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View of Wrangell, Alaska
2009.7.1.158 · Item · 1877
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Photograph depicts community buildings on shoreline, water in foreground.

Handwritten annotation on image reads: "Wrangle, Alaska."; on verso: "Fort Wrangle, Alaska Territory. visited by W.H.Collison, C.M.S. 1877. Prior to the establishment of any mission, [...? illegible] 1875 - 1876. Presbyterian. Insert this illustration of Wrangle on Page 77 as marked."

2009.7.1.073 · Item · [ca 1876 - ca. 1890]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Handwritten annotations read: "At rest, after a rough passage of two days and a night from Massett, Queen Charlotte's Islands by canoe - W.H. Collison and Mrs. Collison with Indians from Masset"; "Archdeacon Collison Indian Canoe & Crew. Return from Queen Charlotte's Islands, Haida & Tsimshian Crew [...?]" Archdeacon and Mrs. Collison sit in centre of canoe.

"Hagaga : Special Edition"
2009.7.4.11 · Item · April 1895
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Newspaper consists of the recto and verso of 2 pages (p. 1-4). It was published in Aiyansh on the Nass River in British Columbia in April 1895 and presents a missionary's perspective of regional First Nations traditions and current affairs of the day.

Shops along Shore at Port Essington, BC
2006.45.11 · Item · [ca. 1897]
Parte de Historical North Coast Photograph Album

Shops stand along riverside boardwalk. Storefront sign for R. Cunningham & Sons visible. Many people stand and sit on boardwalk, and canoes and small boats float in water in foreground.

Handwritten photo captions beside image read: "R. Cunningham & Sons - Probably Port Essington", "NW coast canoe".

View of Fort Wrangell, Alaska
2006.45.17 · Item · [ca. 1897]
Parte de Historical North Coast Photograph Album

View of town on shore, from above. Boats docked along piers and buildings. Hills visible on either side of water in background.

Handwritten photo captions with arrows pointing to sections of image read: "General Merchandise", "Fort Wrangell Hotel".

Historical North Coast Photograph Album
2006.45 · Fondo · [ca. 1897]

Contains photographs generally depicting landscapes, water scenes, and views of towns on British Columbia's north coast. Includes images featuring sternwheelers and other boats, canneries, fisheries, and individuals. Locations depicted include Port Essington and Port Simpson (Lax Kw’alaams) in BC, Fort Wrangell in Alaska, and other unknown towns. Includes one photograph of a man named Max Lohbrunner, and many other images depicting unidentified individuals.

Port Simpson, BC
2006.45.2 · Item · [ca. 1897]
Parte de Historical North Coast Photograph Album

Photograph depicts Port Simpson in winter. Water and shoreline in foreground, hill in distance.

Handwritten photo caption below image reads: "Port Simpson".

River Boats at Port Simpson, BC
2006.45.7 · Item · [ca. 1897]
Parte de Historical North Coast Photograph Album

Photograph depicts sternwheeler, smaller boat, and canoe in foreground. Second sternwheeler named the 'Caledonia' can be seen anchored to shore in background. Town buildings stand on hill in background. Photo believed to have been taken in Port Simpson, B.C.

2009.7.1.086 · Item · [1898?]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Photograph depicts an unidentified individual leaning against a large overturned dugout canoe; barrel, bucket, and wood planks in foreground. Houses and other buildings can be seen on shore above beach, and two unidentified individuals stand in distance on far right.

Handwritten annotations on verso read: “Haida canoe on beach at Masset / ? 1898”; “No. 4 Page 5. Haida Canoe ready for steaming to [widen?] out and finish.”

An original negative of this photograph is held by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, no. 26664.

Pearl Street in Atlin, BC
2006.20.11.22 · Item · August 1899
Parte de Northern BC Archives Historical Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts buildings and signage on either side of dirt road. Unidentified man stands on far left, Atlin Lake and mountains can be seen in background.

Hand inscribed annotation on recto of photograph reads: “Pearl St., Atlin, B.C. Aug. 1899. A.C. Hirschfeld, No.74”.

Pearl Avenue in Atlin, BC
2006.20.11.23 · Item · [ca. 1899]
Parte de Northern BC Archives Historical Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts tent buildings on either side of dirt road. Unidentified men are visible on left, Atlin Lake and mountains can be seen in background.

