File consists of Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences by Brown et al. entitled ""Initial Survey: Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tsawytscha) in the Nechako River, B.C."
File consists of copied papers by Dennis Ableson, Fisheries Biologist, faxed from the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council and Cheslatta Band Offices to Hartman. Includes "The Nechako River: A River in Crisis - Summary Impacts of the Proposed Kemano Completion Project", a presentation that Ablseon made to the American Fisheries Society at the Aboriginal Fisheries Conference.
File consists of a 1994 re-working of Lyons and Larkin's original 1952 Fisheries Management Report entitled "The Effects on Sport Fisheries of the Aluminum Company of Canada Limited Development in the Nechako Drainage". The report was retyped and pictures were added for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.
File consists of annotated drafts and a final draft of the letter Gordon Hartman sent to Prime Minister Chretien. Includes a reply to the letter from the Office of the Prime Minister.
File consists of Alcan's "Outline of Evidence" for Technical Hearing Phase One: KCP Facilities and Operation for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Kemano Completion Project Review.
File consists of the "Government of Canada Outline of Evidence for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Inquiry into the Kemano Completion Project: Phase 3".
File consists of the "Government of Canada Outline of Evidence for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Inquiry into the Kemano Completion Project: Phase 4".
File consists of the "British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project - Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Summary of Evidence for Technical Hearing Phase Three: Fisheries".
File consists of the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project Technical Hearing Phase 5: Final Argument for Rivers Defense Coalition.
File consists of "A Brief on the Kemano Completion Project's Hydrothermal and Internal Wave Modelling" by G.A. Lawrence.
File consists of a "Submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project" by William J. Schouwenburg.
File consists of C.S. Shirvell's Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel regarding the Kemano Completion Project's effect on the Nechako River.
File consists of "Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Reports: Monitoring - 1989 (Volume 2)" prepared for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.
File consists of "Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Reports: Applied Research - 1990 (Volume 2A)" prepared for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.
File consists of "Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Reports: Remedial Measures - 1989 (Volume 2)" prepared for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.
File consists of a report entitled "British Columbia Utilities Commission Kemano Deepwater Release Facility Recommendations: Implications for Sockeye Salmon". Authorship unknown. Annotated.
File consists of issues of the Rivers Defense Coalition newsletter. Includes Vol. 1, Nos.2-4 and Vol. 2, No. 1. Rivers Defense Coalition consists of the following: Allied Rivers Commission; B.C. Federation of Naturalists; B.C. Wildlife Federation; Fort Fraser Trappers Association; Gulf Trollers Association; Nechako Environmental Coalition; Nechako Neyenkut Society; Pacific Trollers Association; Pulp, Paper & Woodworkers Association Local #9; Recreational Canoeing Association of B.C.; Save the Bulkley Society; Steelhead Society; and the United Fishermen & Allied Workers Union.
File consists of an issue of British Columbia Report (vol. 6, no. 23) featuring the cover story "The Truth About KCP: Politics, not Science, Drove the NDP to Kill the Megaproject" by Steve Vanagas.
File consists of handwritten and copied notes written by Hartman regarding salmon escapement in the Nechako, Stuart, Stellako, Nadina, and Fraser Rivers, among others. Includes escapement data summaries.
File consists of a 1995 "Application for Export Permit to the National Energy Board re: Intalco Aluminum Corporation" from Powerex British Columbia Power Exchange Corporation.
File consists of a photocopy of Hartman's article from GeoJournal entitled "Impacts of Growth in Resource Use and Human Population on the Nechako River: A Major Tributary of the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada".
File consists of Ken Rood's report for the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund and the Fraser Basin Council entitled "Preliminary Assessment of the Murray-Cheslatta System".
File consists of a copy of a Klohn-Crippen Consultants report prepared for the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund Management Committee entitled "Water Release Facility at Kenney Dam Updated Conceptual Layout and Cost Estimate".
File consists of a copy of a Triton Environmental Consultants report prepared for the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund entitled "Kenney Dam Release Facility: Evaluation of the Effect of Operation of a Proposed Kenney Dam Water Release Facility on Cooling Water Releases and Nechako River Temperatures".
File consists of slide print-outs for a joint presentation by Cheslatta Carrier Nation and Alcan to the federal government in Ottawa entitled "Enhancing the Environment of the Nechako Watershed".
