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Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Nechako/Fraser watershed water temperature monitoring data and analysis
Nechako/Fraser watershed water temperature monitoring data and analysis
"Experiments on Thermal Requirements for Growth and Food Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha"
"Experiments on Thermal Requirements for Growth and Food Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha"
"Potential Effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon"
"Potential Effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon"
"Habitat Capability Analysis of the Nechako River for Rainbow Trout and the Effects of Various Flow Regimes"
"Habitat Capability Analysis of the Nechako River for Rainbow Trout and the Effects of Various Flow Regimes"
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence
"Precis on Total Gas Research"
"Precis on Total Gas Research"
Kemano Task Force
Kemano Task Force
Correspondence regarding the Kemano Completion Project
Correspondence regarding the Kemano Completion Project
"Assessment of the Influence of Gas Supersaturation on Salmonids in the Nechako River in Relation to Kemano Completion"
"Assessment of the Influence of Gas Supersaturation on Salmonids in the Nechako River in Relation to Kemano Completion"
Alderdice's notes regarding the Alcan-Nechako controversy
Alderdice's notes regarding the Alcan-Nechako controversy
K2 values in the Nechako River
K2 values in the Nechako River
Nechako River fish flow workshop
Nechako River fish flow workshop
Kemano Completion Project documents
Kemano Completion Project documents
Draft DFO position on Nechako River fish flow requirements
Draft DFO position on Nechako River fish flow requirements
Settlement Agreement between Alcan, the Federal Crown, and the Provincial Crown
Settlement Agreement between Alcan, the Federal Crown, and the Provincial Crown
Attorney General of Canada v. Alcan
Attorney General of Canada v. Alcan
Nechako River court action inspection and discovery of documents
Nechako River court action inspection and discovery of documents
"Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Project and the Federal-Provincial-Alcan Agreement on Salmon Populations of the Nechako and Fraser Rivers"
"Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Project and the Federal-Provincial-Alcan Agreement on Salmon Populations of the Nechako and Fraser Rivers"
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
"An Analysis of the Kemano Completion Project"
"An Analysis of the Kemano Completion Project"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
Nechako court action documents
Curriculum vitae for Donald Francis Alderdice
Curriculum vitae for Donald Francis Alderdice
Rivers Defense Coalition v. Ministers of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, and Transport
Rivers Defense Coalition v. Ministers of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, and Transport
"The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: a case history of why people lose faith in the political process"
"The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: a case history of why people lose faith in the political process"
Cheslatta Carrier Nation and the Kemano Completion Project
Cheslatta Carrier Nation and the Kemano Completion Project
"Strangling the Nechako: The strangulation of the public process and the loss of a river"
"Strangling the Nechako: The strangulation of the public process and the loss of a river"
"Prespawning Mortalities of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River System and Possible Causal Factors"
"Prespawning Mortalities of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River System and Possible Causal Factors"
"Salmonid Incubation and Rearing Programs for IBM-Compatible Computers"
"Salmonid Incubation and Rearing Programs for IBM-Compatible Computers"
"The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government--A Brief to the BC Utilities Commission's Review Panel"
"The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government--A Brief to the BC Utilities Commission's Review Panel"
"British Columbia Utilities Commission Kemano Completion Project Review - Final Argument Phase V: Rivers Defense Coalition"
"British Columbia Utilities Commission Kemano Completion Project Review - Final Argument Phase V: Rivers Defense Coalition"
"Kemano Completion Project - Nechako River Summary Statement"
"Kemano Completion Project - Nechako River Summary Statement"
"Restructuring Research: Survival of the Fittest"
"Restructuring Research: Survival of the Fittest"
"Government of Canada Outline of Evidence for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Inquiry into the Kemano Completion Project: Phase 3"
"Government of Canada Outline of Evidence for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Inquiry into the Kemano Completion Project: Phase 3"
Correspondence with Rafe Mair
Correspondence with Rafe Mair
"Is Scientific Inquiry Incompatible with Government Information Control?"
"Is Scientific Inquiry Incompatible with Government Information Control?"
"Effects on Sediments and Biota of Cleaning a Salmonid Spawning Channel"
"Effects on Sediments and Biota of Cleaning a Salmonid Spawning Channel"
"Conceptual Alternatives for a Release Facility at Kenney Dam: An Interim Report of the Kenney Dam Release Facility Working Group"
"Conceptual Alternatives for a Release Facility at Kenney Dam: An Interim Report of the Kenney Dam Release Facility Working Group"
Letter from J. Harold Mundie to George Baker, Chair of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans
Letter from J. Harold Mundie to George Baker, Chair of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans
Clippings regarding the Kemano Completion Project
Clippings regarding the Kemano Completion Project
"Concluding Remarks: The Problem in its Setting"
"Concluding Remarks: The Problem in its Setting"
"Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, 1982"
"Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, 1982"