists of a travel scrapbook created by Jill Singleton documenting a trip to Alaska, Yukon, Haida Gwaii, and northern BC. Includes photographs, ephemera, handwritten notes, pamphlets, issues of local newspapers, and maps.

Harry Weaver collection
2002.21 · Collection · [ca. 1985]

Fonds consists of one copy of a manuscript of Harry Weaver's autobiography and copies of various accompanying records, as well as one black & white copy print photograph depicting the Weaver family.

Sans titre
Dr. Bill Morrison fonds
2013.18 · Fonds · [between 1985 and 2002]

Collection consists of a selection of academic research papers from Bill Morrison. Consists of academic works written by Morrison (often in collaboration with Ken Coates), papers presented at conferences, and background material that related to his research.