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2020. · Bestanddeel · Oct. 1994
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Action Steps to Sustainable Agriculture" at the Forum on Sustainable Agriculture in Summerland.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech opens with a relatively broad discussion of sustainability- how defined - and how this relates to agriculture. "We've got to develop the ability to view farming in a conceptual sense, to view food production sustainability over the full horizon, including the urban world, as well as farm field."

The speech is broken into 3 sections with sub-sections:
(1) From a Practical Management Point of View. What Does "Sustainability" Mean on the Farm, Orchard or Ranch? Several points are made including the protection of land through the ALR. The principles of sustainability in, "Towards a Strategy for Sustainability" are listed.
(2) From the Food Producers Perspective, What are the Gaps in Practical Requirements to move Toward Sustainability? The points identified in the July 1994 workshop "Future of Agriculture in the Okanagan" are listed and noted as key points.
(3) With Land and Water Resources under Stress, What are the Action Steps to Regional Multicommodity Agricultural Sustainability? Under this topic seven sub-topics are explored:
a) sustainability and security of the land base with a particular emphasis on parcel size and the need for consolidation, land tenure, cost and speculation;
b) sustainability and water resources;
c) land use competition, compatibility, and planning process access - with an emphasis placed on the need for the farm community to have access to the planning process and a nod to the importance of Agricultural Advisory Committees. It is recognized that this will take an integrated effort of the ALC and Municipal Affairs;
d) vertically consistent policies and regulations from local to federal;
e) Right to Farm (with a plea to revisit the then current 'Agricultural Protection Act');
f) public education;
g) food policy; and
h) Socio-economic strategy for agriculture"

2020. · Bestanddeel · [1991?]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land and Its Management".

Commentary by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This paper has no indication of the audience or date but given that there are several references to 1990 reports, it probably dates to 1991.

Although the scope of this paper is national in several aspects, its primary focus is on the B.C. farmland preservation efforts.

Comment is made on the question of farmland being regarded as a 'commodity' vs 'scarce resource'. GGR draws upon a theme found in other speeches and papers when he notes that 'To some degree, the call for a new "foodland ethic" is based upon the belief that public policy should more adequately take into account the social value of foodlands, quite apart from the dollar value...."

The paper is broken into several sections:
(A) The Setting;
(B) Agricultural Land Loss, (which includes some excellent statistics - p. 2-3)
(C) Some Agricultural Management Issues,
(D) Action Response (this section briefly reviews farmland preservation efforts in each province with a particular emphasis on B.C. p. 5-6),
(E) The Future.

GGR lists the following action steps that BC should pursue:

  • Repeal ALC Act appeals to Cabinet;
  • Rescind the outright golf course use within the ALR; and
  • Introduce Soil Conservation Legislation"
2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 1981]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land and Land Use Decision Making in the 1980s" for the Western Land Directors' Conference, Victoria BC (June 7-11,1981).

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The speech is a collection of familiar themes but GGR's assemblage and delivery is becoming ever-more refined. The speech was accompanied by overheads but they are not included.

The paper starts with two quotes from Hans Blumenfeld and O'Malley. In the case of Blumenfeld - North Americans want to live in efficient, convenient, healthy and pleasant environment but as individuals we want to be able to make an honest dollar out of every piece of property we own. The two concepts are basically incompatible. The O'Malley quote speaks of land as a mother because she gives life, is a provider, protector and comforter.

Some (but far from all) of the important observations include:

  1. integrated land use policy is slow in coming;
  2. issues have to be addressed at each level of government;
  3. for each use option and the resulting integrated policy framework must be established through appropriate legislation and regulation;
  4. we are all well aware, there are some use demands that by definition, exclude other use demands (agriculture is highlighted as a prime example);
  5. non-agricultural or urban demands vary according to location, as does the "resistance" of agriculture to the change.
  6. some private demand is purely speculative, especially in an inflationary period. During these times, the demand, particularly for irreversible uses of land, often greatly exceeds the real requirements for use;
  7. we have always been able to produce the "next frontier", why not now?
  8. understanding the land is the most important prerequisite to its wise and proper use;
  9. an integrative spirit and process is essential if sound planning is the target.

The paper ends with the following quote from Bill Moyers, "Government is the art of trying to solve problems. Politics is the art of trying to attain power. The two meet sometimes, but not often."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Oct. 1978
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land Commission 1978 - What's Happening?" to a UBC Soil Science and Land Use Planning Seminar.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is simply a single page outline of a speech given at a UBC Soil Science and Land Use Seminar providing an overview of the farmland preservation program to date.

