Pièce 2020.08.69 - Work train on Sallus Creek railway trestle

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Work train on Sallus Creek railway trestle

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  • Document graphique

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Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

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Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • [1915] (Production)

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

1 photograph : b&w

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Portée et contenu

Photograph depicts a Pacific Great Eastern Railway work train on a trestle located near Sallus Creek in the area around Lillooet, Fountain, and Pavilion. The work train appears to be carrying railway ties. Railway workers work on the track behind the train with piles of unused rail ties nearby.

Photographs 2020.08.68, 2020.08.69, and 2020.08.70 are three views of track laying on the Sallus Creek trestle. These form a sequence: 2020.08.68, 2020.08.70, 2020.08.69 in order as track laying proceeds from the South end of the trestle toward the North end. The piece of equipment at the North end of the train in all three images is a track laying machine that lifted a piece of rail and delivered it to the workmen ahead of the machine. "Canadian Railway and Marine World" reported that track had been laid to 14 miles North of Lillooet by July 30, 1915 (CR&MW , Sept 1915, p341, c2). 14 miles North of Lillooet is approximately 20 rail lengths beyond the North end of this trestle, leading to a "best estimate" of late July 1915 as the date for this photograph.

The ca. 1921-1927 “PGE Bridge List” from the notebook of William H. Hewlett (1914-1968) references a Mile 13.7, 14 Mile Creek, frame trestle, 905 ft. long, 182 ft. high, 61 spans of 14.8 feet in the Lillooet Subdivision. A “PGE Track Profile” drawing shows this trestle was on a 1.55% grade and a 12 degree left hand curve. While the drawing had been revised at least twice (with an unknown date for the most recent revision), the pre-“Lillooet Diversion of 1931" mileage figures confirm that the 1915 “Mile 13.7" was in agreement with a more recent hand written note “Sallus Creek”. The trestle appears to have gone by the names "14 Mile" trestle, "13.7 Mile Trestle", and "Sallus Creek" trestle.

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      Item is digitized and available in high-resolution TIFF and JPEG formats. Digital access JPEG available here has been retouched for increased visibility.

      Restrictions d'accès

      No restrictions.

      Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

      Personal or academic use of materials is welcomed under the standard fair use and educational use clauses of Canadian Copyright Law. Commercial use is, however, forbidden without the express permission of the copyright holder. For information on obtaining written permission from the copyright holder, please contact the Northern B.C. Archives and Special Collections.

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      Éléments associés

      This photograph is known to exist elsewhere, including the private collection of the late John Cooshek (1920-1986).


      Note générale

      Part of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Region Photograph Collection

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      Zone du contrôle


      Information provided by Greg Kennelly, amateur PGE railway historian

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