File contains slides depicting places along the east line of the BC Railway.
File consists of 1 audiocassette of public presentation hosted by Bob Harkins discussing the history of sawmilling in Prince George Region. Introduces several people involved in sawmilling industry and also discusses history of the Northern Interior Lumbermen's Association. Also shows a historical film about sawmilling and provides commentary.
Harkins, BobItem consists of transcript of interview with Ambrose Trick discussing the sawmilling and logging industry in Northern BC, c.1930s-1950s including the 1953 strike; the creation of the Northern Interior Lumbermen's Association. Trick also discusses his involvement in railway work, his involvement with hockey in Prince George and discusses Prince George politics, prominent personalities in the North.
Harkins, BobItem consists of a recording of the local radio program "For What it is Worth" a monologue by Jack Carbutt on current affairs. Also includes interview by Carbutt with Armand Handley (?) of Aleza Lake and Gordon Walter in September 1980.
Series consists of records relating to the management and administration of the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
File consists of:
- Poem written by John Revel in 1963 entitled "Cruisers (To George Silburn)"
- Eulogy for John Revel by Mike Jull, May 2015
- Obituary for John Revel in July-August 2015 issue of BC Forest Professional
- Photograph printed on foamcore of John Revel and two others checking cones from 1972 seed crop
File consists of:
- Drafts of "Devil's Club, Black Flies, and Snowshoes" by John Revel from 2004
- Correspondence regarding publication of "Devil's Club, Black Flies, and Snowshoes" by John Revel
- Photocopied excerpts from Forest Service Annual Reports with highlighted portions relating to Aleza Lake Experiment Station
- Signed permissions for the photographs used in the book
File consists of:
- An original manuscript of John Revel's 1963 thesis for registration with the Association of BC Foresters entitled "The Effect of Browsing by Columbia Black-tailed Deer and Sooty Blue Grouse on the Establishment of Conifers on Vancouver Island, British Columbia"
- A 1996 informational pamphlet on the Coastal Black-tailed Deer Study (No. 3 of 5) on "How Black-tailed Deer React to Logging in their Winter Habitat"
File consists of:
- Photocopied version of John Revel's problem analysis entitled "Reforestation in the Vancouver Forest District (Plantation Assessment)" for E.P. 585 with the Research Division of the BC Forest Service.
File consists of:
- Correspondence from Everett Peterson to Paul Sanborn, dated 6 July 2001, which includes photocopied photographs taken at Aleza Lake in summer 1956
- Photocopied version of Everett Bruce Peterson's 1956 "Study of Coniferous Reproduction by Direct Seeding Methods on Various Forest Site Types at Aleza Lake, B.C.: An essay submitted during the Third Year of the Course in Forestry at the University of British Columbia" (original is held at NBCA 2007.
File consists of:
- Newspaper clipping from the February 14, 2007 issue of the Prince George Citizen with the obituary of Franklyn Allan Hellenius (Jan. 3, 1944 - February 7, 2007)
- "Memories of Frank Hellenius: Interviewed by John Revel, also present Peter Hellenius, at Prince George, BC, March 2004" (3 copies, one of which is annotated by Mike Jull)
File consists of:
- A computer database print-out of photographs held at the Fraser-Fort George Museum that relate to sawmills (as of 1993)
- The Fraser-Fort George Museum's "Northwood Archives Donation Inventory"
File contains a photocopy of the BC Forest Service publication entitled "The Aleza Lake Research Forest: 'A Rich Past and a Bright Future' Provincial Colleges Tour" from June 1991.
File contains an original "Proceeding of the Experimental Forests Workshop, April 28-29, 1992" co-published by the Government of Canada and the BC Ministry of Forests. Item is noted to be FRDA Report 202 and BCFRAC Report 2.
File contains a possible photocopied excerpt (pages 14-47) from "A Field Guide for the Identification and Interpretation of Ecosystems of the SBSj1 in the Prince George Forest Region", which was a 1987 unpublished BC Ministry of Forests report by C. DeLong, S. Jenvey and A. McLeod.
File contains an original "Prince George Land and Resource Management Plan" published by the Government of British Columbia.
File contains an original BC Forest Service report for E.P. 443 by S. Benteli entitled "Marking of Douglas Fir: A Preliminary Investigation of the Problems, Restricted to Interior Dry Types and the Cariboo".
File contains an original "Do's and Don't's When Marking Stands For Cutting" booklet illustrated by J. Pickford.
File contains a photocopied version of "Tree Farm Licence No. 29 - Eagle Lake Sawmills Ltd. Cutting Permit Application No. 7". Although this item is not related to the Aleza Lake Research Forest, it is relevant to forest history in the Prince George area and therefore retained by the Society.