The outline is broken into 5 sections:

  1. Brief History (of the legislation, designation of the ALR and program administration);
  2. Fine Tuning (of the ALR);
  3. Grazing Lands;
  4. Settlement and Community Plans; and
  5. The "young farmer" program"

The actual speech based on this outline is not included."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Nov. 1979
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land Preservation - Some of the Problems" to an unknown audience, possibly a political caucus. A "Process Chart" of the B.C. Agricultural Land Commission Act is attached to the speech.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech was given several months after GGR's resignation as Chair of the Commission in January, 1979. There is no specific indication of who the speech was given to but mention is made to "caucus members" (p. 4) and therefore may have been the NDP caucus.

Specific mention is made to the opportunity to undermine the program by the Section 9(8) changes to the Act. (This is a reference to allowing the Minister of Agriculture to forward appeals of Commission's decisions to the Environment and Land Use Committee of Cabinet if no two Commissioners give leave to appeal)..

Mention is also made to the need for the Commission to be aware of problems affecting agriculture if it is to be the true defender of agricultural interests. Reference (p. 3) is made to the Commission being: "... too busy attending to applications to take a seriously positive role to ensure that present and future land use conflicts ... are minimized."

GGR also raises his concern with attempts to narrow the definition of "agricultural land" by suggestions that CLI Class 4 - 7 lands be automatically excluded from the ALR. He also expresses the need to be concerned with land use planning outside the ALR.

GGR criticizes "a less than positive attitude by government" (to farmland preservation) and calls for the need for a provincial land use strategy."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 15 Apr. 1976
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the B.C.I.A. entitled "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"With the original package associated with this speech are 5 pages of rough notes for another speech with the same title prepared for a B.C.I.A. meeting on March 22, 1976... Given that these rough notes were held with the material associated with the April 15, 1976 meeting it is possible the B.C.I.A. meeting planned for March was shifted to the April date. Additionally there are 6 pages numbered 6-11 that are of some detail concerning the work of the Commission but appear to be part of another speech but are included with the B.C.I.A. package and have, therefore, been [included with this speech].

The title of the speech "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act" sums up the thrust of the speech which notes the objectives of the legislation, the Commission's program of land acquisition and Commission research and support of innovative projects to assist rural planning to create a positive environment for agriculture and give direction to urban growth away from farmland.

Additionally an overview is provided of the Commission's activities in its first two years of operation. GGR comments that establishing the ALRs "... was but a first step and we feel that it is our job to continue to protect the Reserve by whatever approaches and methods of rural planning that are available to us". This speaks to a Commission that saw its role, even at this early stage, as being much more than simply a rationing board reviewing ALR applications.

Several examples are outlined in which it is suggested that professional agrologists should be looking at carefully.

At the end of the speech (p.5) GGR includes (a note to himself) to "follow with example of an agrologist's public statement" that obviously was of concern. The actual public statement was not included with the speech given on April 15th but was included in the rough notes of the speech dated March 22 which read as follows:
"Yet a member of the B.C.I.A. - a P.Ag - is quoted in the press in response to a local politician who asked him a question something like this in regard to an ALR exclusion application:
Local politician: What about the international, national and local concerns regarding land for future food production?
BOA member P.Ag: We should firstly be concerned with places for people to live and secondly worry about land for food production.
This is our profession - the image is yours to make.
I don't mean that we should go overboard, but if we are not willing to defend preservation of agricultural land - who is?"

2020. · Bestanddeel · Mar. 1993
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agriculture in the Urban Shadow" at the Agricultural Land Commission Symposium - Urban Growth and the Agricultural Land Reserve: 'Up not Out' - March 9,1993.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This represents an important, highly pertinent speech concerning farmland preservation in B.C. The speech was given at the ALC Symposium marking the 20th anniversary of B.C.'s farmland preservation program. The speech rings as relevant today as it did when delivered 22 years ago.

It begins by identifying two perspectives - one, those committed to an agricultural future, contributing diversity and having a social value and two, those that feel agriculture is ultimately doomed and is only an interim use, especially in the urban shadow, until a "higher and better" use comes along. GGR states that we need to honestly state which perspective we are guided by.

