BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996.7.5.217 Exhibit 179 - Supplementary Extreme Conditions Hydrothermal Modeling, Documentation of Reservoir Temperatures Under 170 Cubic Metres per Second Maximum Outflows; Triton Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.221 Exhibit 182 - Curriculum Vitae of C.J. Wilson Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.222 Exhibit 183 - Curriculum Vitae of Dr. J.E. Edinger Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.228 Exhibit 189 - Letter from P. Holcak of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. to D. Hay of Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program, dated Kenney Dam Release Facility Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.233 Exhibit 194 - Letter from Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program to P. Holcak of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., regarding Kenney Dam Release Facility Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.241 Exhibit 201a - 1991/92 Budget from Ministry of Environment for Nechako Kemano Completion Project Flow Mitigation/Compensation Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.260 Exhibit 218 - Tables of Mean Monthly Flows of the Nechako River at Vanderhoof, Isle Pierre, Fort Fraser, and Fort St. James Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.265 Exhibit 223 - Graph entitled "Nechako Reservoir Inflow" comparing inflow in 1972 to 1988(April to September) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.270 Exhibit 227 - Letter from D.A. deLisser to J.L. Lemay and EL. Wilcox, regarding Kenney Dam Settlement Measurements Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.272 Exhibit 229 - Curriculum Vitae of Dr. G.A. Lawrence Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.281 Exhibit 236 - Map from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. of Nechako Reservoir Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.284 Exhibit 239 - Tables of Projected Elevations for the Nechako Reservoir under the Kemano Completion Project Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.290 Exhibit 244 - Curriculum Vitae of Dr. D.W. Chapman Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.291 Exhibit 245 - Curriculum Vitae of W.O. Rublee Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.310 Exhibit 262b - Graph from Envirocon Ltd. entitled "Useable Spawning Habitat Vs. Discharge in Reaches 1, 2, 4, and 5 in the Nechako River" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.311 Exhibit 263 - Table from Envirocon Ltd. entitled "Available Chinook Spawning Habitat (IFIM Model Results from Volume 15/b)" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.313 Exhibit 265 - Graph from Envirocon Ltd. entitled "Cumulative Frequency Distribution of Redd Depth at an Incubation Flow of 10.6 m3/s in the Nechako River" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.315 Exhibit 267 - Table from Envirocon Ltd. of Differences in Long-Term Mean Monthly Water Temperatures in the Nechako River Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.317 Exhibit 269 - References for Exhibits 255a and 255b Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.321 Exhibit 273 - Draft Document entitled by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Life History of the Eulachon of the Kemano and Wahoo Rivers, B.C." Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.329 Exhibit 280 - Amended Statement by Defence to Amended Counterclaim in Number C803064: Attorney-General to Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.340 Exhibit 291 - Pages 1 and 2 of Memorandum from M. Fretwell to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Court Action- Possible Remedial Measures to Maintain Productivity at Low Flows Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.352 Exhibit 302 - Article by I.G. Jowett from North American Journal of Fisheries Management magazine entitled "Models of the Abundance of Large Brown Trout in New Zealand Rivers" (1992) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.353 Exhibit 303 - Document entitled "Proposal for an Agreement Between the Government Commission of the Gitksan Wet'suwet'en People and the Vera Corporation Regarding the Nanika River Project" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.358 Exhibit 307 - Table entitled "Streamflow Regimes for the Nechako River with the Amount of Reduction from the Natural flow" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.365 Exhibit 314 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Settlement Agreement Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.366 Exhibit 315 - Amended Conditional Water Licence issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.369 Exhibit 318 - Letter from J.H.C. Walker to W.J. Rich, dated January 2, 1991; and Letter from W.J. Rich to J.H.C. Walker Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.370 Exhibit 319 - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Survey of Mercury Levels in Nechako Reservoir: British Columbia, 1991" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.375 Exhibit 323 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to Williams of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.381 Exhibit 328 - Graphs of Flow Data for Various Parts of the Nechako River under Average and Low Flow Conditions; Flow Data at various points on the Nechako. (Province of B.C.) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.382 Exhibit 329 - Submission by Edgar Birch Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.406 Exhibit 351 - Letter from T.L. Perry of the Sierra Club of Western Canada to Dr. P.A. Larkin Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.408 Exhibit 353 - Document by W.J. Schouwenburg of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans reviewing the Environmental Studies Report by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "A Report of the Kemano Task Force" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.411 Exhibit 356 - Graphs entitled "Comparison of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Base Flow Regime and Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.'s Proposed Flow Regime" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.418 Exhibit 363 - Memorandum from the Director-General Pacific Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to P. Asselin dated July 27, 1987 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.419 Exhibit 364 - News Release from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Settlement Bid Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.423 Exhibit 368 - Letter from The Honourable B. Strachan, Minister of Environment and Parks to The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.424 Exhibit 369 - Document signed by The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, The Honourable J. Davis, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, and D. Morton entitled "Principles for Settlement" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.425 Exhibit 370 - Letter from Dr. D.W. Strangway to D.W. Bursey of Bull, Housser & Tupper Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.428 Exhibit 373 - Report by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Temperature Changes in the Nechako River and their Effects on the Salmon Populations" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.429 Exhibit 374 - Document by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "A Review of the Sockeye Salmon Problems Created by the Alcan Project in the Nechako River Watershed" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.430 Exhibit 375 - Graph of Nechako River Regulated Monthly Flows from 1930 to 1985 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.431 Exhibit 376 - Volumes 1 to 7 of Document by the Fisheries and Marine Service and the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.432 Exhibit 377 - Letter from J.R. Haig of Department of Justice to D. McK. Brown and D.M.M. Goldie of Russell and DuMoulin, regarding Attorney General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.434 Exhibit 379 - Memorandum from L.R. Russell to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Summary of Proceedings of a Workshop on Methodologies for Determining Flows for Fish Maintenance Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.437 Exhibit 381 - Document by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Potential Effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon" (1983) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.438 Exhibit 382a - Memorandum from L. Tousignant and J.C. Davis to K.C.C. Stein of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Issues Requiring Corporate Direction Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.441 Exhibit 384 - Letter from R. Bell-Irving of Department of Fisheries and Oceans to D.H.G. Abelson of Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife, regarding Fisheries Management Plan - Upper Nechako River; Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.444 Exhibit 387 - Memorandum from H. Mundie to F. Boyd, regarding Preparation for Nechako River Court Action Item [between 1993 and 1994]