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Benjamin Film Laboratories
2000. · File · [between 1951 and 1973]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photographic slides of map of Canada depicting different geology and geography interests such as: mines and reserves, physiographic regions, soil regions, permafrost limits, underdeveloped hydro potential and development corridor.

2000. · Item · [ca. 1980]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts William (Bill) Storie at location known as Limestone Mountain, southwest of Cassiar, B.C. Photo features profile of Bill, hands in pocket, Cassiar valley and mountains in background. Storie was a renowned prospector in the Cassiar area, and the new school at Cassiar was named for him in 1992.

2000. · Item · [ca. 1955]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unidentified individual and cars on street in foreground, snow banks, trees, and power poles on either side. Buildings can be seen on far right, mountains visible in background. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "townsite Looking East".

Official Tours
2000. · File · ca. 1968; 1978
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

File contains photographs depicting four different tours that took place at the mine, plant, and towns owned by Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. Tours include Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's visit to Clinton Creek in 1968 and Member of Parliament Iona Campagnolo's visit to Cassiar in 1978. Photographs also depict a party of ambassadors touring Cassiar in 1970, and the dedication of a building in the Cassiar plant in the late 1970s.

2000. · Item · 1961
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts group of eleven men standing in line in the Cassiar valley. Left to right: Jack Christian, Charles Rainforth Elliot, John Drybrough, John E. Kennedy, Fred Martin Connell, W. Harold Connell, Ken A. Creery, George Washington Smith, Tam Zimmermann, [Fred Murray]?, Nick Gritzuk. Power lines and mountains in background. Most men featured in photo are believed to be members of Cassiar's Board of Directors. Photograph was originally framed with note "Summer 1961" written on cardboard backing.

2000. · Item · 1963
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Men can be seen working on site, building tools and supplies scattered throughout. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "View showing various levels of foundations". A chute of some kind extends from high level to men near bottom. Dirt road at site, and tree-covered valley can be seen in background. Construction of a long structure near the edge of the excavation area can be seen in midground; this is believed to be conveyor "B".

2000. · Item · 1963
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Placing Crusher Pinion; Pitman; weight approx. 20 tons". Man stands on top of a very tall, red peice of equipment believed to be a crusher pitman. Boom of crane is visible in foreground, and two other men stand on a high level of the crusher building. Crusher foundations, an unidentified building, and mountain in background.

2000. · Item · 1963
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts the steel sheeting of the crusher building underway. Three men stand on platform suspended by cables close to roof of crusher building. Three other men can be seen working on the roof of the building, one walking, one sitting, one lying on his stomach very close to the edge. All are wearing safety gear. Cassiar mountain range in background.

2000. · Item · 9 July 1964
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "RETAINING WALL POUR JULY 9/64." Photograph depicts construction workers among machinery near retaining wall under conveyor of crusher building. Crane stands on left, front end loader and back hoe tractor in foreground on right. Mountainside in background.

2000. · Item · 9 July 1964
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "RETAINING WALL POUR JULY 9/64." Photograph depicts two construction workers standing on retaining wall in foreground. Two other men stand near a crane operating in midground, with its load suspended above men on wall. Crane stands on road between a building and retaining wall, mountain range in background.

2000. · Item · 19 August 1964
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "FORMING & STEEL WORK AUG 19/64." Photograph depicts construction workers among machinery on high elevation of crusher site. It is believed that a front end loader and concrete mixer stand in this area. Forms for cement made of wood and rebar can be seen in foreground on left, retaining wall on right. Building top and mountain range visible in background.

2000. · Item · 1953
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts two men standing on mining bench in mountainside, three boxes and what appears to be a long hose to the left. Third man and tractor plow can be seen in distance at end of bench. Photo caption next to printed copy of image in 1953 Annual Report: "Benches being prepared for mining."

Two Men in Mine
2000. · Item · [ca. 1955]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts two unidentified men at high elevation on mountain. Trucks and tanks visible in background, hose (possibly of air track drill) in right foreground. Mountain range in background.

Dozer on Cliff
2000. · Item · [ca. 1958]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unknown man driving bulldozer on edge of mine area at high elevation. The dozer is an International model TD24 (manufactured between 1947 and 1955). A second man stands on edge of cliff, directing driver. Mountain range in background.

Two Dozers on Cliff
2000. · Item · [ca. 1958]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unknown men driving bulldozers on edge of mine area at high elevation. Dozers are Internationals, model TD24 (manufactured between 1947 and 1955). Mountain range in background.

Dozer on Cliff, Close View
2000. · Item · [ca. 1958]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unknown man driving bulldozer near edge of mine area at high elevation. Dozer is an International model TD24 (manufactured between 1947 and 1955). Valley and mountain range in background.

Shovel & Haul Trucks
2000. · Item · [ca. 1958]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts cable-operated shovel loading Kenworth haul truck on road in mine area at high elevation. Pickup truck in background, four unidentified men are gathered around second Kenworth truck in foreground. Valley and mountain range in distance.

Old Mine Garage
2000. · Item · [1962?]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts bulldozers, car, and fuel tanks in front of two-door garage on edge of mine area. Unidentified machinery can be seen behind garage. Mine valley crosses midground, western mountain range in background. What appears to be framing measurements are annotated on verso.

