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2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Part of Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Hardwood stand on Lacustrine deposits following severe burn, negligible coniferous understory. 1922 burn N side Eaglet Lake. Aspen with scat Birch +/-20 yrs. +/-6 D.B.H. +/-35'. Understory willow and alder, twin flower R O Dogwood Rose H B Cranberry, scat sorylus, rubus, was A-D S-B site."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Part of Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "1922 burn Giscome, stand of immature birch 35', 20 yrs, Dom stem 8" D.B.H. Understory Rubus, Rosa, Cornus moss, Aralia Snowverry, Columbine - scat Corylus. Stand originally Douglas fir, Spruce and Balsam. Well drained lacustrine deposits. Potential grazing." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.