The item is a document created by the John Hopps Mining Property documenting various aspects of their mining operations. The document contains descriptions detailing the history of the discovery of gold in the Cariboo and the founding of John Hopp Mining Property. Information on the Property includes estimated earnings, estimated costs, cubic yards washed, ounce yields, value of yields, values per cubic yard, actual operating expenses, improvements, and profits over operating expenses for years 1907 to 1924. Photographs depict Stouts Gulch hydraulicing, Stouts Gulch to Lowhee Summit, Lowhee Ditch & Penstock facing Lowhee Stouts Gulch Summit, the new Lowhee Reservoir Dam construction, Lowhee Flume and Dump, Lowhee flume and pit, Mosquito Creek flume, cleaning bedrock at Mosquito Creek, the building at Willow River, Ella Reservoir Dam construction, the saw mill at Jack of Clubs Lake, Forest Rose flume, gold samples from Lowhee Stouts Gulch and Mosquito Creek. The maps depict claims, leases, etc. on Williams Creek, John Hopp mining properties in Barkerville District and British Columbia mining divisions in 1922. The ledger includes leaves, real estate placer claims, record placer claims, crown granted land, and water records for the John Hopp Mining Property.
The document was created to show the extent and operations of the Jonn Hopp Mining Property. The Property is known for its historical significance in gold mining in British Columbia during the 1920s.
John Hopp was a notable for his involvement in mining in the Wells-Barkerville area in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. He managed operations at Slough Creek Ltd., which included the first shaft house, first office and first bunkhouse. The John Hopp Mine at Lowhee Creek was named after him and was a significant gold producer.
The item contains photographs materials from 1868 to its publication in 1923.
This item covers over 55 years of mining operations, their value, and social and environmental impact in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia spanning 1868 to 1923.
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