Hand inscribed annotation on recto of photograph reads: “Pearl Av. looking towards Atlin Lake, Atlin, B.C., A.C. Hirschfeld, No. 174”

2009.7.1.037 · Item · [ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Large group of women, men, and children pose on front steps of church. Some men standing in back hold brass instruments. Bishop Ridley (with long beard) sits in front centre between W.H. Collison (on right) and his son W.E. Collison. Photograph depicts the first church built in Metlakatla, which was burned in a fire in 1901, and replaced in 1903.

Handwritten annotation below image reads: "A gathering of Missionaries and Indians in front of Metlakahtla Church During Synod"; on verso: "[Ven?] Arch Collison & Mrs Collison".

2009.7.1.075 · Item · [ca. 1876 - ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph reads: "W.E. Collison Masset. Interior of Chief [Weah's?] house".

Caption under printed version of photo in W.H. Collison's book 'In the Wake of the War Canoe': "The house is about 40 feet square, forming one large room. The upper cubicles are on a level with the ground, which in front of them is excavated so that the fireplace in the centre is twelve feet below the surface. A ledge, for the use of slaves and dependents, is left half-way down."

2009.7.1.035 · Item · [ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Group poses between two buildings, small dog visible behind. Wood piles and tree stumps can be seen on hill in background.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Metlakatla BC / Back row - W.E. Collison, Fr. Hogan, ?, ? Canon Keen / Front row - ?, ?, Bishop Du Vernet, Archdeacon Laycock". See also item 2009.7.1.32 for image featuring Father Hogan, and 2009.7.1.29 for image featuring Bishop Du Vernet.

2009.7.1.074 · Item · [ca. 1876 - ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Photograph depicts many crest poles in front of wooden homes. An unidentified family can be seen sitting by house in centre. Wood pile and path in foreground.

Handwritten annotation on image reads: "Masset Queen Charlotte's Islands, Crest Poles / Masset with Totems."; on verso: "Chap. XIII. No. 1 This photo to be copied as an illustration on 1st page or I Chapt. 'Section of Massett, Haida Encampment showing Totems. Queen Charlotte's Islands.' For heading of page 2 of Trophies."

2009.7.1.092 · Item · [ca. 1876 - ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Totem poles (crest poles?) stand in front of a line of houses. Blanketed canoes sit on beach in right foreground; forest in background.

Handwritten annotations on verso read: “skidegate village Queen Charlotte Islands as it appeared forty years ago"; "Rev W.E. Collison Prince Rupert"; "Hughes"; "1".

2009.7.1.093 · Item · [ca. 1876 - ca. 1900]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Totem poles (crest poles?) stand in front of a line of houses. Blanketed canoes sit on beach in right foreground; forest in background.

Handwritten annotations on verso read: “Haida Encampment [crossed through with line]"; "Skidegate Queen Charlottes Islands / To illustrate Introduction / Introduction Trophies from a Song [Trail?] Page 1 Heading."

2009.7.1.059 · Item · [ca. 1900?]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Photograph depicts an unidentified man walking on path in front of Bishop Ridley's home. Several children can be seen in fenced yard in midground.

Handwritten annotation below image reads: "Ridley Home and Mission house Metlakahtla."; on verso: "Chapter XXVII / Heading for Chapter / Ridley Home Metlakahtla".

Children gathered at Metlakatla Church
2009.7.1.056 · Item · [between 1874 and 1901]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Several unidentified individuals can be seen on front steps of church and a group of small children in white stand in line below steps. Other community buildings are visible in background, white fence crosses foreground. Photograph depicts the first church built in Metlakatla, which was burned in a fire in 1901, and replaced in 1903.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Church (of England) at Metlakahtla - British Columbia. Built by the people of the village - largest church then on the pacific coast."

Children gathered at Metlakatla Church
2009.7.1.057 · Item · [between 1874 and 1901]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Several unidentified individuals can be seen on front steps of church and a group of small children in white stand in line below steps. Other community buildings are visible in background, white fence crosses foreground. Photograph depicts the first church built in Metlakatla, which was burned in a fire in 1901, and replaced in 1903.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Old church at Metlakatla Before fire. Built by Fr. Duncan & the village people".