File contains photocopied excerpts from various maps of the Aleza Lake Research Forest area, some annotated.
File contains the following Annual Reports of the Aleza Lake Research Forest Society:
- 2003
- 2005
- 2006
- 2008
File consists of:
- Minutes of the First Meeting of the Aleza Lake Management Committee, 30 Nov. 1990
- "Comments on the Proposed Terms of Reference for the Aleza Lake Management Committee" collated by Michael Jull, April 1991
- Correspondence from Ken Collingwood to Phil Halkett regarding release of funding for the Aleza Lake Research Forest, 22 Nov. 1991
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of photocopied material regarding the Aleza Lake Experimental Station from BC Archives.
File consists of clippings from various serial publications regarding the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
File consists of the following issues of the Aleza Lake Research Forest Newsletter:
- Spring 2004
- Fall 2004
- Spring 2005
- Fall 2005
- Spring 2006
- Fall 2006
- Spring 2007
- Fall 2007
- Summer 2008
- Winter 2009
- "Highlights from 2013"
File consists of an Aleza Lake Research Forest pamphlet.
File consists of two original copies of the Volume 17, No. 3 issue of UBC Forestry's Branch Lines newsletter from December 2006. This issue features various articles relating to the Aleza Lake Research Forest, including the front page article, "Percy Barr's Research Forest Legacy". Also includes correspondence relating to the newsletter issue.
File consists of two copies of the Forest History Association of British Columbia Newsletter, Issue No. 88, published July 2010. This issue contains a synopsis of the 2009 Forest History Conference that look place at UNBC Prince George.
File consists of an original and a copy of a BC Forest Service pamphlet entitled "Reforestation in the Central Interior: A glimpse of the past and a view to the future". This pamphlet includes discussion of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station and John Revel's work.
File consists of an original Forest Research Note published by the BC Forest Service Prince George Forest Region. This March 1999 note (#PG-16) is an article by Paul Sanborn, Marty Kranabetter, and Chuck Bulmer on "Soil Rehabilitation in the Prince George Forest Region: A review of two decades of research".
File consists of a three different lists of articles and reports that compile works regarding the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
File contains a trail guide co-published by the BC Forest Service and Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. entitled "The North Ridge Eco-Trail Guide: Aleza Lake Research Forest".
File consists of minutes and agenda for the following meetings of the Aleza Lake Research Forest Steering Committee:
- 14 June 1994
- 16 Apr. 1996
- 3 Dec. 1996
Also includes the following accompanying documents: - ALRF Forest Renewal BC Research Extension Proposal Synopses for the Period 1997/98 to 2001/02
- ALRF Planning Project [outline of issues]
File consists of a document entitled "Proposed Future Management Structure for the Research Forest" accompanying a letter to Paul Sanborn inviting his participation in the Aleza Lake Research Forest Research Working Group.
File consists of:
- Draft "Joint Protocol for Co-ordination of Research and Operational Planning Activities at the Aleza Lake Research Forest" between the BC Ministry of Forests, Small Business Forest Enterprise Program, and Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (7 Feb. 1996)
- Application for an Exemption to a Silvicultural Prescription and Logging Plan (19 Dec. 1996)
- Amendment to Special Use Permit #19070, Bowron Floodplain Addition, Aleza Lake Research Forest (1 Aug. 1995)
File consists of:
- BC Ministry of Forests news release regarding research forest agreements between UNBC and UBC (8 Mar. 1999)
- "A Synopsis of the UBC Research Forests" by Peter Sanders and Ken Day (24 Apr. 1998)
- UBC's Alex Fraser Research Forest list of active research projects (Apr. 1998)
- ALRF's "Proposed Future Management Structure for the Research Forest"
- "Proposal to Assume Management of the Aleza Lake Research Forest" prepared by Ken Day and submitted by UBC and UNBC (22 Dec. 1997)
- Copy of briefing note prepared for David Zirnhelt, Minister of Forests, regarding a research forest for UNBC (Nov. 1998)
File consists of correspondence to and from the Aleza Lake Research Forest regarding various issues.
File consists of submissions to the Aleza Lake Research Forest logo contest.
File consists of correspondence and proposals relating to various Aleza Lake Research Forest projects.
File consists of summary information for Aleza Lake Research Forest field tours.
File consists of a booklet prepared for the September 29, 2004 20th Annual Symposium on Research Forest Management Aleza Lake Research Forest Field Tour.
File consists of:
- An original final draft of John Revel's problem analysis entitled "Silviculture in Spruce-Alpine Fir Types in the North Central Interior of British Columbia" for E.P. 639 with the Research Division of the BC Forest Service.
File consists of:
- "Devil's Club, Black Flies, and Snowshoes" by John Revel, 2007, 44 p. (3 copies)