BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996.7.5.665 Exhibit 577d - 1992/93 Terms of Reference from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.668 Exhibit 578a - Report to the Steering Committee, Proposed 1988/89 Program- Year 1 from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.672 Exhibit 578e - Briefing Document for Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Steering Committee, Executive Summary of Activities 1993/94 and Proposed Work for 1994/95 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.680 Exhibit 583 - Table of Ice Effects on the Water Survey of Canada (WSC) Gauge for the Nechako River at Vanderhoof Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.684 Exhibit 587 - Hard Copy of Overheads, Graphs, and Photographs of P.A. Slaney Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.693 Exhibit 596 - Document by T.C. Kline et. al. entitled "Recycling of Elements Transported Upstream by Runs of Pacific Salmon: ... Evidence in Sashin Creek, Southeastern Alaska" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.695 Exhibit 598 - Cheslatta Fan Design Review Letters Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.704 Exhibit 607 - Response by the NFCP to BCUC Information Requests Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.706 Exhibit 609 - Letter from Premier M. Harcourt to M. Burrows of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.708 Exhibit 611 - Table entitled "Catch Values for the Nechako and Stuart River Systems for Sockeye" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.715 Exhibit 618 - Memorandum from T. Perry to D. Deans, regarding Survival of Upper Fraser Hatchery Chinook Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.723 Exhibit 625 - Statement by Premier M. Harcourt. dated July 15, 1993 regarding negotiations with Alcan about KCP Hydro contracts Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.724 Exhibit 626 - Meeting Notes of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., B.C. Hydro, and the Government of B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.725 Exhibit 627 - Letter from Z. Lazic of B.C. Hydro to D. Austin of Fraser & Beatty, regarding June 9, 1994 Correspondence Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.728 Exhibit 630 - Negotiations on Construction Energy Agreement: Notes of Meeting between Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. and B.C. Hydro in Vancouver, B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.730 Exhibit 632 - Letter from D.G. McFarlane of B.C. Hydro to W.J. Rich of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.731 Exhibit 633 - Document from B.C. Hydro entitled "1994 Electricity Plan: An Introduction to B.C. Hydro's Integrated Resource Plan" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.740 Exhibit 640 - Executive Summary from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano Completion Project: Energy Project Certificate Application" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.742 Exhibit 642 - Memorandum from M. Margolick, Resource Planning at B.C. Hydro to V. de Buen Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.745 Exhibit 645 - Curriculum Vitaes of D.J. Sutherland, N.B. Carmichael, and P.A. Chambers Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.749 Exhibit 648 - Document by Ministry of Forests entitled "Nechako and Stuart River Corridors: Recreation Planning Study" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.751 Exhibit 650a - Outline of Evidence from Province of B.C. for Technical Hearings Phase IV: Agriculture Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.763 Exhibit 659 - Hard Copy of Overheads of Economic Impact Study of Proposed BCTMP in Vanderhoof, B.C. by Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.765 Exhibit 661 - Excerpts from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Act (1980) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.769 Exhibit 665 - Brief by R.G. Holtby of the Nechako Valley Regional Cattleman's Association Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.774 Exhibit 669 - Letter from A.N. Campbell to H. Kruisselbrink of Save the Bulkley Society Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.779 Exhibit 674 - Document by G.E. Bridges and Associates Inc. for the District of Vanderhoof and the Vanderhoof Chamber of Commerce entitled ''Economic and Community Impact Assessment of the Kemano Projects on the Nechako Valley" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.783 Exhibit 678 - Curriculum Vitae of P.E. Brisbin Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.789 Exhibit 684 - Submission by J. Wood of Federation of B.C. Naturalists Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.790 Exhibit 685 - Brief by A. Galisky and B. Robertson entitled "Environmental, Social, Economic and Other Community Impacts" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.792 Exhibit 687 - Curriculum Vitae of B. Stipdonk Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.801 Exhibit 696 - Document by P. Boothroyd entitled "Megaproject Impacts: Learning from Experience" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.805 Exhibit 700 - Executive Summary of the Revelstoke Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Development Project Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.812 Exhibit 707 - Document by W.E. Rees and M. Wackernagel of the School of Community and Regional Planning at The University of British Columbia entitled "Ecological Footprints and Appropriated Carrying Capacity: Measuring the Natural Capital Requirements of the Human Economy Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.818 Exhibit 713 - Volume 47 of The Journal of American Folk-Lore by D. Jenness entitled ''Myths of the Carrier Indians of B.C." Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.820 Exhibit 714b - Brief by the Fraser Basin Management Board Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.824 Exhibit 715 - Agreement Respecting the Fraser Basin Management Program between the Government of Canada, the Government of the Province of B.C., and Various Municipalities and Regional Districts Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.826 Exhibit 717 - Statement by The Honourable T. Siddon Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.828 Exhibit 719 - Memorandum from P.S. Chamut to A. Lefebvre-Anglin, regarding Alcan Trial: Proposed Out of Court Settlement Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.833 Exhibit 724a - Letter from D. Hart to the B.C. Utilities Commission Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.835 Exhibit 724c - Document by S. Bocking entitled ''Vision of Nature and Society: A History of the Ecosystem Concept" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.846 Exhibit 734 - Collective Labour Agreement between the Kemano Completion Project Employers Association and the Allied Hydro Council of B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.857 Exhibit 745 - Document entitled "Application of the EARP Guidelines to the Kemano Completion Project"; Excerpt from the 4th Dominion Law Reports; and a Letter from P.S. Chamut of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to W.J. Rich of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., regarding Environmental Review of the Kemano Completion Project Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.864 Exhibit 752 - Letter from T. Leadem of Ministry of Attorney General to R.J. Pellatt of the B.C. Utilities Commission Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.872 Exhibit 760 - Excerpt from Document by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants about sedimentation (1 page). Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.876 Exhibit 764 - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Nechako River Flow Ramping Analyses" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.892 Exhibit 780 - Newsletter from LRMP Vanderhoof entitled "Land and Resource Management Plan, Project Update Number 8" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.902 Exhibit 790 - Document by G. Goos entitled "Nechako River Spawning/Rearing Channels Feasibility Study" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.904 Exhibit 792 - Revised Irrigation Feasibility Study Analysis and Rebuttal to Exhibit 679 by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.911 Exhibit 799 - Response to Outstanding Questions Raised During Phase III and 3 Appendices from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Item [between 1993 and 1994]