Close view of Metlakatla Church
2009.7.1.036 · Item · [between 1874 and 1901]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Large church stands behind white fence, unidentified man visible on front steps. Photograph depicts the first church built in Metlakatla, which was burned in a fire in 1901, and replaced in 1903.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "With love, from your two old friends JH [& AM Keen?]".

2009.7.1.045 · Item · [1903?]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Three men stand in centre, each wearing a chief's dress and head-dress. Family members stand and sit on either side. Carved boxes and masks are positioned in foreground. The group poses in front of drapery hung against tall wooden wall.

Community members have stated that the people in this photo are from the Gitwilluyaxw clan from the wolf tribal house of Ksdiyaawak. The photo was taken at Gitlax̱t’aamiks along the Nass River.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Tsimpshian Chiefs & family. Goods [for or fr.] Potlatch".

New church building at Metlakatla, BC
2009.7.1.058 · Item · [1903?]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Photograph depicts fenced area in front of church building with turret. Other community buildings can be seen in background.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Metlakatla Church. Replacement for larger church lost in village fire 1903?" See also item 2009.7.1.55 for similar image depicting new church building at Metlakatla, B.C.

2011.3.1.12 · Item · 1904
Parte de North Coast & Central BC Postcard Collection

Photo of 2 men working with hand tools. Printed captions on verso read: "S.P.G. Missionary Post Card - No. 14.", "ERECTING A TENT CHURCH IN CALEDONIA.", "THE S.P.G. supports work in many of the dioceses of N.-W. Canada. The diocese of Caladonia was formed in 1879". Handwritten annotations in pencil on recto read: “PRINCE RUPERT AREA B.C.”, “The Rev S.B. Priston, Farm Cottage Farm lane, Fulham. Thankyou so very much for all you did last night. I am so sorry I did not see you after it was all over to thank you. R.A.[?] You never came to eat the [?] there are heaps.” Half pence postage stamp on recto is canceled with ink stamp reading "DE 7 04".

Harbour at Port Essington, BC
2011.3.1.02 · Item · [ca. 1905]
Parte de North Coast & Central BC Postcard Collection

View of building, dock, harbour and small islands with snow peaked mountains in background. Printed caption on verso reads: “Port Essington B.C. Photo by P. E. Fisher”. Handwritten annotation in ink on verso reads: “up the Skeena”, in pencil on verso: “Port Essington, North Coast Commercial Coy”.

Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC
2011.3.3.4 · Item · [ca. 1905]
Parte de North Coast & Central BC Postcard Collection

Typed annotation in red ink on recto reads: “3rd Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C.” People, boardwalks, horse & wagons and store signs are visible. Rubble and unknown material lies on ground between boardwalks. Typed annotation in red ink on recto reads: “3rd Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C.”

2011.3.1.06 · Item · [ca. 1905]
Parte de North Coast & Central BC Postcard Collection

View of peninsula with houses and trees. Dock in mid ground, trees and grasses in foreground. Recto stamped “Port Simpson DE 17" and "Port Essington DE 18". Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "W. J. O'Neill Esq. Telegraph Point Via Pt. Essington B.C. Don't you think this pretty [Weggs & Mr. Byron?] was over last night - said he saw you and [Halie?]. Yours - BaBa".

Taku River Survey - Men in Campsite
2006.20.3.58 · Item · 13 October 1906
Parte de Northern BC Archives Historical Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts miscellaneous items and supplies in front of white tent. Unknown man stands in foreground and a second man can be seen sitting in tent. Stand of trees in background. Handwritten annotation visible on negative: "[?] Oct 13".

Image is one of 65 photos documenting a survey of the Canada-Alaska Boundary, Taku River area, May 23 to Oct. 15, 1906. This particular photo is one of 9 found in original enclosure with the following handwritten annotation: "Pictures of different members of ‘our’ party.” See also items 2006.20.3.57 - 2006.20.3.65.

2006.20.3.63 · Item · [between 23 May 1906 and 15 October 1906]
Parte de Northern BC Archives Historical Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts three men sitting in front of tent structure with log base, trees in background. Believed to be main campsite area (see item 2006.20.3.59).

Image is one of 65 photos documenting a survey of the Canada-Alaska Boundary, Taku River area, May 23 to Oct. 15, 1906. This particular photo is one of 9 found in original enclosure with the following handwritten annotation: "Pictures of different members of ‘our’ party.” See also items 2006.20.3.57 - 2006.20.3.65.