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Family Records series
2014.6.1 · Series · 1953-2017
Part of Rustad & Dezell Family fonds

Series consists of records reflecting the activities of the Dezell and Rustad families. Series include mayoral records from Bea and Garvin Dezell when Garvin served as Mayor of Prince George. Series includes materials celebrating Bea Dezell's life created by her family. Series also includes fundraising efforts for the Northern Medical Programs Trust. Finally, series includes a collection of "spruce" dollars and commemorative coins.

2012.13.2.01 · Subseries · 1970-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries includes research material created and collected by Kent Sedgwick relating to the incorporation of the City of Prince George. Topics include the naming of the City of Prince George, city boundaries, the city amalgamation with Fort George and South Fort George, city census records, and mayors of Prince George.

2012.13.2.02 · Subseries · 1941-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries includes research material created and collected by Kent Sedgwick relating to land survey, development, and settlement in Prince George and British Columbia. Land surveys were conducted in British Columbia by surveyors George Dawson, the North Coast Land Company, Alfred R.C. Selwyn, and the Geological Survey of Canada during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. James C. Anderson and engineer J. Gill conducted topographical surveys for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Fort George and the Indian Reserve. Surveyors and land plot companies developed the land for sale to promote settlement in the area. Also includes materials regarding the continued development of the City of Prince George throughout the 20th century. The files primarily consist of newspaper clippings, research notes, and photocopied documents.

2012. · File · [between 1986 and 2011]
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings, notes, and reproductions relating to the promotion, development, and growth of the city of Prince George. Includes the following clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper: "Fur, gold and land" (July 1986) and "How a little community grew" (July 1986). Also includes a "References for Early Prince George" typed and printed document from Kent Sedgwick (1986).

Central Fort George townsite
2012. · File · 1993-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings, notes, and reproductions relating to the Central Fort George townsite. File predominantly includes Kent Sedgwick's handwritten notes regarding land plots and development of Central Fort George. Includes: a map depicting Canadian National Railway plans along Hammond Street and the Fraser River (1936) and "Central Fort George lots" map depicting lot plans for the Central Fort George townsite (reproduced 1990).

J. Kent Sedgwick fonds
2012.13 · Fonds · 1937-2011

This fonds consists of material created and collected by Kent Sedgwick, author, professor, Prince George urban planner, and prominent local historian. This body of records documents Sedgwick’s research interests in the history and geography of the Central Interior of British Columbia. The fonds also reflects his work as a Prince George Senior City Planner, his involvement in local community organizations, and his teaching at the College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern British Columbia.

The fonds includes:
1) Photographs taken by Kent Sedgwick across British Columbia, predominantly in the Central Interior region;
2) Research subject files consisting of original research documentation and collected reference material, predominantly focusing on topics relating to local history, city planning, and geography in the Prince George area and the British Columbia Central Interior;
3) Documentation of Kent Sedgwick’s community involvement, including records created over the course of his work with the Prince George Heritage Commission, , the Alexander Mackenzie Heritage Trail Association, and other local organizations;
4) Writings, publications, and lectures written, edited, or conducted by Kent Sedgwick;
5) Professorial records consisting of lectures and material relating to Sedgwick’s teaching appointments at the College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern British Columbia;
6) Maps collected by Kent Sedgwick covering historical and contemporary British Columbia.

Sedgwick, J. Kent
North Thompson route
2012. · File · 2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of photographs depicting the North Thompson region. Includes photographs of a CN locomotive, an old barn, and Blue River Store. Also includes photographs of Trelle Morrow and Jim Rankin at the Soda Creek Cemetery in 2010.

2012. · File · 1989-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to federal government buildings in Prince George. Includes: "Fw: Info - Prince George Former Post Office - 1294 3rd Avenue" printed email from Trelle Morrow to Kent Sedgwick (27 May 2011); "City of Prince George" typescript letter to Noel O'Beirne from Kent Sedgwick (13 Nov. 1991); "Possible users for federal government building 3rd Avenue/Quebec Street" typescript letter to Alderman Becott from Kent Sedgwick (10 Oct. 1989); "City of Prince George" typescript letter to Dr. Colin Campbell, Director of Heritage Conservation Branch from Kent Sedgwick (5 May 1989); "RE: Municipal Heritage Designation of Federal Government Building" typed letter from Ian Whitbread to Kent Sedgwick (28 Mar. 1991); "Bylaw No. 5538" typescript document from the City of Prince George (3 Apr. 1991); "Public Notice 'Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 5538, 1990'" typescript document from B.C. Williams, City Clerk (1990); "Intersect" typed letter to Kent Sedgwick from Kathy Antonyk (14 Mar. 1994); and "Heritage Conservation in your community..". pamphlet from the Heritage Advisory Committee (1994). Also includes a photograph depicting the old Post Office in Prince George (1990).

