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2020. · Dossiê/Processo · [June 1981]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Planning for the Future Agricultural Land Base of Alberta" for Alberta Agriculture Land Use Activities, Edmonton, June 2,1981.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This appears to be a set of preliminary speaking notes - much of it is point form with considerable hand written notes in the margins. It is not known if these notes were ever finalized into the speech given on June 2,1981 or if the speech was simply given using these notes as its basis.

Many of the references are somewhat oblique relating to topical matters in Alberta. While agriculture is the central theme, this speech is focused on Alberta with little or no reference to the BC farmland preservation program.

Several broader themes are considered which are dealt with in other speeches but GGR speaks to the longer term importance of farmland preservation legislation when stating (p. 3):
"b) from my experience, time is demonstrating ever more clearly to me that, for a variety of reasons, legislating land preservation alone can only hold the land resource for so long if the other aspects affecting the food producing industry are not also given attention e.g.:

  • review of regional planning by the ARB
  • costs of production and marketing opportunities
  • gov't priority for ag. related to other prov. resources
  • urban planning - where are the cites going?
  • rural planning - how secure are the rural communities of which agriculture is a part?"
2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Aug. 1980
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of an article written by Gary Runka entitled "Political Realities - Protecting our Dwindling Soil Resource". This was published "Agrologist" magazine (Fall 1980) as "Protecting the soil".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This paper is focused on the importance of soil conservation. It makes the observation that soil erosion is often not recognized until the damage has been done, but it takes even longer for politicians to be aware of the problem and then for this to translate into policy change. It is noted that this is especially a problem given the short term time horizons of politicians. There is a discussion of what jurisdiction is best to deal with protecting the soil resource. It is emphasized that we no longer have the luxury of time."

2007.1.45.49 · Dossiê/Processo · 1929-1958
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains handwritten cross section book, original studies with handwritten measurement charts and black and white photos, loose pages of original correspondence, handwritten diagrams and measurement charts, loose handwritten tally sheets, black and white photographs, hand coloured plot diagrams, photocopies of aerial photographs, and original correspondence for Plot 160.

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Nov. 1978
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Private Land Needs and the BC Agricultural Land Commission Experience" for the Perspectives on Natural Resources Symposium II at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Lindsay, Ontario.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This represents a major, out of province speech. It covers some familiar historic themes concerning the implementation of the BC farmland preservation program but also provides other interesting insights. It includes an informative summary of the land scarcity problem particular to BC.

With the designation of the ALR complete, the much more difficult task is: "... to make the right land-use decisions within the agricultural zone and encourage good land use planning adjacent to it in order to accomplish the stated objectives." This statement clearly establishes the perspective that the ALC is not just focused on land within the ALR but believes its protection mandate extends beyond the bounds of the Reserve.

GGR states that for competing uses there are normally non-agricultural alternatives but: "...the ability and willingness to go in these other directions necessitates a radical change in thinking on the part of governments, private industry, real estate interests, and the general public." Fourteen competing land uses are noted.

It is noted that the ALC Act "...has provided impetus for more formal planning at the local and regional levels..." - a fact all too often missed.

GGR reviews the types of plan policies that will assist the preservation of farmland and support the continued farming of agricultural land.

A number of specific initiatives are noted and mention is made of the urban / rural fringe problems and the work of the Ministry of Agriculture Green Zone Committee. Mention is made of the challenges associated with dealing with conflicts with other provincial and federal agencies.

The paper is summarized with three general approaches to looking at land needs, land uses and resource planning drawn from GGR's personal experience:

  1. Canada can't afford many more mistakes in the area of land resource allocation and making land-use decisions on the basis of the land's inherent natural characteristics is more reliable and sensible than based on the protection of property values and simply accommodating growth pressures;
  2. The ALC has learned that every move in rural planning and every decision in resource management has impact upon agriculture; and
  3. Agricultural land preservation represents a provincial priority and it has identified a direction around which all others can plan.

GGR closes - "In the final analysis, it is the process of planning that is important, the product itself is never quite finalized."

