File contains correspondence with Mead executives, balance sheets, and estimated earning sheets.
Mead CorporationFile contains general correspondence with Mead executives and a report on General Media Inc.
Mead CorporationFour men on a stairwell in Corporate Head Office (L-R): Mike Madrigga, unidentified, W.A. Matson, unidentified.
Bunk within snowplow caboose (?)
Door latch.
(L-R) Al MacPhearson (engineer) and Bill Hickey (1st Union President, Local 603) stand beside British Columbia Forest Products Limited No. 1 locomotive.
Log pile on a dirt road, Northwood visible in background.
Front end loader with dirt in its bucket.
Small bridge over a river.
Dump truck unloading dirt along a dirt road.
Chip truck parked in front of chip pile at Northwood.
Machine tracks in the dirt in foreground, river in midground.
Aerial perspective of Northwood's rail line and railcars
Front end loader piling up a gravel ramp for bridge support.
Building bridge supports into river.
Two men (L-R, unidentified, Steve Bates) in truck dump control room.
Mobile Bark Separator.
Pulp grader, Peter Girard, cutting pulp sheets for testing.
Wrapped and stamped kraft pulp sheets made by Northwood.
Unidentified employee using a fire extinguisher to put out an outdoor fire.
Northwood Pulp Mill control room.
Lab tester Marianne Dixon measures pulp fiber strengths using the Thwing tester.
View of new control room post mill expansion. Seated with back turned is Nells Kristenson (group operator).
Forklift moving bales in the pulp mill warehouse; PGE railcars visible in background.
Unidentified employee working on the baling line.
Danny McIntyre working on the pulp baling line.
Wrapped, tied, stacked and stenciled pulp bales at the end of the finishing line.
Group photo of baling and warehouse crew (?)next to 'A' machine layboy L-R: Unidentified, Charles Finke, Jerry Prentice, Suki Bining, Don Adair, George Stanier, Fred Doig, Albert Nagy, R. Boulay.
Pulp warehouse.
Pulp mill parking lot, featuring Canadian flag flying at the top of a flag pole.
Stack of pulp bales at end of finishing line.
Stacks of pulp bales on the dock.
1942 Fire engine prior to rebuilding and refinishing parked in the parking lot of a house.
Two fire crewmen using a ladder hinge to lower a patient.
Harbour crane lifting paper onto ship.
Stacks of pulp bales within a ship hull.
Harbour crane unloading (?) last pallet of pulp bales from a ship hull.
Pulp bales in a ship hull.
Aerial of a ship at the Vancouver Harbour being loaded with pulp bales.
Two unidentified employees (one from Stal-Laval?)using a large pipe as a lever to shift the turbine into place (?)
Hydraulic crane lifting portion of turbine into place, one employee guides the crane while another two stand by.
Installation of a portion of the turbine.
Overview of Stal-Laval crates on railcars at Northwood.
Crane lifting component of Stal-Laval turbo generator in the rail yard.
Crane lifting Stal-Laval turbo generator components.
Crane liftine a Stal-Laval turbo generator component off of a pallete.