2012. · File · 2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of a spiral bound book titled "Hotels, Hoteliers and Liquor Stores: The Story Behind a Prince George Heritage Building" by Kent Sedgwick published by CNC Press (2011). Also includes a typed letter to Allan Wilson, Ramona Rose, and Bob Campbell from Kathy Plett (27 June 2011).

East Line
2012.13.2.17 · Subseries · 1972-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of material collected by Kent Sedgwick for research regarding the communities along the East Line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in Central British Columbia, particularly between Prince George and McBride. These communities and locations include, among others, Shelley, Willow River, Sinclair Mills, Longworth, Dunster, Tete Jaune, Valemount, Mount Robson, and the Yellowhead Pass. Research on these communities was conducted during Kent Sedgwick's involvement in the UNBC-led Upper Fraser Historical Geography Project. The files primarily consist of research notes, audio and transcripts of oral interviews, and photographs of the East Line communities.

Community Involvement
2012.13.3 · Series · 1950-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Series contains material created and collected by Kent Sedgwick over the course of his work with the Prince George Heritage Commission, the Alexander Mackenzie Heritage Trail Association, and other local organizations. The files primarily consist of meeting minutes, typescript documents, and correspondence between Sedgwick and the organizations.

2012.13.3.1 · Subseries · 1950-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries contains material created over the course of Kent Sedgwick’s involvement with the Prince George Heritage Commission between 1978 and 2006. The files include correspondence, meeting minutes, typed documents, and research materials collected for heritage projects. Some of the heritage projects Kent Sedgwick was involved in include the creation of a heritage inventory record, particularly heritage houses; developing L.C. Gunn Park; and creating interpretive signage for historic locations throughout Prince George.

2012. · File · 2002-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes and reproductions relating to Penny. Also includes photographs depicting various areas of Penny (2004).

Prince George street names
2012. · File · 1989-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, reproductions, and letters relating to the street names in Prince George. Includes: "Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names" typescript document; email from Ramona Rose to Kent Sedgwick (8 Dec. 2000); "Future entrance sign on Tyner Boulevard" typescript letter to Mr. Hamer from Ruth Iversen (10 Jan. 1995); "South Fort George gardens plan of subdivision" reproduced map depicting subdivision lots along the Fraser River in Prince George (2011); and "Porter Creek" letter from the Province of British Columbia to Kent Sedgwick (16 May 1989).

Tours of Prince George
2012.13.3.2 · Subseries · 1985-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries contains material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick regarding heritage tours he conducted in Prince George and the East Line communities for various events. The files primarily include notes and photographs used by Sedgwick for these tours. He conducted tours for the Heritage Society of British Columbia, the British Columbia Historical Federation, the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, the Planning Institute of British Columbia, and the Heritage BC Conference. The tours consisted of walking throughout downtown Prince George and recognizing the heritage of the area.

Research Subject Files
2012.13.2 · Series · 1937-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Kent Sedgwick’s research subject files contain original research notes, interviews and oral histories, news clippings, and collected primary and secondary sources. The series also includes both original and reproduction photographs, audio recordings, and maps. The subject files primarily relate to the history, urban planning, and historical geography of the Central Interior of British Columbia, especially Prince George area and the East Line communities over the course of the 20th century. They also include extensive notes on geographic features, landscapes, interpretative trails, architectural history, industrial history, history of Western exploration and land survey, and the First Nations history of the region.

Prince George Areas
2012.13.2.03 · Subseries · 1957-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research regarding various areas within Prince George. These files include material on neighbourhoods and notable areas within the city, as well as the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. Notable areas include the Fort George Canyon, downtown Prince George, and Cottonwood Island. The files primarily contain notes and newspaper clippings relating to the development and history of these areas.

