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1965 - Mrs. Navin & others in Library
2000. · Item · 1965
Parte de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts Mrs. Navin (wife of Dr. Navin - see item 2000. standing across unknown woman seated at librarian's table covered with books. Bookshelves in background, unknown couple sitting at table in left midground. Handwritten annotations on recto of photograph: "RIGHT / MRS NAVIN".

Community Album - School Library
2000. · Item · [ca. 1980]
Parte de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts unidentified youth seated at library tables. Group of smaller children can be seen sitting between bookshelves in background. Two adults visible on far right; chalk boards and posters on wall in background.

Elementary Class
2000.13.1.94 · Item · [192-].
Parte de Ray Williston fonds

Item is a photograph of a class of elementary school children from the Craigflower School in Victoria. Ray began attending there in 1922.

1992.10.1 · Séries · 1991-1992
Parte de Ron A. Sebastian Collection

File consists of photographs of the construction of ceremonial mace, chairs, and Senate doors for the University of Northern British Columbia.

Making of the Ceremonial Chairs
1992.10.2.2 · Item · [1991 or 1992]
Parte de Ron A. Sebastian Collection

Video recording is a compact VHS recording of the construction of the ceremonial chairs (President's Chair and Chancellor's Chair) for the University of Northern British Columbia.

Published and Unpublished Materials
2008.3.1 · Séries · 1945-1999
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Series consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, pamphlets, newsletters, advertisements, contracts, notebooks, audiocassettes of oral interviews and readings, transcripts, book launch announcements, front cover mock-ups, edited drafts, manuscripts, fact sheets, poems, catalogues, bookmarks, skits, conference events programme, poster, grant applications and related correspondence, a wooden placard, handwritten notes, book reviews, inquest reports, background material, VHS recordings of classroom talks given by Bridget Moran, Mary John and Justa Monk re: her publications, and ephemera. This series contains material from all five of her publications:

  1. (1988) Stoney Creek Woman: The Story of Mary John. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
  2. (1990) Judgment at Stoney Creek. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press
  3. (1992) A Little Rebellion. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
  4. (1994) Justa: A First Nations Leader. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
  5. (1996) Prince George Remembered. Prince George, British Columbia: Moran Publishing.
    This series also consists of, but is not limited to, a number of unpublished manuscripts and drafts and/or writing contest submissions also written by Bridget Moran, such as:
    • "Mary and Me" (ca. 1998)
    • "Where Winds Come Sweet" (ca. 1981)
    • "The Horizontal Land" (ca. 1992)
    • "The Summer of '81"
    • "The Relief Cheque" (ca. 1998)
    • "The Case of the Box of Matches" (ca. 1987)
    • "Unholy Deadlock" (ca. 1990)
    • "The Numbers Game"
    • "Reflections on Theme" (ca. 1967)
    • "Come Hell or High Water" (ca. 1976)
    • "Man Alive"
    • "The Deadbeat Mystique"
    • "Hell on Wheels"
    • "Backstairs at the Palace"
    • "James MacCallum" (ca. 1984)
    • "Hushaby, Baby" (ca. 1981)
    • "The Decline and Fall of Mr. Sullivan"
    • "Case History of a Gadfly"
    • "Welfare and the Good Life"
    • "Childhood Memories" (ca. 1976)
    • "The Three Musketeers" (ca. 1974-75)
    • "A Child's Christmas in Saskatchewan" (ca. 1979)
    • "Diary of Success Homecoming"
    • "My Old Flame" (ca. 1992)
    • "O Ye Dry Bones" (ca. 1996)
    • "Supper, Little Children" (ca. 1983).
Bridget Moran Wearing UNBC Regalia
2008. · Item · 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran standing in front of stone steps in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia, in Prince George, B.C. Photo taken on the day Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran seated amongst standing group of unidentified women. Overhead machine and chalkboard in background. Photograph was taken at session of Aboriginal Women's Training Program at the Cowichan Campus, Malaspina University College, in Duncan B.C.

Honours and Awards
2008.3.3 · Séries · 1989-1999
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Series consists of photographs, event itineraries and programs, letters of congratulations, letters of recommendation, newspaper clippings, invitations and place name cards all pertaining to Bridget’s receipt of the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal, the B.C. Book Prize, and honourary doctorate degrees from both the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) and the University of Victoria (UVic).

Group of 1995 UNBC Graduates
2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts large group posed on ceremonial steps in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Most individuals in group wear regalia. Bridget Moran appears to be standing in center of second row, hand raised to her face.

