Photograph taken at a coal yard to the east of Tyee Road and north of Bay Street in Victoria.
Photograph depicts a trestle over the Selkirk waterfront in the Victoria harbour.
Photograph depicts the former line from the CNR yards in downtown Victoria. Taken from Boleskine Road overbridge, looking north.
Photograph depicts a track located beyond a road covered in dense bushes. The rail in the foreground is dated 1918 and 1912. Image captured on Jacklin road, estimated to be on mile 9.2 in the former Cowichan Subdivision.
Photograph depicts the CNR main line from Victoria to Duncan. Image captured looking south from Gorge Road towards a Selkirk water trestle. The line behind the camera was in regular use to the Cedar Hill Grass Roads spur. The main line beside the Island highway ran west out of Victoria.
Photograph depicts the entrance to the CNR yards on the west side of the Selkirk waterfront in Victoria. A trestle bridge is immediately behind the camera.
Photograph taken on Jacklin Road in the former Cowichan Subdivision. With a few exceptions of short length removals, trackage of the Subdivision remained intact in metro Victoria. It was last used in regular service in September 1965.
Photograph depicts the end of the trackage near Cedar Hill Cross Road and Borden Road in Saanich. This line was formerly part of the Victoria to Sidney line built by the Canadian Northern Pacific in 1913-1914.
Photograph depicts a large construction in Victoria BC, possibly be related to the construction of the Johnson Street Bridge or the construction of a large building near the shoreline.
Photograph depicts many individuals wearing regalia, sitting in positions on convocation stage in Victoria, B.C. Bridget Moran sits between two men in front on right.
Woman stands in walkway cleared of snow in front of tall brick home with a detailed porch, believed to be in Victoria, B.C. Woman wears long winter coat, fur hand-warmer, and large hat. It is believed this woman may be a cousin to Sarah Glassey's family, possibly through the Taylor line.
Two women stand in walkway cleared of snow in front of tall brick home with a detailed porch, believed to be in Victoria, B.C. The women wear long winter coats, fur hand-warmers, and large hats. It is believed that one or both of these women is a cousin to Violet Baxter's family, through the Taylor line.
Photograph depicts the east side of the upper harbour. Locomotive #6702 on Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway street trackage crossing Chatham Street in south direction and entering premises of B. Wilson Co. Ltd Cold and Frozen Storage which has a spur that will take 2 (maybe 3) box cars. The empty box car (# 18705) is about to be removed.
Photograph depicts the east side of the upper harbour. The Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway switches the #6702 pullling box car. The CPR 18705 is running south. Taking empty car from B. Wilson Co. Ltd. Cold and Frozen Storage back to the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway yards on far side of the harbour.
Photograph depicts the east side of the upper harbour. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway locomotive #6702 that is returning with an empty box car #18705 at th point where Chatham Street meets State Street (located north of where the photograph was taken). Looking north at the train moving south. Currently 4 spurs on State st. There is a cement plant. The "m/c" works with two others. Except for the cement plant, little or not much is used.
Photograph depicts the east side of the upper harbour. Locomotive #6702 coupling up to empty box cars located on premises of B. Wilson Co. Ltd. Cold and Frozen Storage. Looking south in the photograph with Chatham Street in the foreground.
Photograph depicts the east side of the upper harbour. The Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway has street railway trackage from the east end of Esquimalt bridge along State street with spurs leaving off, plus a freight terminal between Chatham and Discovery Streets. Locomotive #6702 travelling north at State Street and is about to turn east to freight terminal.
Photograph depicts the CPR "Princess Marguerite" in Victoria Harbour.
Photograph depicts the CPR "Princess Marguerite" in Victoria Harbour.
Photograph depicts the CPR "Princess Marguerite" in Victoria Harbour.
Photograph depicts "Princess Marguerite," one of the two CPR cruise ships left on the Pacific Coast.
Photograph depicts the "SS Princess Marguerite" arriving with sightseers from Seattle in the Inner Harbour of Victoria.