Parks and Outdoor Recreation
2012.13.2.14 · Subseries · 1970-2011
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research regarding parks and outdoor recreation in Prince George. Material on parks includes Fort George Park (renamed to Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park in 2015); Cottonwood Island Park; Connaught Hill; Moore's Meadow; L.C. Gunn Park; the Nechako Cutbanks; Paddlewheel Park; Monkman Provincial Park; Fraser Canyon Park; and Carp Lake. Also includes information on the creation of plaques and monuments, including the Alexander Mackenzie monument; the “Arrival of Steel” CN railway plaque; heritage interpretative signs for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; the Millar addition; and flooding and rivers. The files consists of various pamphlets and correspondence regarding the development of parks and the creation of interpretive materials.

2012. · File · 1997-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings and reproductions of obituaries of Fred J Shearer, a pioneer realtor; Carl Strom; Ronald Joseph Seymour; Stan Carling, former government agent; Sarah Reid, a pioneer resident; Joe Novak, an innovator at Dunkley Lumber; William Jarvie Aitken, a dentist; Ernst Huber; Hartley Fawcett; Gustaf Albert Lund; Ray Williston, previous MLA for the Prince George area; Aberdina Cornelia Nielsen, wife to John Nielsen and instrumental in building the Summit Lake Sawmills; Frank Gordon Hewlett; Roy Wing Yip, a pioneer businessman; Holger Nielsen, one of the cities oldest residents at the time; Monica Marguerite Becott, long time city councillor; Alfred W. Holdner, advocate for senior citizens; Ted Williams, historian; Violet Baxter, historian; Ellen Agnes Garland, pioneer; and other pioneers and prominent figures in Prince George.

2012. · File · 1973-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings, notes, and reproductions relating to the history of Cottonwood Island in Prince George. Includes: "A brief history of cottonwood island" typed draft by Kent Sedgwick (Nov. 2009); "Cottonwood Island area suggestions for street names" typescript document by Kent Sedgwick for the Heritage Advisory Committee; and "Proposal for Cottonwood Island as a park reserve" typescript document by Kent Sedgwick (Aug. 1973). File also includes "Kent Sedgwick - Island Cache / Cottonwood Island" a CD-R containing photographs of the Cottonwood Island and Island Cache area (2009).

2012.13.2.08 · Subseries · 1976-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research relating to museums and historical societies within Prince George. Includes material regarding the Fraser Fort-George Regional Museum, the Exploration Place Museum, the Prince George Railway and Forestry Museum, the Fraser-Nechako Historical Society, the Prince George Oral History Group, and the Prince George Genealogical Society. Also includes publications such as newspapers and calendars created by the museums and societies and various materials regarding activities conducted by the institutions.

2012. · File · 1976-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of letters and notes relating to the grave of Mr. Patterson of the overlanders near the original Fort in Prince George. Includes: "Regent's report" typescript document (3 Feb. 1976); "Letter to the mayor" typescript document to Mayor Backhouse from Maude D. Church (13 June 1991); and "Correspondence" printed emails between Mayor Backhouse and Maude D. Church (June 1991).

2012. · File · 1989-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Knox United Church at 1448 Fifth Avenue, Prince George. Includes: "Knox United Church earns heritage places award" clipped article from Prince George Citizen newspaper (13 Feb. 2010); "City of Prince George" typescript letter from Kent Sedgwick to Heather Seabrooke (8 May 1989); "Response" typescript letter from Heather Seabrook to Kent Sedgwick (12 Sept. 1989); and "Knox Church" typescript document by Kent Sedgwick (7 Mar. 1991). Also includes photographs depicting the interior and exterior of Knox United Church in Prince George (1991).

2012.13.2.18 · Subseries · 1979-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries contains material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research regarding various areas surrounding Prince George. Includes materials on the Crooked River area; Summit Lake; Ferguson Lake; Chief Lake; Salmon Valley; Mud River; Beaverly; Buckwater; Chilako River; Indian Reserve no. 4; Blackburn; Pineview; Stone Creek; Red Rock; Woodpecker; and Hixon. The files primarily consist of research notes and photographs depicting the communities.

2012. · File · 1980-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to railway heritage in British Columbia. Includes: "Heritage West" volume 8 number 3 of Heritage West magazine (1984); "Article to be Published" typescript document by Kent Sedgwick sent to Heritage West (1984); "geography 103 Endako - McBride" typescript document by Allan MacDonald (1980); "BC Rail" special edition of the Prince George Citizen newspaper (May 1987); and "Heritage Cranbrook" promotional booklet (2004).

