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Archival description
1994. · Sous-série organique · 1994-1995
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Subseries consists of footage created by Iris Communications, a video production company contracted by UNBC in 1994 to create promotional videos for the new university. The final promotional videos were titled "North to the Future" and "Northern Is...". Besides the master versions of these two films, this subseries also includes all of the raw footage filmed by Iris Communications used to create the videos. This footage predominantly consists of interviews (with administrators, students, faculty, stakeholders, and community members), Northern BC scenery, shots of the new UNBC Prince George campus, and recordings of important UNBC events from 1994 (such as the opening of the campus by Queen Elizabeth).

Spotlight on UNBC
1994. · Sous-série organique · 1993-2000
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

"Spotlight on UNBC" was a promotional television show created by the UNBC Communications Department and was shown on the local Prince George Shaw television channel. The first 30-minute episode of "Spotlight on UNBC" aired in February 1993 and continued with one episode a month until 1998, when it switched to one episode every other month. After the year 2000, the show began to evolve into various shorter iterations for Shaw television audiences. These later shows were "UNBC Insight" (circa 2001) and "Plugged In" hosted by Sandra Claremont (circa 2004) which included "What's New This Week" stories created by the UNBC Communications, often filming a month's worth at once. The host of "Spotlight on UNBC", as well as the show's later iterations, was Rob van Adrichem. This subseries includes a complete run of the original "Spotlight on UNBC" episode masters from February 1993 to December 2000.

Collected Published Videos
1994. · Sous-série organique · 1993-2004
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Subseries consists of various published videos collected by the UNBC Office of Communications for the purposes of background research and the creation of video clips for UNBC productions.