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · [May 1976]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Problems and Solutions: The BC Land Commission Experience" at the Conference on Agricultural Land Preservation in Washington State at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech, written for and delivered to an international audience, reads like an article aimed at providing an historical overview of the first three years of the work of the Land Commission.

While succinct, it also has the quality of a comprehensive overview. Up to this point this is the best item in the collection explaining the background of the legislation, implementation and administrative challenges of the Commission over its first three years of operation.

Given when it was written - at a time when the formative history of the Land Commission was being made and by a person in the very centre of this history who was day-by-day helping to create this history - this is a singularly important document."

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Dec. 1979
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Proposed Hydro Development - Peace River Valley: Some Questions" to the Peace Valley Environmental Association in Dawson Creek. Note that page 3 of the speech appears to be missing.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The speech discusses some broad questions particularly related to the lack of a provincial energy policy, the approval process and varying estimates of future energy needs and alternatives. GGR quotes the position of the ALC of October 1977 and also reviews the legal powers under the ALC Act and ends by outlining several questions he feels the Association has the right to ask and get answers to."

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · [ca. 1969]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Relationship Between A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Ratings and Soil Productivity Ratings".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is a very useful overview of the agricultural capability ratings.

While no mention is of course made in this (circa) 1969 speech to the BC farmland preservation program, its value rests in the importance of the BCLI in the original designation the ALR and its future administration.

For anyone that is or has been involved with the farmland preservation program, this single sentence within the speech, made about 4 or 5 years before the designation of the ALR, provides an important insight into the value of the CLI and its relationship to farmland preservation. "For example. Class 5 soils while restricted in use to pasture or hay can produce very high yields."

Research materials pertaining to the life of Knox McCusker
2008.27.4 · Dossiê/Processo · 1998-2003
Parte de Knox McCusker Collection

File consists of the following materials:

  • Letter to Vernon C. Brink from the National Archives of Canada re: Knox McCusker holdings (March 1, 1999)
  • Photocopy of article: "Living Landscapes: Exploring the wilds of northeaster BC" by Ross Peck and Brian Apland
  • Some materials for an article on Knox McCusker, D.L.S.
  • Material about the life of Knox Freeman McCusker
  • Letter to Mrs. Rutherford (Oct. 5, 1999) re: access to interview of Knox McCusker by Frank Willis
  • Accession information print-out re: interview of Knox McCusker by Frank Willis in 1954
  • National Archives of Canada accession information print-out re: Dominion Land Surveyor Diaries, 1881-1930
  • Mary Henry / Knox McCusker "Team" (April 19, 1998)
  • Letter to Mrs. Rutherford from George Ungar re: background information on Knox McCusker
2006.18.5.18 · Dossiê/Processo · 1974
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest Society fonds

File is a Resource Folio of maps and accompanying information created by Northwood Pulp & Timber regarding Timber Sale Harvesting Licence A01847, Willow River Block, Willow River P.S.Y.U. Includes maps that depict ungulates, waterfowl, recreation areas, special influence areas, and timber types. Most of the sheets have a duplicate, some with very slight variations. The following maps are supposed to be included in the but were missing upon arrival at the Archives: fish & topography, cutting permits & roads, and soils.

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · 28 Jan. 1977
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Resource Use Conflicts - The Fight Over What's Left" at the Canadian Bar Association Winter Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The panel discussion that GGR was participating in was entitled "Resource Use Conflicts - The Fight over What's Left".

GGR makes the point that without legislative steps to preserve agricultural land in BC, what would be left in terms of farmland in not too many years would be "nothing at all". After this reinforcement of the need for the Land Commission Act he explains briefly the designation of the ALRs and comments at length on the different types of applications.

It is explained that the ALR is based upon agricultural capabilities of the land:
"In other words, a soil/climate combination. The ALR is aimed at preserving agricultural land in the long term. Factors, such as parcel size, economic viability, current market conditions, ownership etc. play little or no role in the decision-making process."

In light of a considerable amount of the Commission's workload being focused on the processing of applications GGR remarks that:
"If we are sincere in our attempts to preserve an agricultural land base for future generations of British Columbians, we must regard the ALR as only a first step of many that are needed."

