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Resource inventory documents
2023.2.1.05 · Bestanddeel · 1976-2000
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

File consists of reports and documents relating to resource inventory.

Includes the following items:

E.L.U.C. Secretariat. 1976. Terrain classification system (May 1976; 2nd printing). [Original version, as adapted from work by R. Fulton, Geological Survey of Canada. Version 2 was updated in 1988 & reprinted 1997]

Jones, C. (compiler). 1997. Predictive ecosystem mapping (PEM) workshop, Prince Rupert Forest Region, April 25, 1997, Minutes.
Jones, K. et al. 1999. Towards the establishment of predictive ecosystem mapping standards: a white paper. 1st approximation. March, 1999. Prepared for: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping Alternatives Task Force, Resources Inventory Committee.

Kistritz, R.U. and G.L. Porter. 1993. Proposed wetland classification system for British Columbia: a discussion paper. Prepared for: B.C. Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, B.C. Conservation Data Centre.

Louie, R.H. 1992. Soil surveys in British Columbia, 1928-1992: a listing of soil survey reports and maps for the Province of British Columbia. Soil Conservation Service, Integrated Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria.

Maxwell, R. and T. Lea. 1993. Bioterrain mapping guidelines: a supplement to the ecological mapping methodology (September 1993) (Working Document; First Draft). Habitat Inventory Section, Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment, Victoria.

Maxwell, R. and T. Lea. 1993. Soils data collection for ecological mapping – the next twenty years. [Presented at: B.C. Soil Science Workshop 1993?]

Meidinger, D. 2000. Protocol for quality assurance and accuracy assessment of ecosystem maps. July, 2000. Prepared for: TEM Alternatives Task Force. Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, Victoria. [Draft version; later revision (2003) issued as Technical Report 011, Forest Science Program, Ministry of Forests. ]

2023. · Stuk · 28 Feb. 1990
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During a year away from studies in 1987-88, Dr. Paul Sanborn developed a successful grant proposal to the Science Council of BC (SCBC) to pursue a postdoctoral project with Dr. Tim Ballard in relation to sulphur-deficient soils in BC and prescribed fire. This project built on an existing broadcast burning study conducted by Macmillan Bloedel Ltd. near Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, led by Bill Beese (later at Vancouver Island University). Dr. Sanborn's work addressed sulphur forms and amounts in the soils at these sites, and the chemical processes influencing sulphur availability in relation to prescribed fire.

Only one part of this work was eventually published:
Sanborn, P.T. and T.M. Ballard. 1991. Combustion losses of sulphur from conifer foliage: Implications of chemical form and soil nitrogen status. Biogeochemistry 12: 129–134.

The remainder of the work was documented in this Project Completion Report to SCBC, dated February 28, 1990, and entitled "Effects of Prescribed Fire on Sulphur in Forest Soils".

2023. · Stuk · Apr. 2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Unpublished results for the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) were presented in annual reports to the funding agencies, including this "Sulphur Fertilization of Lodgepole Pine: A Stable Isotope Tracer Study (Ministry of Forests E.P. 886.15) - Project Y051210 - Technical Report" from April 2005.

2023. · Stuk · 1997
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

"Mineralogy of clay and sand fractions of soils developed from till, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits in central interior British Columbia" was a preliminary internal report that provides some background to Arocena and Sanborn's regional soil mineralogy study, as well as a compilation of the mineralogical data.

The key results from this work were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

2023. · Stuk · 30 June 1997
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This Ministry of Forests internal memorandum of 30 June 1997 from Paul Sanborn to Regional & Research Branch soil scientists provides comparison of Morgan's extractant and BaCl₂ for cations, using the 57 samples from the regional soil mineralogy study.

The key results from the study were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

2023. · Stuk · 1998
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This "Soil Profile Description: Kiskatinaw LTSP Site" document provides a description of Kiskatinaw pedon.

The key results from the regional soil mineralogy study were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

"Profile Descriptions"
2023. · Stuk · 1996
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This born-digital "Profile Descriptions" document provides descriptions of Williams Lake (Skulow Lake), Aleza 1 & 2, Log Lake, and Lucille Mountain pedons.

2023. · Sub-subseries · 1998-2011
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

The Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) field experiment was installed in young lodgepole pine stands at two sites in the Prince George Forest Region in 2001, with fertilizer treatments applied in late 2002. These sites are designated as Kenneth Creek (east of Prince George) and Holy Cross (south of Fraser Lake). (The Kenneth Creek installation was established near plots of the older E.P. 886.13 in the same stand.) Full experimental details, including pretreatment soil and foliar date, were given in:

Sanborn, P., R.P. Brockley, B. Mayer, M. Yun, J. Prietzel. 2005. Sulphur fertilization of lodgepole pine: a stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15): Establishment report. Tech. Rep. 020. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, BC.