Works by Kent Sedgwick
2012.13.4 · Series · 1966-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Series consists of material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick in relation to his writings, publications, editorial work, and lectures. The files contain material regarding Kent Sedgwick’s writing and lectures on the Lheidli T’enneh cemetery; his book "Monumental Transformation: The Story of Prince George's National Historic Monument"; his book chapter "Crossing the Divide: Northern Approaches to New Caledonia"; his book "Giscome Chronicle: The rise and demise of a sawmill community in central British Columbia, 1912-1976"; edits done to June Chamberland’s book "From Broadaxe to Clay Chinking: Stories about the Pioneers in and around the Prince George area"; writing for the Prince George Heritage Advisory Committee; and Sedgwick’s MA thesis on the Peyto Glacier. The files primarily consist of notes, correspondence, and completed works.

Buckwater Road
2012. · File · 1981-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Buckwater Road. Also includes photographs depicting various areas and buildings along Buckwater Road (1990-2001).

Prince George Community Life
2012.13.2.06 · Subseries · 1944-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of material collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research relating to community life in Prince George. The files primarily consist of notes and newspaper clippings discussing life in Prince George during the 20th century. Subseries contains material on public services and infrastructure including fire protection, electricity, water towers, policing and jails, and medicine; the history of businesses including Northern Hardware; public events; and recreational activities including hockey, baseball, curling, skiing, tennis, soccer, lacrosse, boxing, horse racing, golfing, and art.

2012. · File · 1991-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to the Fraser-Nechako Historical Society. Includes: "Fraser-Nechako Historical Society" handwritten membership list (11 Jan. 1989); "RE: An Historical Society be formed that answers to the Upper Fraser Region of the Fraser Basin Council" typed note and newsletter from Audrey L'Heureux (21 Aug. 2006); and "Nechako-Fraser Historical Society terms of reference" typed document (18 June 2002).

2012. · File · 1990-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Catholic churches in Prince George. File consists of material on the Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 887 Patricia Boulevard in Prince George; St. Fredricks Catholic Church in Giscome; and St. Joseph's Chapel at 1088 Gillett Street in Prince George. File predominantly includes printed photographs from The Exploration Place Museum database depicting various catholic churches in Prince George; and "St Joseph's Church" printed email from the Prince George Diocese Archives to Kent Sedgwick (17 Mar. 2010). Also includes photographs depicting a house at the address 1705 Fir Street in Prince George (2006).

2012. · File · 1985, 2001-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to George Street in Prince George. Includes various clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper (2001-2010); "Request for information on Wilson Family" printed email from Joan Jarman to Ramona Rose and Kent Sedgwick (21 Feb. 2007); "Official Opening of George Street on City Hall Lawn" article from Prince George Towncenter Business Association (July 1985); and "RE: I.B. Guest" email from Valerie Giles to Kent Sedgwick (7 Nov. 2003).

Prominent Figures
2012.13.2.10 · Subseries · 1970-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Subseries consists of materials collected and created by Kent Sedgwick for research on prominent individuals within Prince George and northern/central British Columbia. These individuals include various photographers, John Warren Meyer, Fannie Kinney, Father Adrien Morice, Henry Spencer Palmer, and Bridget Moran. The files also contain various other obituaries and materials regarding prominent individuals in Prince George.

Giscome research notes
2012.13.4.17 · File · 2002-2010
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes and reproductions relating to Kent Sedgwick's research on Giscome. Includes: "Joe Rositano" typed transcript of an oral interview with Joe Rositano conducted by Dan Watt (14 Apr. 2000). Also includes photographs depicting various buildings in Giscome (2009), and a CD containing photographs depicting the Giscome town plans (2009).

Northern Hardware
2012. · File · 2005-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Northern Hardware in Prince George. Includes the following clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper: "Northern Hardware featured in 1938 trade magazine" (Aug. 2005); "Pioneer, former mayor mourned" (Aug. 2009); and "Moffat's life, career chronicled in new book" (2007).

Mr. PG
2012. · File · 2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings and notes relating to Prince George mascot, Mr. PG. Also includes collectable Mr. P.G. stamps (2009) and various clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper (2009).

Upper Fraser townsite
2012. · File · 1997, 2003-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes and reproductions relating to the Upper Fraser townsite. Includes photographs depicting the Upper Fraser townsite (2003).

