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Thrashing grain at Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.008 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts six horses harnessed to a center pole. Three men attend the horses, two men with pitchforks stand atop a wagon loaded with cut grain stocks in the background. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Crops at Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.001 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts five men standing in a field of cut hay. Some men are holding scythes, buildings, forest and rolling hills in background. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Cleaning grain at Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.006 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a man standing on a high ladder pouring grain from a sack to a tarp below. Sacks of grain in the foreground, field and trees in the background. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Crops at Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.004 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts 5 men in a field using scythes to cut grain. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Pack train at Hudson Bay Company, Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.007 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts twelve or more horses loaded with packs. Three or more men attending. There is a telegraph pole in the midground, treed low hills in the background. The horses are standing in a field. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Packing horses
2014.10.1.010 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a group of horses in process of being loaded with packs. Four or more men attend. There is a canvas tent, open fire and more people in the background. Location believed to be HBC post at Fort Fraser.

Ready to saddle
2014.10.1.009 · Item · 1907
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a large semicircle of tethered horses. Loaded packs are arranged near each horse. Men, boys and a border collie are in the foreground, low mountains in the background. Location believed to be HBC post at Fort Fraser.

Trip to Fraser Lake
2014.10.1.167 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts five or more men standing near a tent frame. There are several packs on the ground and two horses loaded with packs. There is a bridge or dock on the right, a body of water and forested hills in the background.

Ferry man's house
2014.10.1.177 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a man standing near a fenced garden plot is nearby. A body of water, a small settlement and treed hills in the background. Settlement believed to be situated near Fort Fraser, BC.

Ferry at Fraser Lake
2014.10.1.176 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a man standing near a rough log shed. A fence line leads toward a lake. This small settlement with treed hills in the background was located near Fort Fraser.

Charleston pack train near Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.188 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a long line of 30 or more horses or mules and men. The horses appear to be tethered to a rope, some animals are wearing packs. Several men attend. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Cabin shed and garden near Fraser's Lake
2014.10.1.173 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a rustic log cabin, shed and garden fence near the edge of a lake. The surrounding landscape consists of low rolling hills. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Fraser's Lake Ferry
2014.10.1.190 · Item · 1911
Parte de Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts view from behind the ferryman and ship's wheel. Fraser Lake and treed hills in the background. Note: Fort Fraser, BC was at one time also referred to as "Fraser's Lake" - the name of the Post Office within the Hudson Bay Company store.

Mortuary totem pole at Masset, Queen Charlotte Islands, BC
2009.7.1.080 · Item · October 1913
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Large bear carving sits on top of wide pole, erected in memory of a chief of the Bear crest. Lines of houses stand in background.

Printed below image: "Totem Pole. Old Massett. Q.C.I / J.D. Allen photo Co."; handwritten below: "Mortuary Pole Bear [Crest?]"; on verso: "For Chapt. XIX. The old style and the new. Mortuary Pole & modern houses. No. 3. W.H.C. Oct. [6/ ?] 13".