Fondo 2002.9 - Walt Taylor fonds

Open original Digital object

Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Walt Taylor fonds

Tipo general de material

    Título paralelo

    Otra información de título

    Título declaración de responsabilidad

    Título notas

    • Source of title proper: Title based on the creator of the fonds

    Nivel de descripción


    Código de referencia


    Área de edición

    Declaración de edición

    Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

    Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

    Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

    Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

    Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

    Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

    Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

    Área de fechas de creación


    • 1951-2001 (Criação)
      Taylor, Walt

    Área de descripción física

    Descripción física

    textual records

    Área de series editoriales

    Título apropiado de las series del editor

    Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

    Otra información de título de las series editoriales

    Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

    Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

    Nota en las series editoriales

    Área de descripción del archivo

    Nombre del productor

    (1919 - 2002)

    Historia biográfica

    Born in Longmont, Colorado on 10 March 1919, environmentalist and social activist Walter (Walt) Taylor devoted a lifetime in the U.S.A. and Canada to the cultivation of peace with justice. During World War II he served in work camps as a conscientious objector to war, but ultimately went to prison for his stand against conscription. He turned away from graduate study in Physics to take a Master’s degree in Human Development at the University of Chicago.

    With four children in their family, he and his wife Margaret (Peggy) Taylor (b. Lewiston, Maine, 7 August 1916) worked in a variety of social services, but were always seeking opportunities to encourage a fundamental movement toward peace with justice and sustainable environmental stewardship.

    In the 1960s Philadelphia Quakers sent Walt as their response to a request from the Seneca Nation of Native Americans for help in defending the oldest active treaty in American history, the Treaty of Canandaigua which had been firmly negotiated with the Seneca Nation in 1794. In spite of a great nation-wide protest, that treaty was violated by the construction of the controversial Kinzua Dam (1961-1965) on the Allegheny River which flooded 10,000 acres of land and displaced 600 Seneca families out of their traditional territory. After moving to Summerland, British Columbia during the Vietnam War, Walt continued his active interest in the concerns of First Nations peoples and even worked for the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs in the 1970s.

    Beginning in 1973 and running for several years thereafter, Walt directed an innovative project called “Imagine Penticton” through which the whole community of Penticton was invited to imagine itself the way it ought to be and to join Walt and his staff in bringing this collective vision to fruition. Taylor was also actively involved with the South Okanagan Civil Liberties Society, the South Okanagan Environmental Coalition and the Southern Interior Ecological Liaison – venues which allowed him to further his passionate advocacy for justice, peace and environmental sustainability.

    His time in the Okanagan region of B.C., also provided Walt Taylor with the opportunity to become heavily involved with the British Columbia Man and Resources Programme – a 2 year public participation programme sponsored and organized by the Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers (CCREM). The Man and Resources Programme originated in 1961 when natural resource ministers from across the country met at the “Resources for Tomorrow” Conference to discuss a natural resources policy for Canada. At that time, public interest in resource issues was low, so the main results from that conference were strictly governmental and technical. Man and Resources was concerned with all aspects of the environmental problem – social, economic, ecological – but it also sought to involve all Canadians in its investigation; therefore one of the fundamental goals of this Programme was to enlist citizen participation to discuss the whole question of development and the use of resources and how that should be balanced against protection of the environment. This mandate was to be accomplished through two phases: Phase I was undertaken in 1972 when community representatives from across the province came together locally, then regionally (Delta, B.C., Sept. 23-23, 1972) and finally nationally (Montebello, Q.C., Oct. 29-Nov. 4, 1972) to take on the task of problem identification. In 1973, Phase II was undertaken which required citizen participants to identify solutions and alternatives to the problems identified at the national conference at Montebello in 1972. The provincial conference was held in Naramata, B.C., September 20-23, 1973 while the national conference was held in Toronto, Nov.18-23, 1973.

    In 1982 Walt and his family moved north to Smithers, B.C. where he continued to dedicate his life to grass-roots level, political and environmental activism in the Bulkley Valley - Telkwa - Smithers area. For the next eighteen years Walt Taylor, and his wife Peggy, were actively involved with the Northwest Study Conference Society, the Skeena Round Table on Sustainable Development, the Waging Peace Society, Project Ploughshares – Smithers, the Smithers Human Rights Society, the Gitksan-Carrier Tribal Council, the Gitksan-Wet’suwet’en Tribal Council, the Telkwa Educational Action Committee of Householders, the Bulkley Valley Anti-Poverty Group, and the Smithers Social Planning Committee, to name a few, through which they promoted a wide range of social rights causes including global peace, human rights and environmental sustainability to peoples, organizations and communities throughout Northern B.C.

    Alcance y contenido

    This fonds illustrates Walt Taylor’s activities as a social activist in the Okanagan region of B.C. in the 1970s, and his involvement with political-environmental activist movements in the Bulkley Valley-Telkwa-Smithers area c.1980s-1990s. The Taylor fonds includes records of the Skeena Round Table for a Sustainable Society, the Northwest Study Conference Society and the Waging Peace Society; as well as, background research compiled for Taylor’s publication "Waging Peace for a Living: An Action Plan for survival of life on earth", (Victoria: Trafford Publishing, 1999). The Taylor fonds also contains records of significance relating to proposed economic developments, such as open-pit mining, fishing and forestry policies and nuclear power; and documents pertaining to political-environmental actions conducted by Northern BC stakeholders such as First Nations (Gitskan and Wet'su'wet'en) and NGO’s such as the Telkwa Educational Action Committee of Householders. Types of records comprising this fonds include correspondence to and from activist organizations; circulars to society members; background papers on social activist issues; background reports on BC First Nations environmental and land claims issues, background studies on environmental & economic impacts of industrial developments proposed for Northern BC, newspaper clippings, and various publications.

    Área de notas


    Idioma del material

    • inglés

    Escritura del material

      Ubicación de los originales

      Disponibilidad de otros formatos

      Restricciones de acceso

      No restrictions.

      Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

      Personal or academic use of materials is welcomed under the standard fair dealing and educational use clauses of Canadian Copyright Law. Commercial use is, however, forbidden without the express permission of the copyright holder. For information on obtaining written permission from the copyright holder, please contact the Northern B.C. Archives and Special Collections.

      Instrumentos de descripción

      File level inventory available.

      Materiales asociados

      Materiales relacionados


      Nota general

      Identificador/es alternativo(os)

      Número estándar

      Número estándar

      Puntos de acceso

      Puntos de acceso por materia

      Puntos de acceso por lugar

      Puntos de acceso por autoridad

      Tipo de puntos de acceso

      Área de control


      Digital object (Ejemplar original), área de permisos

      Digital object (Referencia), área de permisos

      Digital object (Miniatura), área de permisos

      Área de Ingreso