2008.3.3.2 · Dossiê · 1994-1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

File consists of:

  • Letter from Geoffrey R. Weller to Bridget Moran re: honorary degree, Doctorate of Laws (Jan. 30, 1995)
  • Newspaper clipping: "UNBC honors local author" (Prince George Citizen, March 24, 1995)
  • Newspaper clipping: Birth announcement
  • Congratulations card from Judy and Dan
  • Index re: Nomination for Bridget Moran (list of names supporting Bridget Moran's nomination for an honorary degree)
  • 1 photograph of Bridget Moran at UNBC posing for a photograph in her doctorate gown
  • Letter to Pat Sarsfield from Bob Harkins, Paul Ramsey. MLA, Dr. Jo-Anne Fiske, Tanya Buttress, and Maureen Horkoff re: Nomination of Brdiget Moran Honorary Doctorate Degree, Spring Convocation, 1995
  • Letter to all members of the University Community re: Honorary Degree Nominations, with unknown handwriting on back of letter (Sept. 16, 1994)
  • Letter to Pat Sarsfield from Andrew Armitage, Director of UVic School of Social Work re: recommendation of Bridget Moran for an honorary degree from UNBC (Oct. 1, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Maureen Horkoff from Carl Anserello, School Services Administrator re: Nominations - honorary doctoral degree - Bridget Moran (Oct. 25, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Maureen Horkoff from J.A. Steedman, M.D., SFU re: honorary doctoral degree from UNBC (Oct. 25, 1994)
  • Letter from the Social Services Faculty at the College of New Caledonia, Lana Coldwell and Val Weed re: honorary doctoral degree from UNBC (Oct. 24, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from M. Smith (?), Instructor at Douglas College re: Bridget Moran - Honorary Degree Nomination (Oct. 24, 1996)
  • Letter of recommendation from Annette Neighbor (?) BCCW Student at Douglas College re: Bridget Moran - Honorary Degree Nomination (Oct. 25, 1996)
  • Letter of recommendation from Lola Dawn Frias, BCCW student at Douglas College re: Bridget Moran - Honorary Degree Nomination from UNBC (Oct. 24, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Judy Abou at Douglas College re: Bridget Moran - Honorary Degree Nomination from UNBC (Oct. 24, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Paul Thomson from John Stevens, Assistant Superintendent of Schools re: Bridget Moran - honorary degree nomination from UNBC (Oct. 3, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Maureen Trotter re: Bridget Moran honorary degree nomination from UNBC (Oct. 13, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Judith M. Kennedy re: Bridget Moran honorary degree nomination from UNBC (Oct. 20, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Pat Sarsfield from Debbie Hartley re: Bridget Moran honorary degree nomination from UNBC (Oct. 17, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Pat Sarsfield from Mary-Ellen Kelm, History Program re: Bridget Moran honorary degree nomination from UNBC (Oct. 14, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Pat Sarsfield from Maureen Horkoff re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 28, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Tanya Buttress re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 20, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Pat Sarsfield from Justa Monk re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 17, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation to Maureen Horkoff from Mary John Sr. re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 20, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Harry Rankin, Barrister and Solicitor, re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 24, 1994)
  • Letter of recommendation from Judge G. O. Stewart re: Nomination of Bridget Moran for Honorary Degree from UNBC (Oct. 25, 1994).
View of the Agora, UNBC
2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts the Agora center at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Library building can be seen in right background, cafeteria building on far left. Unidentified individuals can be seen walking on campus. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "The processional gathers on the upper walkway". Photo believed to have been taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts men, women, and infant seated in the Canfor Theatre at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Unidentified individuals sit in seats in background. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Next row down is R. [Roseanne Moran] & the Kennedy's, I move to join her next to walkway." Photo taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran and others in regalia in the Canfor Theatre at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Moran stands in front near podium, flags and camera equipment are also visible in auditorium. Audience sits in foreground. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "You are crowned queen 'Dr. Moran.' Congratulations!"

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran holding framed certificate while walking up stairs in crowded Canfor Theatre at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Moran walks with Dr. Mary Ellen Kelm, both wearing regalia. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Pride & relief. R [Roseanne Moran] is yelling 'Mom, Mom, We're here!'" Photo taken on the day Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

Group of 1995 UNBC Graduates
2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts large group posed on ceremonial steps in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Most individuals in group wear regalia. Bridget Moran stands in the second row, sixth from right (wearing sunglasses). Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Outside, the public photo session." Photo taken on the day Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

Group of 1995 UNBC Graduates, Side View
2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts large group posed on ceremonial steps in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Most individuals in group wear regalia. Bridget Moran stands in the second row, fifth from right (wearing sunglasses). Photo taken on the day Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran wearing regalia, standing with man in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Unidentified individuals stand near Winter Garden in background. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Who is this man?" Photo taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran wearing regalia, embraced by her sons Mike (in foreground) and Pat. The group stands in the Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Unidentified individuals stand near Winter Garden in background. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Pat gets in on the action!." Photo taken on the day Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts two women, two men, a small child, and an infant on deck in backyard with chairs and table set with food and beverages. Trees and building visible in background. Accompanying note from Maureen Faulkner: "Ah ha! BBQ at M & T's." Photo taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree from the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts man and woman speculated to be Pat (Bridget Moran's son) and Tracy holding food and beverage on deck in backyard. Unidentified individuals semi-visible on far left and right. Trees and building visible in background. Photo taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree from the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C.

2008. · Item · 26 May 1995
Parte de Bridget Moran fonds

Photograph depicts Moran wearing regalia and linking arms with Mary John. Stone steps in background. The pair stands in the Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Photo taken on the day Bridget Moran received an Honourary Law Degree.

UNBC History Collection
1993.1 · Colección · 1988-2019

Collection consists textual material, objects, and ephemera related to the history of the University of Northern British Columbia.

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