A flow chart is referred to but not included in the package."

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Nov. 1981
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Sharing the Land Resource - 1990 and Beyond" for Symposium: Local Agriculture, 1990 and Beyond (CNC, FAS-UBC & BCMAF) - November 28,1981.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech starts by looking at land philosophically and states (p. 2): "We sometimes need to be reminded that we are borrowing the land resource from the next generation".

The speech includes several important points made with clarity. A few examples include:

  • the need to provide adequate linkages and lines of communication between agencies and different levels of government;
  • while understanding the land is prerequisite to its wise and proper use - we still have incomplete and small scale inventory work available;
  • nature's laws affirm rather than prohibit. If you violate her laws, you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury.... and hangman;
  • do our planning and direct our growth from within the confines of natural systems to take advantage of their attributes and avoid their negative aspects; and
  • we need to not only understand land and water ecosystems but the people complex as well - and a great deal of patience and interdisciplinary compromise is needed.

A number of issues are reviewed:

  1. The agricultural - forestry interface
  2. Urban dreams meet rural realities
  3. The challenge of educating an increasingly urbanized population
  4. Escalating energy costs
  5. The competition for water"
2000. · Dossiê/Processo · [29 August 1989 ?]
Parte de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

File depicts a Caterpillar front end loader. Images show dozens of angles and a number of components including the shovel, the engine, the cab, and the tires. Machine seems to be located in some kind of junkyard. Notes on original photo envelope: "Photos taken by Finning during final inspection."

Signing of the first ALRF Management Plan
2006.18.6.05 · Dossiê/Processo · Jan. 1992
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest Society fonds

File consists of a photograph commemorating the signing of the first Aleza Lake Research Forest Management Plan. Front row, left to right: Ken Pendergast, BC Forest Service Prince George District Manager; Harry Coates, BCFS Forest Research Technician (1957-1993); John Revel, BCFS Silviculture Forester (1960-1993). Back row, left to right: Mike [?], BCFS Prince George Silviculture Manager; Henry Benskin, BCFS Research Branch; Michael Jull, BCFS Research Silviculturist, Prince George Region; Dan Lousier, BCFS Prince George Region Research Section Head; Brian Harding, Northwood Pulp & Timber Ltd. Woodlands Manager.

2023. · Dossiê/Processo · 2009, 2023
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

In July 2009, Dr. Paul Sanborn undertook the first soils field research at the Fort Selkirk volcanic field in central Yukon, with helicopter support and funding from the Yukon Geological Survey. This document is a complete transcription of field notes, with
soil and site photographs.

Stand Development - Aleza Lake
2007.1.60.12 · Dossiê/Processo · 1950
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains typed business correspondence regarding working plans and research projects, small maps displaying locations of sample plots, graphs, and reports on stand development.

2007.1.35.2 · Dossiê/Processo · 1998-2001
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains minutes from Aleza Lake Steering Committee meetings, proposals to assume management of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, research project outlines and timelines, budget summaries, photocopies of management and working plans for 1992 to 2002, and related correspondence between the Steering Committee.

Summary of Plots 101-116
2007.1.45.27 · Dossiê/Processo · 1935
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains handwritten tables and graphs of measurements of plots, photocopied reports, 9 black and white photos, and handwritten notes.

2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Sept. 1979
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "The BC Agricultural Land Preservation Experience" to the Canadian Agricultural Extension Council Conference in Kelowna.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech represents a major paper that reiterates historical themes concerning the legislative initiative, B.C's very limited area available for agricultural production and the designation of the ALR plans.

GGR emphasizes that the main criteria when considering applications under the ALC Act is the soil/climate capability for agriculture. He mentions that the actual designation of the ALR and its subsequent refinement was fairly straight-forward but: "Much more difficult is the task that we are now facing, to make the right land-use decisions within the agricultural zone and encourage good land-use planning adjacent to it in order to accomplish the stated objectives."