Photograph of the SS "Princess Charlotte" on the open ocean. Metallic annotation on recto reads: "C.P.R.SS Princess Charlotte entered according to act of the parliament of Canada, in the year 1908[?]. by A. Shaw, at the Department of Agriculture." Printed annotation on verso reads "Shaw & Co., Photo. Victoria. B.C. (Empire Series)"
Road visible in background. Photograph taken at Government House in Victoria, B.C.
Photograph features Terrace Gardens.
Road and lampstands in foreground, Government House in background.
Item is a photograph of a class of elementary school children from the Craigflower School in Victoria. Ray began attending there in 1922.
Photograph depicts a Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Railway Co. privately owned caboose at the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway yard in Victoria.
Photograph depicts a CRHA, Vancouver Island Division, lettered caboose at the EN yards in Victoria.
Photograph depicts what was believed to be a former repair coach/car shop. It held a Budd car in storage. Vegetation in the foreground shows passage of a vehicle in the last 2-3 months.
Photograph is a group portrait of the attendees at the Federal-Provincial Canada Land Inventory Coordinators Meeting in Victoria, March 31-April 1, 1971. Starting from the back row, left to right, attendees included: John Senyk, B.C.; Jim Allin, B.C.; Fred Frederickson, B.C.; Red Ward, Ontario; George Rathwell, Saskatchewan; John Foster, Ottawa, Charlie Rowles, B.C.; David Glover, Ottawa; Bill Yeomans, B.C.; Don Coombs, Ottawa; Harold Hoyt, N.B.; Brian King, Ottawa; Art Benson, B.C.; Scott Johnston, Ottawa; Dan Blower, B.C.; Vic Solman, Ottawa; Don Benn, B.C.; Dick Spilsbury, B.C.; Les Lavkulich, B.C.; Doug Lacate, B.C.; John Wilcox, B.C.; Alf Leahey, B.C.; Mike Romaine, Ottawa; Dick Marshall, B.C.; Gary Runka, B.C.; Norm Sprout, B.C.; Ken Beanlands, Newfoundland; Mick Roberts, Ottawa; Paul Lajoie, Ottawa; Pat Duffy, Ottawa; Bert Brink, B.C.; Merv McKay, Manitoba; Rich Goulden, Manitoba; Reg McCormack, Ottawa; Gerry Howell-Jones, B.C.; Marcel Belzile, Quebec; Paul Deane, Ottawa; Laurie Farstad, B.C.; Stu Scott, Alberta.
Photograph is one of 13 images printed from digital format on a CD-R featuring members of a group referred to as 'Terracites' (see item 2009.6.1.697) pictured in the gardens; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710.
Photograph is one of 13 images printed from digital format on a CD-R featuring members of a group referred to as 'Terracites' (see item 2009.6.1.697) pictured in the gardens; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710.
Group portrait of five generations of women in Campagnolo's family includes Campagnolo's grandmother, Ethel Murchison; mother, Rosamund Mary Hardy; daughter; and granddaughter, Kim.
Photograph taken at Government House in Victoria, B.C.
Photograph is one of 13 images printed from digital format on a CD-R featuring members of a group referred to as 'Terracites' (see item 2009.6.1.697) pictured in the gardens; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710.
Photograph believed to have been taken at Government House, Victoria, B.C. Doorways and landscaping in background.
Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Photograph is one of 13 images printed from digital format on a CD-R featuring members of a group referred to as 'Terracites' (see item 2009.6.1.697) pictured in the gardens; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710.
Photograph is one of 13 images printed from digital format on a CD-R featuring members of a group referred to as 'Terracites' (see item 2009.6.1.697) pictured in the gardens; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710.
Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Lieutenant Governor Iona Campagnolo speaks with unidentified woman in background. Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Photograph taken during Michaëlle Jean’s visit to Government House, Victoria, B.C.; see also items 2009.6.1.616 - 2009.6.1.625.
Photograph was taken in Terrace Gardens at Government House, Victoria, B.C.
Handwritten note on verso: “from the Terracites”; see also items 2009.6.1.698 - 2009.6.1.710 for images featuring this group in the gardens.
Photograph depicts the HMCS St. Croix that was built by Marine Industries Ltd. Of the Restigouche class and was one of the 22 Canadian destroyer escorts.