Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting the Blackburn neighbourhood development area's proposed sector plan in 1976.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the central area of the City of Prince George, including the Bowl area, the VLA, the Crescents, South Fort George, Heritage, and Peden Hill.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the east area of the City of Prince George, including the Prince George Airport (YXS) and the Blackburn area.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the northeast area of the City of Prince George, including the industrial areas on Prince George Pulpmill Road and Northwood Pulpmill Road along the Fraser River.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the northwest area of the City of Prince George, including the North Nechako neighbourhood and the Hart.
This map depicts the City of Prince George's plan for soil removal and deposit.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map reflects the 1998 amendment to the Official Community Plan.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map reflects the 1998 amendment to the Official Community Plan.
This map is Schedule C of the 2001 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 7281 for the City of Prince George. This Schedule C map shows the long range land use for the City of Prince George.
This map is the May 2006 amendment (Bylaw 7807) of the Schedule C of the 2001 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 7281 for the City of Prince George. This Schedule C map shows the long range land use for the City of Prince George.
This map is the May 2008 amendment (Bylaw 8061) of the Schedule C of the 2001 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 7281 for the City of Prince George. This Schedule C map shows the long range land use for the City of Prince George.
This map is the October 2006 amendment (Bylaw 7807) of the Schedule C of the 2001 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 7281 for the City of Prince George. This Schedule C map shows the long range land use for the City of Prince George.
This map is the Schedule A accompanying map for the City of Prince George's Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw No. 7022 of 1999. It depicts designated soil removal areas and M.O.T.H. gravel reserves.
This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the southwest area of the City of Prince George, including College Heights, UNBC, University Heights, and Vanway.
Item is Map 2 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 2 shows development areas and aggregate requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.
Item is Map 1 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 1 shows development areas and population for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.
Item is Map 4 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 4 shows development areas, aggregate sources, and requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.
Item is Map 5 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 5 shows drill hole locations.
Item is Map 3 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 3 shows geology of the Prince George area and known sources of construction aggregates.
This municipal map of the City of Vancouver from 1987 shows street names and street widening information.
Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting the College Heights and southwest (Vanway) neighbourhood area existing land use in 1976.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted in January 1910. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The subdivision is Lot 936 G. I. Cariboo District, B.C. The area covered is North of Twenty First Avenue, East of Quinn Street, South of Eighth Avenue and West of Carney Street. Annotations highlight "Owner Edgar McMickiny," "696" and "Jordan Brothel" written in red pen pointing to a specific location.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted on 20 Nov. 1910. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The subdivision is lot 2610 G. I. and part of lots 2507 and 2608 G. I. Cariboo District. The area covered is South of 8th Avenue, East of 19th Avenue, North of 8th Street and West of Quinn Street. Annotations state, "Pl. 847," and various notations regarding lot information.
Item is a reproduction of a draft "Fort Nelson Land and Resource Management Plan", accompanied by an original 1997 "Fort Nelson L.R.M.P. Plan Area" map produced by BC Ministry of Forests for the Fort Nelson LRMP Working Group.
Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting Hart Highway neighbourhood area existing land use in 1976.
City of Prince GeorgeItem is a map annotated in colour by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting major residential development proposals from June 1975 to August 1977 in the City of Prince George. This map was drawn for the City of Prince George interim Community Plan.
Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting North Nechako neighbourhood area existing land use in 1976.
Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting the North Nechako and Hart neighbourhood area proposed land use in 1976.
The item is a reproduction of a section of survey map drafted in 1915. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The Plan Number is 1268 and highlights the area along the Nechako River. The map details subdivisions East of Carney Street and North of Fifth Avenue. Some original street and avenue names have been crossed out and replaced with handwritten names. Annotation on reverse side of map states, "D.L. 343 Pl. 1268."
Item is a map depicting a future high density development plan for the Peden Hill neighbourhood in Prince George.
Item is a map depicting a future low density development plan for the Peden Hill neighbourhood in Prince George.
Item is a map depicting a future medium density development plan for the Peden Hill neighbourhood in Prince George.
Item is a map depicting the areas of spring and fall shadow in the Peden Hill neighbourhood in Prince George.
Item is a map depicting the areas of winter shadow in the Peden Hill neighbourhood in Prince George.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map likely drafted in the 1910s. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is South of Anderson Street, East of Simpson Street, North of Van Bien Avenue and West of 9th Street. Annotations state, "Pl 721 DL 1426."
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted in July 1914. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is along the Fraser River and east of Guelph Street. Annotations state, "PL 1409 D. L. 417 HBCo." and highlight different scales of measurement and changed street names.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted on 29 Oct. 1910. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is South of Princess Street, East of James Avenue, North of 8th Street and West of Rupert Avenue. Annotations state, "Jesse Hodgeson Crown grand in 1910 for $800..."
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted in 1 Oct. 1913. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is along the Fraser River and west of Linooln Avenue, south of Jackson Street and North of McKinley Street. Annotations state which maps and lots are adjacent to this one. An illegible signature is highlighted.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted on 1 March 1910. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is South of Bernhardt Avenue, East of Simpson Street, North of the Fraser River and West of 9th Street. Annotations state, "DL 1426 Plan 721."
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted on 1 March 1910. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area highlighted is along the Fraser River. The map details subdivisions East of Ninth Street and South of Thapage Lane. Land Surveyor J. F. Templeton certified the plan. Annotation on the map states, "Pl. 727."
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted in 1909. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered are lots 931 and 417. Annotations state, "Plan 701," and various names are highlighted.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map likely drafted in the 1910s. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The area covered is South of Baillie Street, East of 22nd Avenue, North of Princess Street and West of 7th Avenue. Annotations state, "Pl. 833" and various lot descriptions.
The item is a reproduction of a survey map drafted on 10 July 1956 and registered on 31 Oct. 1956. The reproduction was likely created in 1990. The plan number is 7782.