GGR remarks that the ALC Act is based on the assumption that there are alternatives to farmland for urban uses and he personally agrees that alternatives do exist in almost all cases but he cautions: "But, the ability and willingness to go in these other directions necessitates a radical change in thinking on the part of governments, private industry, real estate interests, and the general public. It also demands an acceptance of the fact that agricultural land preservation is in British Columbia to stay and it assumes a commitment to preserve the agricultural industry as being in our own long term best interests. Some vibrations tell me we still have not quite made the grade in this area." These words were spoken by the Chair of the ALC 36 years ago and could be as appropriately be spoken by any of the subsequent ALC's Chairs to this day.

Competing land uses are listed and guidelines on expected policy content in Official Settlement Plans developed under the Municipal Act aimed at the protection of agricultural land and agriculture are noted.

Three examples are provided of studies to explore alternate areas of growth along with work on dealing with impact issues (edge/interface planning). GGR emphasizes the challenge of dealing with other governmental agencies and ends by outlining 3 general approaches to look at land needs, land uses and resource planning:

  1. Make land use decision based on the inherent natural characteristics rather than protecting land values or simply accommodating growth;
  2. The Fall 1977 amendments to the Act allowing greater Cabinet involvement will test the program but also emphasizes the importance of shared decision making; and
  3. The ALC Act has defined a land use priority and a direction around which all others can plan and there is a need for a national land use policy that GGR supports."
2020. · Dossiê/Processo · 1977-1978
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "B.C. Agricultural Land Preservation Program". This speech was originally given on March 23, 1977 at the Sol Conservation Society of America National Symposium. Includes a version of the speech turned into a paper submitted for publication as "British Columbia's Agricultural Land Preservation Program" in the Assessors Journal. The speech and paper is accompanied by:

  • supplementary transparencies for presentation
  • Resume for G. Gary Runka
  • Canada Land Inventory Ratings
  • Summary of Applications Processed under the Land Commission Act
  • Areas Included and Excluded from the ALR by Year
  • Flow Chart for Applications under the Agricultural Land Commission Act

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech was given on March 23, 1977 and represents a major paper given to an international audience.

GGR provides a contextual overview of B.C. and breaks his speech into an overview of the legislation, how the ALR was established and the administration of the Reserve.

The speech, in part, draws upon themes in other speeches but this paper tends to pull all these subjects together in this single presentation.

GGR notes that up to this point 80% of the exclusion applications are from non-farmers and it is estimated that the program has saved 40,000 acres (16,187 ha.) of farmland from being converted to irreversible uses.

GGR outlines several key principles to having a successful program to preserve agricultural land including:

  • Regulations must be based on solid technical data people can understand;
  • Any control mechanism needs to be basically apolitical;
  • Must include shared decision-making - local governments and the public were involved in creating the ALR plans and local governments continue to provide comments and recommendations on applications; and
  • Ensure opportunity for integration and communication with the Ministry of Agriculture and other provincial government agencies and Advisory Committees of the B.C. Federation of Agriculture.

This speech was published as part of the symposium proceedings: "Land Use, Tough Choices in Today's World: The Proceedings of a
National Symposium, March 21-24,1977, in Omaha, Nebraska" by the Soil Conservation Society of America."

"The British Columbia Experience" speech by Gary Runka
2020. · Dossiê/Processo · Oct. 1978
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "The British Columbia Experience" for the Planning for Rural Growth event in Whatcom County, Bellingham, Washington.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is an important overview document of the farmland preservation program, summarizing the situation after about 6 years since the program's introduction.

There are several interesting points made in the paper - which was given to a non-BC / Canadian audience. A sample of these points included:

  • The ALR is based on ecological characteristics of the land and this was very important to the ALR's
  • The ALR is a long term zone;
  • The legislation is not enough - the ALR will not be secure until agriculture and the farming community become an integral part of planning at every level;
  • The Langley Properties and work of the Property Management Branch which re-surveying the properties into viable commercial farm units;
  • Conflicting priorities of provincial agencies create difficulties;

GGR observes that the Commission has the opportunity "... to have provincial input into planning for agriculture." This is an action, that in due course, the Commission would play a leadership role."