BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996.7.5.157 Exhibit 141-6 - Volume 6 of Environmental Studies by Envirocon Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Fish Resources of the Kemano River System: Baseline Information" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.164 Exhibit 141-13 - Volume 13 of Environmental Studies by Envirocon Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Agricultural Resources: Baseline Information" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.166 Exhibit 141-15 - Volume 15 of Environmental Studies by Envirocon Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Environmental Planning and Project Design" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.172 Exhibit 141-21 - Volume 21 of Environmental Studies by Envirocon Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Nechako River and Fraser Assessment Areas: Environmental Impact Assessment" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.185 Exhibit 153 - Outline of Evidence by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. for Technical Hearing Phase II: Hydrology Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.203 Exhibit 168c - Document from B.C. Hydro entitled "The Cost of New Electricity Supply in B.C.: 1994 Estimate of the Cost of Energy and Capacity Supply at the System Transmission Voltage Level" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.204 Exhibit 168d - Letter from Z. Lazic of B.C. Hydro to D. Austin of Fraser & Beatty, regarding Evidence Presented by Ken Spafford of B.C. Hydro Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.215 Exhibit 178a - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled Nechako Reservoir Hydrothermal Mathematical Modelling: Appendices A3.1 to A3.10" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.218 Exhibit 180 - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Nechako Reservoir: Investigation of Magnitude of Thermocline Depression in Response to Winds" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.229 Exhibit 190 - Excerpt from letter from KCP Team to the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program about predicted winter depth averaged surface temperatures at Skins Lake Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.230 Exhibit 191 - Letter from P. Holcak to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. to D. Hay of Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program, regarding Kenney Dam Release Facility Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.245 Exhibit 205 - Tables of Annual Flow for the Nechako River and Tributaries (1980 to 1992) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.251 Exhibit 211 - Letter from G.I.. Killy of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper to K. Diemert of Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, regarding Water Licence Application - Bleached Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulp Mill" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.253 Exhibit 213 - Draft document entitled "Nechako River Water Flow Requirements" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.255 Exhibit 214b - Letter from R. Kline of Ministry of Agriculture and Food to D. Roberts of Ministry of Environment Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.264 Exhibit 222 - Graph entitled "Nechako River Below Cheslatta" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.266 Exhibit 224 - Table entitled "Water Licences for Reach 1 of the Nechako River" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.268 Exhibit 225b - Map of Points of Diversion for the Nechako Basin Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.274 Exhibit 231 - Letter from C. Lemon of Ferguson Gifford to RJ. Pellatt of the B.C. Utilities Commission, regarding Copy of Dr. G.A. Lawrence's Submission Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.275 Exhibit 231a - Hard Copy of Overheads by Dr. G.A. Lawrence of Movement Caused by Wind Stress and a Subsequent Internal Seiche in a Hypothetical Two-Layered Lake, Neglecting Friction Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.279 Exhibit 234 - Assorted correspondence and miscellaneous documents from March 30, 1990 to March 25, 1993 provided by Alcan Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.283 Exhibit 238 - Tables and Graphs entitled "GLVHT Reservoir Model: Extreme Conditions Isotherms for Run 22a" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.288 Exhibit 243a - Outline of Evidence from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. for Technical Hearing, Phase III: Fisheries, Volume 2, Attachments A to H Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.289 Exhibit 243b - Outline of Evidence from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. for Technical Hearing, Phase III: Fisheries, Volume 1 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.298 Exhibit 252 - Diagram of Stylized Chinook Redd Under Construction Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.307 Exhibit 260 - Letter from R. Hamilton of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to A.C. Mitchell of Envirocon Ltd., regarding Modelling and Evaluation of Salmonid Habitat Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.308 Exhibit 261 - Diagrams by A.C. Mitchell of Flow Development Processes Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.314 Exhibit 266 - Table from Envirocon Ltd. entitled "Summary of Chinook Redd Depths at Winter Flow of 10.6 m3/s" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.325 Exhibit 276 - Draft Document by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. for Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. entitled "Monitoring of the Eulachon Population in the Kemano and Wahoo Rivers During 1992" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.331 Exhibit 282 - Page 1 of Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.334 Exhibit 285 - Graphs entitled "Actual Monthly Average Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River" and "Settlement Agreement Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.337 Exhibit 288 - Excerpt from Document by (DFO) about inter-gravel conditions under various proposed flow regimes Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.338 Exhibit 289 - Table by C.R. Harrison from his the Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1987 Expert Report entitled "Estimated Spawning Escapements of Major Fraser River Chinook Salmon Stocks" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.341 Exhibit 292 - Table by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Case Histories of Rivers where Streamflow was Reduced, the Amount of the Reduction, and the Resulting Outcome to Salmonid Fishes" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.343 Exhibit 294 - Table from the DFO documents provided for KCP Review entitled "Value of Current Catch by Watershed ($1986)" illustrating value of salmon from Nechako or its tributaries and Kemano River Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.347 Exhibit 298 - Document by M.C. Healey entitled "The Ecology of Chinook Salmon that Spawn in Headwater Tributaries and River Flows Necessary to Conserve Such Populations" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.354 Exhibit 304 - Table entitled "Nechako River Flow Data for July 10 to August 20, 1992" showing flows at Skins Lake, Cheslatta Falls, and Vanderhoof Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.361 Exhibit 310 - Submission of Lake and Stream Biological Habitat Enhancement Society Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.364 Exhibit 313 - Conditional Water License, pursuant to the 1987 Settlement Agreement issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.377 Exhibit 325 - Response by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. to Information Requests from Various Participants During Phase II of Technical Hearings Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.378 Exhibit 326a - Document by J.D. Neilson and G.H. Geen from the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society magazine entitled "Enumeration of Spawning Salmon from Spawner Residence Time and Aerial Counts" (1981) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.383 Exhibit 330 - Submission by F. Chidley Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.386 Exhibit 333 - Submission by H. Bunce Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.390 Exhibit 337 - Submission by J. Kelly Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.413 Exhibit 358 - Memorandum the Director General Fisheries-Pacific to A. Lefebvre-Anglin of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Court Case - Out of Court Settlement Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.414 Exhibit 359 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; and The Honourable B. Strachan, Minister of Environment and Parks to The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.416 Exhibit 361 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; and The Honourable B. Strachan, Minister of Environment and Parks to The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.426 Exhibit 371 - Submission Presented by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Comptroller of Water Rights of B.C. Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.433 Exhibit 378 - Terms of Reference for Alcan Joint Technical Committee Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.435 Exhibit 380a - Document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper" Item [between 1993 and 1994]