There are a host of important themes woven through this paper including:

  1. While farming on the urban shadow benefits both the urban and farm communities, the negative impacts of urban/farm adjacency are predominantly borne by the agricultural community.
  2. In describing the situation prior to the farmland preservation legislation in the 1960's and early 1970's agriculture was consistently the "loser user".
  3. Even in the earliest days of the Commission, urban shadow issues were identified and the ALC recognized that provincial zoning was only a first step, and taken alone, was not enough.
  4. The BC farmland preservation program has been at least as successful as anywhere else in North American and looked on with envy in many other jurisdictions.
  5. GGR believes that after 20 years we are worse off today than when the program started due to (i) elected provincial politicians involved with the application process (ii) the ALR / Golf Course fiasco and (ill) the ALC has become paralyzed in their Appeal Board mode.

Several (13 starting on p. 7) urban shadow issues are outlined and GGR states that we must be serious about addressing urban shadow issues.

The paper ends with an outline of "where we need to be tomorrow" and GGR states: "I recall when the program began in 1973 we argued that all of the compromises with respect to agriculture had already been made, if we were to keep the options open for future
generations In British Columbia. If that statement was true then, how much more true is it today, 20 years later?"

From the Symposium concluding remarks, Gary Runka stated that based on his experience and discussions during the symposium, he believed that the following initiatives should be given priority:

  • Information and education programs
  • Communication between farmers, government and the public
  • Regional land use planning
  • Integration of government policies to a strong farmland preservation strategy
  • Provincial agricultural strategy
  • Programs which insure farms can be viable

The Symposium proceedings have been compiled in a 67 page ALC publication."

Apple blossom in Kelowna
2020. · Stuk · May 1968
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Slide depicts an apple tree blossoming in a backyard. The yard is surrounded by a wooden fence. Original slide index description: "Apple blossoms Kelowna."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Feb. 1988
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of an article written by Gary Runka entitled "Balanced Agriculture - Its Social Value" for the Symposium o n Decoupling, Ottawa - February 10-12,1988.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech was prepared for publication in the July 1988 edition of t he "Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics".

The Symposium explores the social and economic values of agriculture and this paper primarily pursues the social value side of the equation and asserts that a healthy agricultural sector has a social as well as economic value to Canada.

The paper is broken into four sections:
(I) The Farm;
(II) Rural Communities and Regions;
(III) Canada and Beyond; and
(IV) Summary.

Under these broad topics the paper considers several themes, many of which have a strong or direct relationship to farmland preservation. B.C. and Quebec programs are directly mentioned. A few of these themes are captured here:

  • "balanced agriculture" ... let it imply a balance between economic considerations (market forces) and social values
  • It is not easy to design legislative programs that will accommodate both the legitimate financial concerns of those who husband the land and the desire of society to protect a scarce resource
  • Society must share in t he responsibility to retain foodlands. "...both Quebec and British Columbia accepted this responsibility in their agricultural land preservation legislation by bring in associated commodity income insurance programs along with the provincial designation of land within agricultural land reserve zoning."
  • A need for balance between private rights of land ownership with stewardship and the responsibility of government to intervene when private interests do not coincide with public interests.
  • The urban majority will have a growing influence on the way farmers and agriculture will be treated in coming decades
  • Any country is wise to ensure that it retains the option to produce at least a portion of its own food
  • Do we want agriculture driven by a "trade environment" or do we as a country have other social goals that we wish to pursue, of which international trade is part?
  • It is in Canadian society's general interest to have economic and social cohesion when considering agricultural policy reform."
2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 1980]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "BC Experience: Establishing Priorities for the Use of Rural Land Resources" for the Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference in Kitchener, Waterloo.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is a second speech GGR gave at the 1980 CIP Conference.

The 'rural' stage is set by stating that BC is 94% crown land of which 53% is unreserved crown land - so lots of rural land to plan for.

The paper largely outlines 8 examples of rural land use priorities in BC including:

  1. Integrating rural land use policy under the Environment and Land Use Act
  2. Agricultural Land Commission Act protecting farmland
  3. Forest and Range Act
  4. Municipal and Regional government community, settlement and regional plans - largely on non-crown land
  5. The Federal government's amended Fisheries Act
  6. Special Statutes Planning - The Islands Trust Act
  7. Crown land Planning Strategies
  8. Environment Planning via an Environment Act, Water Basin Plan and Wildlife along with complimentary legislation.

