Growing collection of strike ephemera from students, CUPE staff, and faculty members at UNBC. Collection includes picketing signs, strike buttons, photographs, art, and videos from pickets and UNBC Faculty Association events during the 2015 and 2019 strikes, as well as posters and other ephemera from the UNBC Occupiers group.
File consists of issues of "In the Loop" UNBC Human Resources newsletter. Includes:
- Issue 2018.1
- Issue 2018.2
- Issue 2019.1
- Issue 2019.2
Series consists of records created and collected after Dr. Joselito Arocena's death on December 20, 2015. Includes information about Arocena's work in China, photographs and video of the unveiling of the Lito Lab, and video recordings and presentation materials from a memorial lecture for Dr. Joselito Arocena by Mike Rutherford, Hugues Massicotte, and Paul Sanborn.
File consists of:
- Keynote speech by Dr. Charles Jago to the Northeast BC Resource Municipalities Coalition in Fort St. John on 25 Nov. 2015
- Speech by Dr. Charles Jago to the Canadian Association of Research Administration Western Canada Branch at UNBC on 4 Dec. 2015
File consists of:
- Program for 6th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (March 2011)
- Program for 8th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (March 2013)
- Program for 9th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (Feb. 2014)
File consists of notes and printed emails relating to the British Columbia Historical Federation.
Videotape contains footage of: 14-Jan-10 - Green Day
Item is a UNBC strategic plan titled: UNBC "The University Plan", 2010.
Videotape contains footage of: Feb-10 - Basketball - 21-Mar-12 - Brian Woolf regarding research in Prophet River
File consists of notes and reproductions relating to a presentation on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway conducted by Kent Sedgwick. Includes a CD titled "GTP Talk" containing a recording of Kent Sedgwick's presentation on the Grand Trunk Pacific (Oct. 2010).
File consists of notes and reproductions relating to a railway article written by Kent Sedgwick entitled "The East Line Section of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in Central British Columbia" (2010).
Videotape contains footage of: 30-Jan-10 - Torch relay at UNBC
File consists of a letter opener gifted from Wenzhou University in China.
Item consists of the panel on "Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests" at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Item consists of second part of the panel on "Looking to the Past to Inform the Future? Forest History within a Contemporary Context" at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Item consists of recording of panels "Forest History in our Communities: Robson Valley and Prince George" and "Exploring our Roots: Forest History Research Methodology" (part 1) at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Item consists of a recording of the panel "From Exploration to Development: Bringing Forest History Forward" (part 2) at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Videotape contains footage of: 22-Jan-09 - New North announcement by Charles Jago
Videotape contains footage of a class trip to the Ancient Forest trail, a nursing class (possibly for the Rural Nursing Certificate program), and an interview with Heidi Mois in the Northern Sport Centre.
Item consists of Harry Gairns address for the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 18, 2009.
File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to an event for writers on the East Line at the Prince George Railway & Forestry Museum. Includes photographs depicting people visiting Giscome, a community on the East Line (2009).
Series consists of 7 mini DVs recording "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 18-19, 2009. Harry Gairns and Mike Apsey spoke and conference panel topics include:
- Looking to the Past to Inform the Future? Forest History within a Contemporary Context
- Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests
- Forestry History in Our Communities: Robson Valley & Prince George
- Exploring Our Roots: Forest History Research Methodology
- From Exploration to Development: Bringing Forest History Forward.
Keynote Address by Mike Apsey and first part of the panel on "Looking to the Past to Inform the Future? Forest History within a Contemporary Context" at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Item consists of a recording of the panels "Exploring our Roots: Forest History Research Methodology" (part 2) and "From Exploration to Development: Bringing Forest History Forward" (part 1) at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
File consists of issues of "The Northern Voice" UNBC Northern Studies Program newsletter. Includes:
- February, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- March, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- May, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- September, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- October, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- December, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
- January, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
- May, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
- September, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
- November, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
- March, 2010 Edition (Print and digital)
- October, 2010 Edition (Print and digital)
- January, 2011 Edition (Print and digital)
- September, 2011 Edition (Print and digital)
- February, 2012 Edition (Print and digital)
- September, 2012 Edition (Print and digital)
- February, 2013 Edition (Print and digital)
- March 2014 Edition (Digital)
- January 2016 Edition (Digital)
- January 2017 Edition (Digital)
- November 2018 Edition (Digital)
- March 2019 Edition (Digital)
Videotape contains footage of: 16-Jan-08 - Greg Halseth class; cold weather; Northern Sport Centre clips with Annika Klopp
Videotape contains footage of: 23-May-08 - Inaugural UNBC and Lheidli T'enneh competition powwow at the Northern Sport Centre (Part 1)
Videotape contains footage of: [May-08?] - Wilp Wilxo'oskwhl Nisga'a graduation ceremony; interview with Ben Spencer Sr.
