Item is an original report entitled "A Fisheries and Wildlife Survey of the Burnie Lakes Park Proposal" by E. Osmond-Jones et al. for BC Parks branch biologist W.G. Hazelwood. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report.
Item is an original "Atlin Park Lake Trip Report" by W.G. Hazelwood. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report.
Item is a draft of "B.C. Hydro Proposed 287 kV Transmission Line - Kitimat to Terrace - Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Fish and Wildlife Values" by Grant Hazelwood. Also includes accompanying print pages for a 2015 BC Hydro powerpoint slideshow regarding the Terrace to Kitimat Transmission Project (TKTP).
Item is an original report by Rob Cannings entitled "Biological Investigations of the Blue Rivers Headwaters Area, Wells Gray Park". Includes original photographic prints within the report.
Item is a reproduction of a report entitled "Burns Bog Analysis" by Catherine Berris & Associates for the Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks. The scope of this Burns Bog Analysis was inventory and preliminary analysis; the process included information collection and review, preliminary analysis of existing and potential land uses and a public open house.
Item is an original report by Grant Hazelwood and Steve Head regarding "Crooked River Fisheries and Wildlife". Includes one original photographic print pasted into the report. This project was aimed at improving the recreational use of the Crooked River and it's adjoining corridor.
Item is a reproduction of a report entitled "Delta Nature Reserve: Evaluation Study Prepared for Delta Parks and Recreation". This study was intended to provide information and make recommendations regarding the optimum use of the property.
Item is an original report by Teuvo Ahti entitled "Ecological Investigations on Lichens in Wells Gray Provincial Park, with Special Reference to their Importance to Mountain Caribou". Includes accompanying correspondence between Ahti and his BC Parks employers regarding travel and contract details.
Item is an original wildlife section report by F.H. Hartman entitled "Floristic Descriptions of Cover-types in Wells Gray Park".
This manual contains a brief summary of the principles and practices of game management, as applied to the management of game in British Columbia. It has been designed to serve primarily as a reference and guide in dealing with game management problems, and aims to create a co-ordination of approach among those engaged in game management. Sections include the value of game as a natural resource, relationships between game and economic developments, livestock and game interactions, farming and game interactions, waterfowl and other land users, forestry and game, industry and game, access and game, game management principles and policies, fundamental population dynamics, population behaviour, principles of harvesting, habitat management, winter feeding, game propagation, experiment and research, game reserves and closed areas, public relations, predator control, game management techniques, sampling procedures, aging and sexing game animals and birds, effect of hunting on age classes, aging techniques, big game animals, game birds, waterfowl, upland birds, inventory of game populations (Census), direct methods of census, indirect methods of census, waterfowl, fur-bearers, measurements of browse and plant composition, range surveys, game checking stations, hunger sample or postal survey, predator control techniques, laboratory studies, biological aids to law enforcement, collecting and handling material for examination, game animals and birds of BC, breeding characteristics of the hoofed game, big game animals including moose, elk, mule deer, black-tailed deer, white-tailed deer, mountain caribou, Bighorn sheep, thinhorn sheep, mountain sheep, goat, grizzly bear, black bear, cougar, wolf, coyote, upland game birds, Ruffed grouse, Sharp-tailed grouse, Sooty blue grouse, dusky blue grouse, Franklin and spruce grouse, Ptarmigan, Ring-necked pheasant, Chukar partridge, California quail, band-tailed pigeon, waterfowl.
Item is an original "Gitnadoix Recreation Area Wildlife Survey" by W.G. Hazelwood. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report and map sheet excerpts.
File consists of an original draft copy of the "Kokanee Glacier Park Master Plan", as well as the "Background Report for Kokanee Glacier Park Master Plan" and the "Kokanee Glacier Park Master Plan: Public Handout and Questionnaire". These items are accompanied by correspondence related to the Master Plan.
Item is an original "Kwadacha Park 1976" trip report by W.G. Hazelwood. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report. Also includes a "Kwadacha Wilderness Park Proposal" accompanying map.
Item is a photocopied report by T.C. Reid entitled "Liard River Hotsprings Park Natural History Observations". The report compiles natural history observations of Liard River Hotsprings, including a water chemistry report, weather observations, botanical report, ostrich fern growth, amphibian report, mammal report, bird report, and map and photograph orientation.
Item is an original Parks Branch report by A.T. Bergerud and H.E. Butler entitled "Life History Studies of Caribou in Spatsizi Wilderness Park 1977-78".
Item is an original "Mount Edziza Park Wildlife Report: An Argument for Nature Conservancy Status" report by W.G. Hazelwood, Parks Biologist. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report. Also includes an accompanying "Mt. Edziza Wildlife Survey" from October 13, 1979.
Item is a photocopied "Mountain Goat Surveys in the Tatlatui, Spatsizi and Mt. Edziza Provincial Park Areas, British Columbia" report by David F. Hatler (Wildeor) and W.G. Hazelwood (Alpenglow Resources).
Item is an original report by Grant Hazelwood entitled "Mt. Assiniboine Park Trip, August 19-22, 1974". Includes original print photographs pasted into the report. The objective was to sample the lakes fishery at the south and north ends of the park and to examine some grizzly bear habitat on the Simpson River and examine the condition of guiding cabins in the same area.
Item is a photocopied report by Don Miller entitled "Observations of Caribou and Caribou Environment in Northern and Southern Tweedsmuir Park and Wells Gray Park in Summer of 1977 with Comments on Related Observations in Spatsizi Park during Spring".
Item is an original wildlife section report by R.W. Ritcey entitled "Predators in Wells Gray Park 1950-1956".
Item is an original BC Parks report entitled "Preservation and Management of the Grizzly Bear in B.C. Provincial Parks: The Urgent Challenge".
Item is a photocopy of "Provincial Parks and Stone Sheep: 'Affinity Through Default'" report by W.G. Hazelwood, Parks Biologist.
Item is an original draft copy of "Regional Landscapes for the British Columbia Parks System".
Item is a photocopied "Report on Mt. Edziza, Tatlatui, Spatsizi" by Bob Henderson.
Item is a detailed management plan for the following Stikine Country Protected Areas: Mount Edziza Provincial Park, Mount Edziza Protected Area (Proposed), Stikine River Provincial Park, Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Provincial Park, Gladys Lake Ecological Reserve, Pitman River Protected Area, Chukachida Protected Area, Tatlatui Provincial Park.
Item is a "Stone Sheep Surveys in Muncho Lake and Stone Mountain Provincial Parks" report by W.G. Hazelwood containing photocopied and original pages. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report.
Item is an original "The Spatsizi and Stikine Rivers: Mainstem System Evaluations of Fishery and Recreation Values" by E.J. Osmond-Jones, Environmental Management Division, B.C. Parks Branch. Includes original photographic prints pasted into the report.