Waste Stripping Operations
2000. · Item · 1961
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts benches of Cassiar's open mine. Men can be seen standing near machinery speculated to be blasthole drills in bottom left of image. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Waste Stripping Operations on McDame Mt. Ore Mining in lower right Corner.", on verso: "1961".

2000. · Item · 1961
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts ore haul truck at dump in mine, mountain range in background. Photo also features driver and a second unidentified man standing in front of truck. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Int. Harvester Payhauler Model 95 dumping stripping waste at 6565 Elevation", on verso: "1961".

2000. · File · [ca. 1955] - 1977
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

File contains photographs featuring the tramline at Cassiar which ran from the crushing plant at the mountain mine to the plantsite in the valley (a drop of 427 meters). The first ore was originally transported by truck to the plant until the gravity chute was built in 1953. This chute was replaced with the first aerial tramline model in 1956, which was succeeded by the second model in 1975. This file also includes one photo of the original gravity chute, and one photo depicting a tramline worker.

Additionally there is a collection of eighteen photographs of tramline cars that were being surveyed for damage and condition, and another collection of six photographs of tramline study. The results of this study determined that there was variances in load sizes of the buckets caused by extra material falling off the panfeeder.

2000. · File · 1953 - 1989
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

This file contains operations at the plantsite:
Below is synopsis of the item level descriptions (see each item for further description)

  • locations depicted at Plantsite: mill building, dry rock storage building, tailings pile, gravel pit, power house, and office.
  • delivery and installation of a Caterpillar engine, welding repairs underway on a Rustin Diesel Engine in the power house, staff portrait taken by the main office building, and fibre testing
    Not done to item level but integrated into subseries file:
  • Photographic negatives included depict milling and packaging machinery in the mill building.
  • 93 slides depicting various activities and equipment at the plantsite including: dry rock storage, screens, collectors, loading trucks, bagging, pallets, tailing pile, lab work by engineers, lab equipment, fibre testing, and fibre samples.
  • photographs of conveyor foundations, tailings equipment, Grizzly truck, containers from site mechanical inspection, and portable crushing plant in June 1991.
  • photos of fibre samples from lab - on display
  • collection of photos of 1970 Mill modification Program of April 1978
  • collection of photos from 1961 and 1962 of plantsite lab and asbestos samples. file labeled "Suter - Webb VU Graph Analysis" and "Suter - Webb and Turner Comb Analysis"
  • Pressure Packer modification photos done by Chapman Industries in 1986
  • Powerhouse equipment from 1979
  • additional 43 slides of inside the mill in June 1978. Slides were used at a board meeting.
  • negatives of inside of mill
  • A photo album of 162 photographs depicting various operations at the plantsite including: drill dust collector, outdoor surroundings, conveyors, and the mine site. (album was originally labelled "Cassiar Plantsite).
2000. · Item · September 1954
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts large dry rock storage building in foreground on right, mill on left behind tailings pile, and dryer building in centre behind conveyor belt connecting mill to dry rock storage. A cloud can be seen rising from plantsite. Trees and Troutline Creek cross foreground, mine valley and mountains visible in background. Stamped annotation on recto of photograph: "ANSCO PRINTON Munshaw Colour Service Ltd. MAR 10 1955".

1961 - 6430 Ore Bench
2000. · Item · July 1961
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts bench at 6430 elevation. Blasthole drills, shovels, dozers, and dump trucks can be seen on bench in midground. Mine valley in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "1961".

1961 - Shovel on Peak
2000. · Item · 1961
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts a crawler cable shovel on right, and bulldozer partially visible on left. Rock face of mountainside in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "1961", on recto: "Mining 80 D shovel on [?] 64/70 to 6560 saddle on peak."

2000. · Item · 15 June 1971
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts flowing water believed to be Troutline Creek which ran south of Cassiar, B.C. Tailings pile and plant buildings visible behind forest in midground, northern mountain range in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".

2000. · Item · [ca. 1980]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unidentified man walking up front steps to building with the following sign: "TOWN ADMINISTRATION / MOTOR VEHICLE BRANCH / HCBC AGENCY / DISTRICT REGISTRAR / CDN CITIZENSHIP COURT / FISH & GAME LICENCES". Vehicles parked in foreground and behind at unknown building in midground. Power line and mountains in background.

Community Album - Fire Hall
2000. · Item · [ca. 1980]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts two fire trucks semi-visible in garage with the sign "FIRE HALL". House and snowmobile can be seen in left midground, truck and power pole in right foreground. Mountains in background. Warning visible on front of trucks: "KEEP BACK 500m".

2000. · Item · [ca. 1980]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts two-story main office building in right midground behind sign reading "CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORPORATION Ltd / CASSIAR MINE / MAIN OFFICE". Building believed to be warehouse can be seen behind raised Canadian flag on pole in left midground. New mill building and tailings pile visible behind warehouse and office, mountains in background.

Three diversion tunnels
2000.13.1.66 · Item · [between 1962 and 1967].
Part of Ray Williston fonds

Item is a photograph of the three tunnels built to divert the Peace River around the Bennett Dam construction site.