Videotape contains footage of: 1-Mar-08 - Basketball BC Championships; Taneille Johnson research; waste audit; Green Day
Videotape contains footage of: 8-Mar-08 - Northlink mental health
Videotape contains footage of: 10-May-08 - Graduation of first Northern Medical Program class with Shirley Bond and Charles Jago; NMP class lecture
Videotape contains footage of: 23-May-08 - Inaugural UNBC and Lheidli T'enneh competition powwow at the Northern Sport Centre (Part 2)
Videotape contains footage of: [Sep-08?] - Carrier language program taught at CNC in Burns Lake in collaboration with CNC, UNBC, and Lake Babine Nation
Recording is a television clip called "Medical Students Graduate from UNBC" which was featured on Global BC News Hour on May 11, 2008 with Aaron McArthur.
File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to Kent Sedgwick's book "Giscome Chronicle: The Rise and Demise of a Sawmill Community in Central British Columbia, 1912-1976". Includes various printed email correspondences regarding copies of "Giscome Chronicle"; and "New book explores Giscome's history" clipped article from the Prince George Citizen newspaper (18 Dec. 2008).
File consists of the following issues of the UNBC Learning Skills Centre micropublication zine, "Inked":
- Issue No. 1, Oct. 2008
- Issue No. 2, Nov. 2008
- Issue No. 3, New Years 2009
- Issue No. 4, Feb. 2009
- Issue No. 5, Mar.-Apr. 2009
Item is an original final report from UNBC's first Green Day entitled: "UNBC's 1st Annual Green Day: 'Spring into Green' - Final Report". The final report is a compilation of reports written by the organizers of Green Day, the students of ENVS 325 (Global Environmental Change: Science and Policy).
Videotape contains footage of: 14-Aug-08 - Archaeology dig west of Fort St. James with Prof. Farhid Rahemtulla (Part two)
Videotape contains footage of: 18-Jul-08 - Bioenergy ICE - 14-Aug-08 - Archaeology dig west of Fort St. James with Prof. Farhid Rahemtulla (Part one)
Videotape contains footage of: [9-Sep-08] - Castle Creek Glacier research with Professor Brian Menounos and PhD student Matt Beedle
File consists of notes relating to Kent Sedgwick's guest lecture on historical geography and transportation routes in New Caledonia, including the interior plateau of Central British Columbia. Includes correspondence with James Windsor, the instructor for the course, and Kent Sedgwick's notes for the lecture.
File consists of documents and ephemera from the MOU signing ceremony between UNBC and Takla Lake First Nation on September 17, 2007. Includes:
- Signing Ceremony program
- Signing Ceremony invitation
- Speaking notes for UNBC President Don Cozzetto
- Guest Lists
Videotape contains footage of: 4-May-07 - NCMA; Cozzetto and Colin Kinsley on $2 million dollar Northern Medical Program Trust; Soccer
Videotape contains footage of: 4-May-07 - Canfor and Northern Sport Centre; Dave Snodden and the $2 million dollar donation to the Northern Medical Program Trust - 5-May-07 - Prince George shots for TSN
Videotape contains footage of: 8-Nov-07 - FCM green funding; Sharon Hartwell; Dick Harris; Annie Booth
Videotape contains footage of: 12-Dec-07 - Geneskool; Madeleine Francis; Daniel Erasmus
File consists of:
- Dr. Donald B. Rix BC Leadership Chair in Aboriginal Environmental Health annual activity report for 2007
- Dr. Donald B. Rix BC Leadership Chair in Aboriginal Environmental Health annual activity report for 2008
Videotape contains footage of: 5-Mar-07 - Hanh Hynh diabetes research - 12-Mar-07 - Winter campus
Videotape contains footage of: 3-Apr-07 - Dick Harris health and pine beetle research tour - 17-Apr-07 - Cozzetto regarding the Virginia Tech shooting
Videotape contains footage of: 29-Sep-07 - Ancient Forest trail with Darwyn Coxson and Dave Radies