2012. · File · 1986-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to the history of businesses within Prince George. Includes the following clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper: "The History of Pastry Chef Bakery" (Nov. 2010); "Sole man" (June 2009); "Celebrating 95 years in Prince George" (Feb. 2006); and "Overwaitea Remembers Famous Green Teapot" (Feb. 1986). Also includes a CKPG Radio special anniversary issue of "Golden waves" and photographs depicting the demolition of Parkwood Mall (8 Apr. 1997).

Bridget Moran
2012. · File · 2001-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes and reproductions relating to Bridget Moran. Includes material regarding "The Prince George Places of Bridget Moran" presented at The Little Rebellion conference by Kent Sedgwick (2002); "The Prince George Places of Bridget Moran" book by Kent Sedgwick (2009); and historical context of Bridget Moran. Includes: "Little Rebellions Bridget Moran Conference" conference schedule booklet (Mar. 2002).

2012. · File · 2000-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of clippings, notes, and reproductions relating to the Bank of Montreal in Prince George. Includes photographs depicting the Caine building and the Bank of Montreal in Prince George (2007-2009).

2012. · File · 2002-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to the Prince George Retired Teachers Association. Includes: "Kent Sedgwick's Information on Rural Schools" typed document by Kent Sedgwick (Feb. 2009); and "Help Save the History of Our Schools" pamphlet prepared by the Prince George Retired Teachers' Education Heritage Committee (Apr. 2004).

2012.13.4.21 · File · 2008-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Kent Sedgwick's book "Giscome Chronicle: The Rise and Demise of a Sawmill Community in Central British Columbia, 1912-1976". Includes various printed email correspondences regarding copies of "Giscome Chronicle"; and "New book explores Giscome's history" clipped article from the Prince George Citizen newspaper (18 Dec. 2008).

Blackburn and Pineview
2012. · File · 2002-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Blackburn and Pineview. Also includes photographs depicting the Blackburn Farm and other various buildings in Blackburn and Pineview (2002-2006).

Chander Suri fonds
1996.8 · Fonds · 1954-2009

This fonds encompasses the planning career of Chander Suri. The head planner for the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George from 1969 to 1977, Chander Suri embarked on numerous community plan projects in the Prince George area. Suri also worked as an independent planning consultant for local businesses and organizations. Chander Suri's records encompass numerous urban and rural projects facilitating population and industry growth within the RDFFG that spanned beyond Suri's career.

Textual records comprise official and draft planning documents, development reports, planning proposals, contracts, published regulations, socio-economic studies of regions near Prince George, financial and other studies for development sites, illustrated promotional packages/proposals for developments, regional/provincial guides and standards, and correspondence relating to Suri's professional consulting activities. The fonds contains a wide array of maps, architectural plans, and technical drawings ranging from municipal planning layouts, industrial land developments, and private property (commercial and residential) development projects, mainly from in and around Prince George.

These records are relevant to researchers of the subjects of land use, land development and land planning issues in the Prince George and Fraser-Fort George Regional District in the second half of the 20th century.

Series include:

  1. Maps and Plans relating to development projects in British Columbia, predominantly in the Prince George area
  2. Lower Mainland Planning material from Suri's early career period
  3. Regional District of Fraser Fort George Planning records and resource material collected by Suri during his employment at the RDFFG
  4. Planning Consultancy records relating to Suri’s independent planning consultancy work in his later career period
Suri, Chander
2012. · File · 2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of printed emails and typed documents relating to Brett & Hall and an exhibit for the National Gallery of Canada. Brett & Hall were landscape architects from Boston, MA who designed the original plan for Prince George, including features such as the Crescents neighbourhood.

Cottonwood Island
2012. · File · 2001-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes and reproductions relating to Cottonwood Island in Prince George, formerly named Island Cache and Foley's Cache. Includes: "A brief history of Cottonwood Island Park" typed document by Kent Sedgwick (Nov. 2009).

2012. · File · 1998-2009
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to electric power in Prince George. Includes the following clipped articles from the Prince George Citizen newspaper: "Lighting controversy a tempest in a light bulb" (Jan. 2009) and "Lighting up the night" (Aug. 2003). Also includes a "Heritage site inventory" typescript document and a photograph depicting the powerhouse in Prince George [before 1999].