The paper helps to place the farmland preservation in the context with other land use planning efforts in British Columbia."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [July 1998]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "BC Land Use Issues and Smiling Frogs" for the Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This presentation, which was accompanied by slides (not with speaking notes) reviews five diverse land use issues of which three involve agriculture, two of which were directly linked to the ALC.

The 'Smiling Frogs' metaphor is wonderfully explained as the heat is turned up and down on land use issues and complacency is something to be avoided.

GGR was directly involved in some capacity with each of the issues reviewed and, therefore is in a position to provide an "insiders" point of view. The five issues were:

  1. Burnaby Business Park (Burnaby Big Bend) - Lower Mainland - a very succinct overview is provided for this win-win accomplishment which directly involved ALC decision-making.
  2. Charlotte-Alplands (West Chilcotin) - involved an exploration of forest, recreation and wilderness tourism opportunities and the identification of potential conflicts.
  3. Fraser River Delta (Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust) - considers the successful coming together of agricultural and wildlife interests in an area that has both internationally significant wildlife habitat and an important part of the Pacific Flyway but also comprises one of the best agricultural areas in Canada.
  4. Mid-Coast (Greenpeace and Western Forest Products) - provides insights into a very hot issue that had some success and some failure in trying to get two very opposed sides together in which the Land and Coastal Resource Management Planning process is struggling.
  5. Six Mile Ranch (Kamloops) - every so often the ALC is faced with what might be referred to as an application of province wide notoriety and Six Mile Ranch assuredly fit this description. The application involved a proposal in the Kamloops area (but some distance from Kamloops) to use an area of interior grasslands ALR for urban development in the form of residential, resort and golf course. GGR sums up his feelings nicely on this land issue - "My involvement in this fiasco is indirect and that of "Citizen Runka" and perhaps more specifically as a student of government stupidity."
2020. · Bestanddeel · Mar. 1987
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "BC Soil Conservation Issues: How Serious are They?" for a BCFA Soil Conservatiori Seminar - March 10,1987.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Stressing the importance of soil conservation, this speech begins by noting that all land and water users (not just agriculture) - on-site or off-site - are involved with soil conservation.

The paper is broken into 3 sections:
(1) Framework Considerations in which the diversity of BC's landform and climate is noted. The key soil conservation issues from a provincial perspective are reviewed including:

  • erosion;
  • sedimentation;
  • acidification;
  • organic matter loss; and
  • soil compaction.

(2) Economic Considerations - the estimated loss annually in agriculture due to soil erosion is 30 to 50 million dollars.
(3) Legislation and Institutional Structure Considerations - BC is noted as having no provincial legislation that has soil conservation as its main thrust.

While the ALC Act and ALR are not directly mentioned, soil conservation is an important associated issue related to farmland preservation."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 2006]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "BC's Agricultural Land Reserve - Its Historical Roots" at the Post World Planners Congress Seminar.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Vancouver hosted the World Planners Congress in June 2006 and the day following the Congress the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada hosted a full day seminar entitled "Planning for Food".

GGR provided an important overview of the BC farmland preservation program. The speech begins with comments outlining the factors motivating the government of the day to enact legislation to preserve agricultural land. The presentation was then broken into three time periods including:
The Formative Years (1972-1975)
The Refinement Years (1976-1996)
The Uncertain Years (1996-????)

GGR in his summary poses some less than optimistic questions and observations. He states that despite successes "there are growing
concerns that, over its history, the focus of the program has subtly shifted - from an agency devoted to farmland preservation, to a rationing board." He sees the focus on application review as being detrimental to the Commission's role of promoting and encouraging farming in the ALR. Given this shift in direction he presents several suggestions to get the program back on track.

The presentation ends with a challenge to the people of B.C. to decide whether the next segment of the B.C. farmland preservation history is entitled 'The Rebuilding Years' or not."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [ca. 1970]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "BC's Land Use and the Current Land Inventory".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Although page 4 of this speech is missing (or possibly intentionally deleted), this document provides a detailed explanation of the CLI ratings and may well have been the basis of interpretation guidelines for agricultural capability mapping used by the ALC.

GGR at the time was the B.C. Land Inventory Field Coordinator.

It appears that slides at one point accompanied this speech."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [July 1982]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Effects of Urban Decision Making on Rural Issues".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The introduction begins by stating that urban-oriented people are making decisions that impact on rural issues and land / people relationships. This paper provides a perspective largely from a rural point of view although, at the very end it is concluded that people in rural areas are often unaware of the dynamics of urban needs and priorities.

