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1987 Settlement Agreement
1987 Settlement Agreement
1987 Settlement Agreement
1987 Settlement Agreement
"1988/89 Studies on the Nechako River: Investigations into the Use of Instream Cover Structures by Juvenile Chinook Salmon"
"1988/89 Studies on the Nechako River: Investigations into the Use of Instream Cover Structures by Juvenile Chinook Salmon"
"A Brief for Presentation to the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel on the Kemano Completion Project" by G.F. Hartman
"A Brief for Presentation to the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel on the Kemano Completion Project" by G.F. Hartman
"A Brief of the Nechako Valley Regional Cattlemen's Association to the British Columbia Utilities Commission Concerning the Kemano Completion Project"
"A Brief of the Nechako Valley Regional Cattlemen's Association to the British Columbia Utilities Commission Concerning the Kemano Completion Project"
"A Brief on the Kemano Completion Project's Hydrothermal and Internal Wave Modelling" by G.A. Lawrence
"A Brief on the Kemano Completion Project's Hydrothermal and Internal Wave Modelling" by G.A. Lawrence
"A Comparison of the Results from Habitat-ENV with Results from Habitat (IFG)"
"A Comparison of the Results from Habitat-ENV with Results from Habitat (IFG)"
"A Critique of the Insteam Flow Incremental Methodology"
"A Critique of the Insteam Flow Incremental Methodology"
"A Critique of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology"
"A Critique of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology"
"A Critique of the Instream Flow Methodology and Observations on Flow Determination in New Zealand"
"A Critique of the Instream Flow Methodology and Observations on Flow Determination in New Zealand"
"A Preliminary Review of and Comments on the Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. Proposal for Kemano Completion"
"A Preliminary Review of and Comments on the Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. Proposal for Kemano Completion"
"A Prototype Submersible Electrofisher: Design and User Manual"
"A Prototype Submersible Electrofisher: Design and User Manual"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report of the Kemano Task Force: Review of the Environmental Studies Report Submitted by Alcan in Support of the Kemano Completion Proposal in Relation to Continued Fish Production from the Rivers Involved"
"A Report on Alcan's Kemano Completion Project: A Comprehensive Study by Michelle Hicks"
"A Report on Alcan's Kemano Completion Project: A Comprehensive Study by Michelle Hicks"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River"
"A Test of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Underyearling Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdnerii, in Experimental New Zealand Streams"
"A Test of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Underyearling Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdnerii, in Experimental New Zealand Streams"
"Ability of PHABSIM to Predict Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat"
"Ability of PHABSIM to Predict Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat"
"Abundance, Distribution, Size, and Age of Adult and Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Upper Sustut River, 1992 to 1996"
"Abundance, Distribution, Size, and Age of Adult and Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Upper Sustut River, 1992 to 1996"
"Activity 5: Assessment of Benefits. Framework for Assessing the Benefits of the Proposed Nechako River Cold Water Release Facility" prepared by Robinson Consulting and Associates, Ltd.
"Activity 5: Assessment of Benefits. Framework for Assessing the Benefits of the Proposed Nechako River Cold Water Release Facility" prepared by Robinson Consulting and Associates, Ltd.
Alcan Aluminum Ltd., Annual Report, 1999
Alcan Aluminum Ltd., Annual Report, 1999
Alcan Aluminum Ltd., General Promotional Material
Alcan Aluminum Ltd., General Promotional Material
Alcan Aluminum, Ltd: "Alcan Facts, 1999"
Alcan Aluminum, Ltd: "Alcan Facts, 1999"
Alcan and BC Hydro Joint News Release
Alcan and BC Hydro Joint News Release
Alcan British Columbia, "Performance" 1999 & 2000
Alcan British Columbia, "Performance" 1999 & 2000
Alcan Bulletin
Alcan Bulletin
Alcan correspondence
Alcan correspondence
"Alcan Environmental Baseline Studies: A Critique"
"Alcan Environmental Baseline Studies: A Critique"
Alcan Inc. Annual Report, 2001
Alcan Inc. Annual Report, 2001
Alcan: "Indigenous Peoples Policy" and "Operating Principles"
Alcan: "Indigenous Peoples Policy" and "Operating Principles"
Alcan: "Ingot, vol. 47, no. 07"
Alcan: "Ingot, vol. 47, no. 07"
Alcan Legal Agreements, 1997-1999
Alcan Legal Agreements, 1997-1999
"Alcan Primary Metal Group: Kitimat Works' Contribution to the Economy of British Columbia: 1998" prepared by Price Waterhouse Coopers
"Alcan Primary Metal Group: Kitimat Works' Contribution to the Economy of British Columbia: 1998" prepared by Price Waterhouse Coopers
Alcan promotional material
Alcan promotional material
Alcan promotional material
Alcan promotional material
Alcan promotional material for the Kemano Completion Project
Alcan promotional material for the Kemano Completion Project
Alcan rebuttals to DFO expert reports
Alcan rebuttals to DFO expert reports
"Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Reply to Final Submissions of Intervenors"
"Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Reply to Final Submissions of Intervenors"
Alcan "Tahtsa Narrows Project Scoping Report" (draft)
Alcan "Tahtsa Narrows Project Scoping Report" (draft)
"Alcan, Pechinery, algroup - Creating a New Global Leader in Aluminum and Packaging: Background to the Proposed Merger"
"Alcan, Pechinery, algroup - Creating a New Global Leader in Aluminum and Packaging: Background to the Proposed Merger"
"Alcan's Contribution to BC's Economy" by Richard Prokopanko
"Alcan's Contribution to BC's Economy" by Richard Prokopanko
"Alcan's Kemano Project: Options and Recommendations"
"Alcan's Kemano Project: Options and Recommendations"
Alcan's Outline of Evidence for BCUC - "Technical Hearing Phase One: KCP Facilities and Operation Outline of Evidence"
Alcan's Outline of Evidence for BCUC - "Technical Hearing Phase One: KCP Facilities and Operation Outline of Evidence"