Fonds consists of personal papers, books, manuscripts, photographic materials, audio recordings and electronic records arranged into five series, which relate to Mr. Fawcett's personal life, his creative works and his relationships with members of the literary community.
Fawcett, BrianFile contains correspondence from David Black, Instructor for Communication Studies, at Wilfred Laurier University, to Brian Fawcett. The file contains letters, including a [3 page draft], of Sociology Of Cultural, a bibliography for perusal and comments dated July 7, 1993, a faxed memo from David Black, dated September 8, 1994 and a letter regarding a lecture to be given, dated September 13, 1994.
File contains correspondence from Brian Fawcett to Boyd Photography. Includes a letter regarding reproductions of photographic images, dated October 31, 1993.
File contains correspondence between Brian Fawcett and Brian Brett. Includes a letter in regards to starting up a seed company and AGM meetings.
File contains a letter to Brian Fawcett from Gene Bridwell, Special Collections Librarian, at Simon Fraser University. Includes a letter regarding an offer of Brian's literary materials dated September 7, 1989
File contains correspondence from the Britannia Community School Services Centre in Vancouver.
File contains a letter by Noam Chomsky to the Editor of Books In Canada. Includes a letter regarding criticism of Brian Fawcett's review of, "Culture of Terrorism". - Letter dated April 17, 1989.
File contains correspondence between Brian Fawcett and Lorna Strom Brown. Includes a letter regarding his review of "Gender Wars" and includes information on their personal and literary lives.
File contains correspondence between Brian Fawcett and Colin Browne, Coordinator, Writing Department at the David Thompson University Centre in Nelson B.C. It includes a letter regarding an application for a Writing Instructor at the University and an article of review of "Creatures Of State".
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Susila Bryant.
File contains a letter to Brian Fawcett from Paulette Burt, Administrative Assistant, for Harper & Collins Publishers Ltd.. Includes a letter regarding an Author's Questionnaire. Letter is dated December 14, 1989.
File contains letters from Brian Fawcett to Jack Butcher. The items are dated May 27 and January 7th, 1994.
File contains copy of a letter from Brian Fawcett to Brad Robison and Rick Byrne. Includes a letter regarding his disdain of issues highlighted within a book of poems.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Laura Busheikin from London, England.
File contains correspondence between Brian Fawcett and June Callwood. The items are correspondence regarding letters of support and a petition on behalf of June Callwood.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Gordon Montador, National Director, for The Canadian Book Information Centre. The items are in reference to his published book, "Cambodia", copy of the lead sheets into the published works, and Brian's review of published works by William Hoffer. Letters dated January 3, 1986 and March 25, 1987.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from John Goldsmith, Cultural Affairs of the Canadian Consulate General. Includes a letter about his book, "Cambodia". Letter dated January 16, 1989.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Charlie Christopherson. Includes letters from Charlie Christopherson who critiqued Brian's manuscripts, first document dated April 10, 1992 - 26 pages with copy prints attached from The Globe and Mail, March 7, 1992, article: "Professor Herbert Schiller"; "The New York Review Of Books" - December 1991, page 49, article: "Vaclav Havel"; The Province, March 8, 1992, article: "Architect Of His Own Demise". The second document dated February 5, 1992 - 24 pages.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Marcia Nozick, Editor Publisher. The item is a letter requesting a column story from Brian and review of a book Nozick had written for Books in Canada. Letter dated December 16, 1992.
File contains a copy of correspondence to Mrs. Barb Minett of Ontario, from the Right Honourable Joe Clark's office. Includes a letter regarding books entitled, "In The Rainforest" and "The United States and Central America". Letter dated March 16, 1987.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from the Coach House Press. Includes letters dated: 1982, 1985, predominate dates 1990 - 1992.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Matt Cohen, Chairman of The Writer's Union of Canada. Includes a letter is notifying Brian of the next Annual General Meeting. Letter dated January 31, 1986.
File contains correspondence to Colgin from Brian Fawcett. Includes a letter dated November 7, 1978.
File contains correspondence to Doris Cowen, Editor from Brian Fawcett. Includes a letter dated October 24, 1986.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Jacintha Crighton. Includes a letter dated February 8, 1991.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Frank Davey. Includes letters with predominate dates 1986 to 1987.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Jack David from the ECW Press located in Toronto, Ontario. Includes letters with predominate dates for 1985 to 1986.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Julie Davies. Includes a letter dated March 7, 1995.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Remi J. De Roo, Bishop of Diocese of Victoria Pastoral Centre. Includes a letter dated April 25, 1988.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Chris Dewdney. Includes letters dated predominately from 1988 to 1989.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Jane Dorsey Candas. The item is a document [[draft] manuscript sent to Brian for perusal and comments.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Julia Dover. Includes a letter dated January 23, 1995.
File contains correspondence from Brian Fawcett to Stan Drobnich. Includes a letter dated July 27, 1993.
File contains letters to Brian Fawcett from Stephen Dugiud, Author. Includes letters predominantly written in 1987 and 1988.
File contains letters to Brian Fawcett from Ross MacKay, Managing Editor and Don McLeod, Editor of the ECW Press, located in Toronto Ontario.
The items are dated July 21, 1986 and November 27, 1987.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from James English.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Brett Enemark. The letters date predominantly 1970 and 1975.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Fantagraphics Books. The item is letters dated June 24, and August 27, 1993.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Douglas G. Flemons, Ph.D.. Includes letters dated May 4, 1990 and February 18, 1991.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from John Flett.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Marts Flomen.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Dr. Brian R. April, Director of Development at The Fraser Institute. Includes letters dated May 24, 31, 1996.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Robert Fulford. Includes a letter dated December 21, 1990.
File contains a letter to Brian Fawcett from Eric Garsonnin. Includes a letter dated January 14, 1985
File contains a faxed letter to Brian Fawcett from Zsuzsi Gartner. The item is dated October 20, 1995.
File contains a letter to Brian Fawcett from Carole Giangrande. The letter is dated February 24, 1994.
File contains correspondence to Brian Fawcett from Maryan Gibson. The items are predominantly dated 1984.
File contains textual materials to Brian Fawcett from Marsha Giller. It is a document entitled: "Reaction Paper # 3 of Cambodia".
Dated October 27, 1994.
File contains letters to Brian Fawcett from Globe Village (Nanaimo). The items are dated November 2, 29, 1990 and January 17, 18, 1991.
File contains a letter to Brian Fawcett from Global Community. The item is a faxed letter dated February 7, 1994.