While the examples of urban influences on rural areas are too numerous to comprehensively outline even in a 16 page speech, GGR does cover a lot of ground in this regard in the paper. He feels that through careful planning built on understanding we can, as a society, achieve a comfortable balance.

The question is asked, who is rural and who is urban - there is a degree of blurring. The paper considers urban decision-making in the broadest context - whether political, economic or social.

The paper is broken into a consideration of urban decision making and its effects on rural areas from a number of points of view - (1) Political; (2) Economic; and (3) Lifestyle.

It is noted that there is a need for greater understanding of agriculture from both a rural and urban point of view and the spin-offs of food and fibre production in providing jobs in the urban community is not widely recognized by urban citizens or elected officials.

As the number of urbanites take up residence in rural areas their power at the local ballot box also increases. Three examples of urban decision making on rural issues are explored including:
(1) The "Killer" Mall;
(2) The "Suburban" Horse; and
(3) Soil Conservation.

Interdependence is specifically emphasized - there is seldom any decision taken that does not impact to some degree somewhere else along the urban-rural continuum."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Mar. 1981
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Expanding Needs from a Finite Resource: the Necessity for Sound Land Use Planning" for the Manitoba Land Use Conference Land User for the 80's - Private Rights and Public Interests, March 11 & 12,1981.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The conference theme of "Private Rights and Public Interests" is one that GGR often turned to. In this fairly lengthy speech GGR pulls together, in one paper, many of the themes and positions he has turned to in other speeches. He explains the 'land and water maze' and lists 12 uses competing for limited land and water resources. It is noted that the imbalance between agriculture vs urban uses, due to urban uses commanding much higher values resulting in agriculture finding itself in a defensive position, is discussed.

As the conference theme enunciates - GGR explores the tug-of-war between the myth of limitless land and community needs vs property rights and the fallacy that individual land use decisions do not impact the larger community. GGR emphasises the slowness of changing attitudes and the even slower political response and policy change. The confusion of jurisdiction concerning what level of government is best positioned to deal with resources issues is considered. GGR emphasizes the need to plan the use of land resources in an integrated and comprehensive fashion and the need for shared decision making.

Policy 3 of Manitoba's Regulation #217/80 - "Rural residential development should not be thought of, nor normally planned, as an evolutionary step from a rural landscape to an urban development" is noted. It is emphasized that the planning process has to catch up with the rural reality.

Central message - the importance of planning land and water use must be in keeping with the natural characteristics of the land and the needs and values of the local community. This latter point is of interest from the point of view that local community values and plans may dash with provincial values or policy."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Dec. 1978
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Future of Intensive Livestock Enterprises in the more densely populated areas of the Agricultural Land Reserve" for the Agricultural Engineering Branch of the BC Ministry of Agriculture.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"In the letter dated December 29,1978, from GGR to Pat Brisbin (Secretary, Engineering Science Lead Committee), GGR refers to the enclosure as "the notes pertaining to my submission" that presumably was made at a meeting of the Engineering Science Lead Committee on December 21,1978.

The thrust of this item is to address the matter of intensive livestock farming in areas within close proximity to urban uses - e.g. in the ALR and along the urban / rural edge.

The 'notes" include a list of twelve "considerations" that should be taken into account when dealing with livestock enterprises on the urban edge.

Six 'actors' and their responsibilities are identified including:

  • The Agricultural Land Commission;
  • Ministry of Agriculture;
  • Local Governments;
  • BC Federation of Agriculture;
  • Intensive Livestock Operators; and
  • Non-farming Public.

It is emphasized that there is a need for communications between these actors and a need for education to avoid conflicts but makes clear that intensive agriculture shall be retained in the ALR.

The paper ends with a series of considerations - Philosophical / Social and Political Pressure / Financing and Tenure / Environmental - Pollution / Waste Disposal.

This paper demonstrates the long standing nature of concerns associated with intensive livestock operations near urban areas and the need for "edge planning"."

G. Gary Runka fonds
2020.4 · Archief · 1945-2013

This fonds illustrates the life and work of G. Gary Runka and his contributions to the province of British Columbia. Gary Runka was the first General Manager of British Columbia's Agricultural Land Commission and helped establish the provincial Agricultural Land Reserve. After transitioning from a government career to private consulting, Runka provided comprehensive professional services through his land consultancy business, G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd., offering land capability and environmental assessments, integrated resource management, land and water use conflict resolution, and interdisciplinary land use planning. Described by colleagues as one of BC's most highly respected agrologists and influential land use planners, Runka had a 52-year career working on (or against) an incredible number of landmark projects in British Columbia, such as the Site C Project. Gary Runka’s partner in life and vocation, Joan M. Sawicki, worked with Gary on many of these projects—as well as her own; her contributions are also represented throughout the records of this fonds.