The Kenneth Creek site was attacked by mountain pine beetle in 2006, resulting in at least 80% tree mortality. In 2013, the stand was levelled in order to enable replanting, and due to poor communications within the Ministry of Forests, the opportunity to salvage this installation was lost. The Holy Cross site was hit by a wildfire in 2010, and most of the research plots were destroyed.

Preliminary results from foliar analysis, sufficient to demonstrate that our stable isotope tracer approach could detect fertilizer uptake, were published in:

Sanborn, P.T., R.P. Brockley, and B. Mayer. 2011. Stable isotope tracing of fertilizer uptake by lodgepole pine: foliar responses. Can. J. For. Res. 41: 493-500.

2023. · Bestanddeel · 2003-2010
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Data sets for the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) include:

  • 03-095 UNBC PS-For.xls Particle size analyses (Kenneth Creek 0-20 & 20-40 cm)
  • 03-096 UNBC PS-For.xls Particle size analyses (Holy Cross 0-20 & 20-40 cm)
  • 082037.xls XRF elemental analysis (Holy Cross pedon)
  • 082038.xls XRF elemental analysis (Kenneth Creek pedon)
  • 084996.xlsx XRF elemental analysis (HC & KC parent materials)
  • EP 886 15 S isotope data (2001-2005) - foliage_completed (Feb 18).xls Pine foliage d34S (total S & total SO4-S)
  • EP 886.15 2003 Foliage & Soil Chemistry Summary.xls
  • EP 886.15 Foliar Analyses (selected) 2001-2006.xls Total N & S, SO4-S
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross & Kenneth Creek 2005 foliage.xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross & Kenneth Creek 2006 foliage.xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 FH (S516FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Foliage (T727FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Litter (S515FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2001 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S507FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2002 Foliage (T785FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 FH (S642FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Foliage (T836FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Litter (S641FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2003 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S643FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 FH (S702FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Foliage (T904FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Litter (S701FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Holy Cross 2004 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S703FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 FH (S521FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Foliage (T727FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Litter (S520FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S508FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2001 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S509FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2002 Foliage (T785FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 FH (S645FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Foliage (T837FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Litter (S644FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S646FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2003 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S647FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 FH (S705FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Foliage (T905FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Litter (S704FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Mineral Soil (0-20 cm) (S706FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Kenneth Creek 2004 Mineral Soil (20-40 cm) (S707FINL).xls
  • EP 886.15 Sample Inventory.xls Listing of MoF Lab Job No.'s
  • Fertilizer March 2003.xls d34S data for commercial fertilizer S sources
  • hc_2002.xls Initial (2002) pine tree measurement data - Holy Cross
  • kc_2002.xls Initial (2002) pine tree measurement data - Kenneth Creek
2023. · Sub-subseries · 2001-2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During Dr. Sanborn's years with the Ministry of Forests research program (1991-2002), he worked on forest fertilization research with silviculturist Rob Brockley (retired; formerly at Kalamalka Research Station, Vernon, BC). Brockley’s work in the 1980s and early 1990s had documented the widespread pattern of sulphur deficiencies across the BC interior, and the superior response of managed stands to fertilization treatments involving sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) rather than nitrogen alone.

To progress farther, different methods for understanding the fate of sulphur fertilizers in forests and soils were needed. Sanborn contacted the stable isotope group at the University of Calgary which had done important work on the fate of pollutant sulphur emitted by oil and gas extraction and processing in Alberta, using natural abundances of sulphur stable isotopes as a tracer. This was the beginning of a collaboration with Dr. Bernhard Mayer of the University of Calgary, and also with his German soil scientist colleague, Dr. Joerg Prietzel (Munich Technical University).

The research team engaged in the Cluculz retrospective study (E.P. 886.10) for the BC Ministry of Forests.

An ancillary project involved resampling (2002 - foliage, 2003 - soil) of a previously fertilized (1990) installation (E.P. 886.10) south of Cluculz Lake in order to compare the longer-term effects of different fertilizer sulphur forms on soil and foliage chemical properties. Results were published as a journal article and a Ministry of Forests Extension Note:

Sanborn, P.T., J. Prietzel, R.P. Brockley. 2005. Soil and lodgepole pine foliar responses to two fertilizer sulphur forms in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone, central interior British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35 (10): 2316-2322.

Sanborn, P. and R. Brockley. 2005. Sulphur deficiencies in lodgepole pine: occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment. Ext. Note 71. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C.