File consists of press clippings from a variety of British Columbia newspapers, magazines, newsletters and bulletins reporting on the Alcan Kemano Completion Project. Includes articles from the Time-Columnist, The Fisherman, the Prince George Citizen, the Comox District Free Press, B.C. Wildlife Federation's Outdoor Edge, the Vancouver Sun (including columns by Stephen Hume), Nanaimo News Bulletin, the Province, Regional News, the Toronto Star, Nanaimo Times, New Westminster Now, the Georgia Straight, and The Watershed, among others.
File consists of a photocopy of Shelby Gerking's article, "The Restricted Movement of Fish Populations".
File consists of a copy of BC Fish and Wildlife Branch Fisheries Technical Circular No. 63 by Slaney et al. entitled "Habitat Capability of the Nechako River for Rainbow Trout and Char and the Effects of Various Flow Regimes".
File consists of a photocopy of Theurer et al.'s article, "Interaction Between Riparian Vegetation, Water Temperature, and Salmonid Habitat in the Tucannon River", from Water Resources Bulletin (Vol. 21, No. 1).
File consists of a photocopy of the "Proceedings of the Workshop on Habitat Improvements, Whistler, B.C., 8-10 May 1984", a Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences publication by John Patterson.
File consists of a photocopy of "Juvenile Salmon Utilization of Rejuvenated Tidal Channels in the Squamish Estuary, British Columbia", a Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences report by Ryall and Levings.
File consists of a January 30, 1987 final draft of the report by K.M. Rood of Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. entitled "A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River".
File consists of a draft copy of Woodward-Clyde Consultants' report entitled "Habitat Modelling in the Nechako River: Volume 1".
File consists of a draft copy of Woodward-Clyde Consultants' report entitled "Habitat Modelling in the Nechako River: Volume 2".
File consists of a draft copy of Woodward-Clyde Consultants' report entitled "Task 4 Technical Memorandum: Sensitivity of Weighted Usable Area Predictions to Variance in the Input Criteria".
File consists of a photocopy of a report prepared for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways by Beniston et al. entitled "Coldwater River Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring Study - Year 2 (1987-88)".
File consists of a photocopy of a Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada article by Rogers et al. entitled "Bioconcentration of Chlorophenols by Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Overwintering in the Upper Fraser River: Field and Laboratory Tests".
File consists of a photocopy of a Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Vol. 45) article by Cunjak entitled "Behaviour and Microhabitat of Young Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) During Winter".
File consists of a photocopy of Levings and Lauzier's paper, "Migration Patterns of Wild and Hatchery-Reared Juvenile Chinook Salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Nicola River, British Columbia", from the "Proceeding of the 1988 Northeast Pacific Chinook and Coho Salmon Workshop".
File consists of a photocopy of a Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (vol. 5) article by Orth and Leonard entitled "Comparison of Discharge Methods and Habitat Optimization for Recommending Instream Flows to Protect Fish Habitat".
File consists of a photocopy of a North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Vol. 12) article by Frissell and Nawa entitled "Incidence and Causes of Physical Failure of Artificial Habitat Structures in Streams of Western Oregon and Washington".
File consists of a photocopy of a Conservation Biology (Vol. 6, No. 3) article by Gary Meffe entitled "Techno-Arrogance and Halfway Technologies: Salmon Hatcheries on the Pacific Coast of North America".
File consists of a photocopy of a North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Vol. 12) article by Richards et al. entitled "Development of Off-Channel Habitats for Use by Juvenile Chinook Salmon".
File consists of a National Research Canada reprint of a Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (vol. 50, no. 6) article by Schwarz et al. entitled "Estimating Salmon Spawning Escapement Using Capture-Recapture Methods".
File consists of a photocopy of a Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (vol. 8) article by Raastad et al. entitled "Effect of Habitat Improvement on Atlantic Salmon in the Regulated River Suldalslagen".
File consists of a photocopy of a draft of a Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences by Brown and Levings entitled "Distribution and Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C.".
File consists of photocopies of newspaper clippings and articles from various British Columbia newspapers, newsletters and magazines from 1988 and 1989. Includes articles regarding effects of the 1987 Settlement Agreement between Alcan and the government.
File consists of photocopies of newspaper clippings and articles from various British Columbia newspapers, newsletters and magazines from 1990 to 1992. Includes a clippings of a magazine advertisement for Alcan and copies of articles from the Vancouver Sun, among other newspapers, regarding the Alcan Nechako controversy.
File consists of issues of The Watershed, a newspaper published by the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council. Includes issues from volume 1, nos. 1-3 from October 1993, November 1993, and June 1994.
File consists of a draft copy of an Aluminum Company of Canada Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development Technical Memorandum by Envirocon entitled "Determination of Useable Chinook Rearing Habitat in the Nechako River".