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2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Soil (sod) development over lacustrine deposits. Depth to carbonated layer (1922 fire) 2.5", depth to parent material 6". Note blocky structure of deposit (clay). Root penetration to 1'. Root penetration of willow and aspen to 1.5'. Blocky structure from fluctuating water table, gentle slope to land form."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Typical residual after clear cutting and scarifying. West Branch, F.E.S. Aleza Lake. (Strip 1N SE Cor). Residual stems damaged B understory, occasional poor quality Spruce. Old growth birch generally with complete cover of alder (15') Thimbleberry and AD."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Young Pine and Black Spruce growing in spahgnum, ledum carex and betula. Lodgepole Pine and Black Spruce. 30 yrs 18' high. Note Film 2 Frames 3, 4, and 5 (2007. within 1 chain of edge of swamp. Main Access Road, F.E.S. Aleza Lake."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Outline of Black Spruce showing dense crown form, high occurrence of multiple tops, long columnar crown with drooping branch form. Trees range between 55-70' and 10-14" DBH. Imperfectly drained clay - E.S. site. Note W Spruce vol removed by logging. Main Access Road, F.E.S. Aleza Lake."

2007. · Item · [8 July 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Encroachment of an old field by Lodgepole pine and Spruce regeneration. Junction of Highway 16 and Giscome turnoff. Surrounding forest mainly aspen, some scrubby Spruce, Douglas fir, and Lodgepole pine 20 chains away. Moderately drained stoney, sandy silt."

2007. · Item · [9 July 1966]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Black Spruce residuals (Ht 35-40', 5-9" DBH Age 80). Potentially commercial pulp wood remaining after pulp logging a fully stock 95 yrs stand of Lodgepole pine and White Spruce on imperfectly drained silty clay. Mile 6.5 Hart Highway. (Illustrate frequent occurrence of P mariana on soils other than organic muck or sphagnum bogs)."

2007. · Item · [after June 1967]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Seeding Trial No. 1. Typical Three-year old seedlings. Lodgepole Pine on area scarified in 1963 and Broadcast Seeded in June 1964 at 7.6 ozs per acre. Exploratory Direct Seeding Trials in Prince George Forest District. Per title: Location T.S. X91918 Cluculz Lake (Lloyd Bros.). Photo: W.D. West, Prince George, negative filed with P.I.E. No. 15794/1."

2007. · Item · [after May 1967]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 638 Seeding Trials - Prince George. Typical Development of White Spruce. Showing seedlings from Genevieve Lake and Buckhorn Burn. Exploratory Direct Seeding Trials in Prince George Forest District. Photo by Craftsman Photographers, Prince George."

2007. · Item · [between 1965 and 1968]
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd. Close-up of rubber-tired skidder at landing." Harry Coates holds a measuring tape against a felled tree to show trunk diameter.