Series consists of material related to Weller’s activity obtaining and completing the responsibilities of his academic appointments.
Series consists of awards Weller earned at Lakehead University and material related to the honorary doctorate he was awarded by the University of Lapland.
Series consists of material related to courses taught by Weller as a professor at Bishop’s University, Lakehead University and UNBC. Material includes lecture notes, syllabi, reading lists, exam questions, assignments, photocopied articles, and newspaper clippings.
Series consists of day planners and journals, a scrapbook from Weller's time at Lakehead University, photographs and birthday cards for his 50th birthday and other material not involved in Weller's academic research or teaching positions.
Series consist of material gathered or created by Weller in his research for scholarly work, government contracts, and community service involvement.
Series consists of scholarly works authored or coauthored by Weller and related records involved in their presentation or publication.