File consists of reports and documents relating to resource inventory.
Includes the following items:
E.L.U.C. Secretariat. 1976. Terrain classification system (May 1976; 2nd printing). [Original version, as adapted from work by R. Fulton, Geological Survey of Canada. Version 2 was updated in 1988 & reprinted 1997]
Jones, C. (compiler). 1997. Predictive ecosystem mapping (PEM) workshop, Prince Rupert Forest Region, April 25, 1997, Minutes.
Jones, K. et al. 1999. Towards the establishment of predictive ecosystem mapping standards: a white paper. 1st approximation. March, 1999. Prepared for: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping Alternatives Task Force, Resources Inventory Committee.
Kistritz, R.U. and G.L. Porter. 1993. Proposed wetland classification system for British Columbia: a discussion paper. Prepared for: B.C. Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, B.C. Conservation Data Centre.
Louie, R.H. 1992. Soil surveys in British Columbia, 1928-1992: a listing of soil survey reports and maps for the Province of British Columbia. Soil Conservation Service, Integrated Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria.
Maxwell, R. and T. Lea. 1993. Bioterrain mapping guidelines: a supplement to the ecological mapping methodology (September 1993) (Working Document; First Draft). Habitat Inventory Section, Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment, Victoria.
Maxwell, R. and T. Lea. 1993. Soils data collection for ecological mapping – the next twenty years. [Presented at: B.C. Soil Science Workshop 1993?]
Meidinger, D. 2000. Protocol for quality assurance and accuracy assessment of ecosystem maps. July, 2000. Prepared for: TEM Alternatives Task Force. Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, Victoria. [Draft version; later revision (2003) issued as Technical Report 011, Forest Science Program, Ministry of Forests. ]