Aerial of a ship at the Vancouver Harbour being loaded with pulp bales.
Profile of railway snowplow at Northwood.
File contains correspondence, memoranda, and legal agreements pertaining to Mead share acquisition by Northwood.
Sin títuloGroup photo of baling and warehouse crew (?)next to 'A' machine layboy L-R: Unidentified, Charles Finke, Jerry Prentice, Suki Bining, Don Adair, George Stanier, Fred Doig, Albert Nagy, R. Boulay.
Pulp bales loaded onto the flat bed of a long range hauling truck.
Don (?) moving pulp bales with a Clark forklift.
Chip blow lines prior to chips being blown onto chip piles.
Northwood locomotive pulling two CN railcars across Beaver (?) bridge.
"B" Mill Machine Room, south side of wire silo showing position of fan pump suction.
"B" Mill Turbo-Generator inner skin cladding N.S. central rd. looking N.
Excavation E.W. corridor MH3B, IF, 10" GF MH, 24" EMC 36-061 4" ES 36-083 2 valves on 6" WFP 36-130, 1 gas riser on 6" GF 36-207 and gas riser on 8" GF 36-207 looking S.E.
"B" Mill Excavation 23"ULD 36-240 and 241, 12" EA 36-009 central N.S. rd. looking S.E.
Excavation E.S. corridor 24" EMC 26-061 MH5B looking N.E.
"B" Mill Turbo-Generator inner skin cladding N.S. central rd. looking E.
"B" Mill Evap. area phase I of structural steel N.S. central rd. looking S.
"B" Mill Machine Room looking inside S. side of reactor pit.
"B" Mill Machine Room couch pit repulper insert.
Excavation E.W. corridor MH3B, IF, 10" GF, 24" EMC 36-061 4" FS 36-083 2 valves on 6" WFP 36-130, 1 gas riser on 6" GF 36-207, 8" GF 36-206.
Excavation E.W. corridor power-recaust 4"ES, 24" EMC-36-061 MH3B, Gas 10"GF MH.
Excavation E.W. corridor power-recaust 4"ES, 24" EMC-36-061 MH3B, Gas 10"GF West.
"B" Mill digester. Kamyr/Horton vertomatic welder.
"B" Mill Digester area - Brownstock Filtrate Tank Rebar - looking N.E.
"B" Mill Recovery B. Steam drum looking N.E.
"B" Mill Recovery B. Steam drum looking North.
Excavation for two 3" ULD manholes. Central N.S. road looking S.
"B" Mill Recovery B. remodifying tank #13-#14 manway hole for personnel access Nor.
"A" Mill Recaust Tie-in Liquor Inlet Line Modification by DWG CJ-735-413.
"B" Mill Digester. Kamyr/Horton vertomatic welder.
"B" Mill Digester area-inner skin cladding S. wall N.S. road looking N.E.
"B" Mill Pulping Group inner skin cladding S. wall N.S. road looking N.
"B" Mill Pulping Group east elevation looking W.
"B" Mill Recaust #5 Weak Wash Tank Metal jacket completed by J. Drexel. Central N.W. road looking E.
E.W. corridor between power and recaust showing 24"EMUC & 10"GF, looking N.E.
E.W. Corridor between power and recaust showing 24" EMUC and 10"GF looking S.W.
E.W. Corridor between power and recaust showing 24" EMUC and 10"GF looking S.E.
"B" Mill Recovery Bldg. lifting 1st economizer tube bundles to correct elevators looking west.
"B" Mill Pulping Group. Kamyr welding shack located between A&B Mill partially obstructing mill access.
"B" Mill Machine Room Couch Pit steel insert for agitator B/L MXB.
"B" Mill Machine Room ground floor north end looking south.
"B" Mill recovery Bldg. lifting 1st economizer tube bundles (top) to correct elevator. Looking West.
"B" Mill Machine Room N-S road looking N.E.
"B" Mill Machine Room - 3rd Press Pit steel insert for agitator B/L MXB.
"B" Mill Machine Room - 3rd Press Pit Concrete Wall B/L 60-61, MXB, MXC.
South Elevation of Brown Stock building structural steel looking North.
Recaust - Piping between W.L.S. Tank and #3 L.M.W. Tank looking N.W.
Insulate 1/2" 0 steam trace line existing from 4" 0 mud line going to 30" 0 EAS line from "A" mill pulp. grp. looking N.W.
"B" Mill Pulping Group lifting section of Caustic Tower #20 in place looking N.
"B" Mill Power Group looking up through floor openings for Recovery Boiler looking S.W.
Chip Handling Foundation for Surge bin Building addition looking N.W.
Recaust - #2 Lime Kiln Filter building framing from Track #14 looking S.W.