2023. · Bestanddeel · 2002-2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Data sets associated with the Cluculz retrospective study (E.P. 886.10):

  • 082036.xls -- Elemental analysis (XRF) for mineral horizon samples from profile at Cluculz EP 886.10 site
  • CLUCINC.xls -- Summary chemical properties for composite samples in aerobic incubation
  • Cluculz Ck 2002 Foliar Analysis.xls -- Analyzed for individual single-tree plots
  • Cluculz Ck 2002 Forest Floor.xls -- Forest floor mass data
  • Cluculz composite list (2003 samples).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz composite list (incubation experiment).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz composite list for incubations (2003 samples).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization - initial fractions (2).xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization - initial S fractions.xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization (IC).xls -- S mineralization data for aerobic incubation - organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz foliar and soil data.xls -- Chemical properties of foliage, composite forest floors, composite mineral soils
  • Cluculz pH.xls -- pH - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz S fraction graphs.xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Elemental Analysis of Standard by XRF (2005).xls -- Published & XRF analysis of CANMET TILL-1 soil standard (used in Cluculz XRF analysis)
2023. · Sub-subseries · 1988-1991
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During a year away from studies in 1987-88, Dr. Paul Sanborn developed a successful grant proposal to the Science Council of BC (SCBC) to pursue a postdoctoral project with Dr. Tim Ballard in relation to sulphur-deficient soils in BC and prescribed fire. This project built on an existing broadcast burning study conducted by Macmillan Bloedel Ltd. near Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, led by Bill Beese (later at Vancouver Island University). Dr. Sanborn's work addressed sulphur forms and amounts in the soils at these sites, and the chemical processes influencing sulphur availability in relation to prescribed fire.

Only one part of this work was eventually published:
Sanborn, P.T. and T.M. Ballard. 1991. Combustion losses of sulphur from conifer foliage: Implications of chemical form and soil nitrogen status. Biogeochemistry 12: 129–134.

The remainder of the work was documented in the Project Completion Report to SCBC, dated February 28, 1990.

Thirty-four of the accompanying project data files were selected for archival retention.

2023. · Bestanddeel · 1988-1990
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During a year away from studies in 1987-88, Dr. Paul Sanborn developed a successful grant proposal to the Science Council of BC (SCBC) to pursue a postdoctoral project with Dr. Tim Ballard in relation to sulphur-deficient soils in BC and prescribed fire. This project built on an existing broadcast burning study conducted by Macmillan Bloedel Ltd. near Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, led by Bill Beese (later at Vancouver Island University). Dr. Sanborn's work addressed sulphur forms and amounts in the soils at these sites, and the chemical processes influencing sulphur availability in relation to prescribed fire.

Only one part of this work was eventually published:
Sanborn, P.T. and T.M. Ballard. 1991. Combustion losses of sulphur from conifer foliage: Implications of chemical form and soil nitrogen status. Biogeochemistry 12: 129–134.

The remainder of the work was documented in this Project Completion Report to SCBC, dated February 28, 1990, and entitled "Effects of Prescribed Fire on Sulphur in Forest Soils".

Thirty-four data files were selected for archival retention. There is some redundancy of content among these, with some formatted for incorporation as tables in the report appendices, and others containing some of the same data, but set up as input files for a statistics program. These account for almost all of the data listed in the Project Completion Report appendices. No glossary of variable names is provided, but these should be identifiable by referring to the Report.

2023. · Bestanddeel · 1996-2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Data sets associated with the Arocena & Sanborn 1999 regional soil mineralogy study:

  • S234FINL.XLS [data report for mineral horizons from MoF Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, June 20 1996]
  • S235FINL.XLS [data report for organic horizons from MoF Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, June 20 1996]
  • SAMPLIST.XLS [conversion table for sample numbers used in MoF lab data reports]
  • Fe Al extractions.xlsx [assembled from lab data report by L. Arocena for oxalate & dithionite extractions; pyrophosphate extraction data from MoF lab]
  • MINSTUDY.XLS [consolidated lab data for organic & mineral horizons, except for BaCl2 exchangeable cations]
  • MINCEC.XLS [BaCl2 exchangeable cations & Morgan’s extraction for organic & mineral horizons]
2023. · Bestanddeel · 1991
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Original Land Resource Research Institute soil description detail forms prepared by Scott Smith for 3 locations, annotated on covers as follows:
SS91010 Lost Chicken Regosol Paleosol 26/6/91
SS91011 Lost Chicken Ash in Felty Peat 27/6/91
SS91013 Lost Chicken Mine “Up the Creek” ash site 28/6/91

Each of the three forms contains an attached annotated Polaroid photograph depicting each site.