Gary Runka's deep connection to the land is evident from his earliest papers on aerial photo interpretation, his work with the Canada Land Inventory, through his speeches and his work establishing the BC Agricultural Land Reserve and in his subsequent consulting career through G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. Gary Runka's influence and legacy was recognized in the tributes paid after his death, including the post-humus award as the Real Estate Foundation's "Land Champion" for 2014.

The G. Gary Runka fonds has been divided into the following nine series:
1) Personal Records
2) Speeches & Publications
3) Professional Records
4) Agricultural Land Commission
5) Land Sense Ltd.
6) Client Files
7) Maps
8) Photographs
9) Digital Records

Zonder titel
Hard Drive
2020.4.9.1 · Deelreeks · 1997-2021
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

This external hard drive contains back-up files from Gary Runka and Joan Sawicki's computers. The digital files consist of personal, professional, and business records. Includes textual documents (PDF and Word format), spreadsheets (Excel), digital images (JPEG), and email backup files.

2020. · Bestanddeel · 15 Mar. 1971
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka at UBC entitled "Integrated Land Use - BC Experience".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The speech provides insight into GGR's concept of integrated land use as opposed to multiple land use.

Agriculture noted as often the 'primary use for land designated in the ALR'. On page 5 GGR reflects on this concept when stating that integrated land use planning is a useful first step "... to indicate the primary physical capability of each landform based on inherent soil and climatic characteristics".

The speech was accompanied by slides."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 19 Oct. 1970
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Canada Soil Survey Committee in Ottawa entitled "Land Capability Analysis".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is a fairly technical speech explaining the history, and mechanics of the evolving land capability analysis process in BC. It gives insight into this early period in which there was a fair amount of trial and error to develop the best techniques to display and utilize information.

From an agricultural perspective the speech notes (p.5) that compatibility between agriculture and other sectors is not high. The speech demonstrates what would emerge as an important link between Land Capability Analysis and the ALR. On page 7 "possible predictions that will result in land use conflicts but perhaps better long range planning" are insightful and in the case of this statement, reads like a tentative foreshadowing of the BC farmland preservation program that would emerge in about two years.

"(1) Agriculture - "(c) Conservation of agricultural land through rural zoning of those high capability and high productivity soils, near markets."

It is unknown if the use of the acronym C.S.S.C was intended to refer to the "Canada Soil Survey Committee", which held its eighth meeting in Ottawa in 1970, or to the "Canadian System of Soil Classification. Regardless, for more information on the subject a copy of the 1998 / 187 page report by the Soil Classification Working Group entitled, "The Canadian System of Soil Classification" can be found here: "

2020.4.4.37 · Bestanddeel · 1974
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a 1973 BC Land Commission photographic slide and audio tape set entitled "Land Commission Act and the Agricultural Reserve Plan" that was used in original public hearings throughout the province. The 80 slides included with the presentation materials were created mostly by Gary Runka. The audio cassette is a recording of the presentation with speakers Bill Lane, BC Land Commission Chair, and Gary Runka, BC Land Commission General Manager.

2020. · Bestanddeel · Dec. 1980
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Resource Issues in BC and the Tough Choices Ahead" for the Surrey Rotary.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech, with the exception of the beginning and the ending is largely the cobbling together of two previous speeches. The new introduction draws upon several headlines from contemporary newspaper articles as examples involving land and water use decision-making. The next several pages largely repeat portions of [2020.] "The Rural - Urban Continuum: Tough Land Use Choices Ahead". The latter half of the speech draws from [2020.] "Land Resource Issues in B.C. - UBC Seminar".

The speech ends with a suggestion that there is a faint light at the end of the tunnel offered by the proposed "Planning Act". The speech closes with 3 broad concepts for consideration:

  1. Land and water use planning is fundamental in determining the economic opportunity and environmental quality of the future;
  2. Good rural planning demands good urban planning and the race for space will accelerate; and
  3. There is a need to reflect on the interdependence of man within natural systems in our planning for rural and urban land and water.

While farmland preservation isn't central to this speech the rural resource and planning theme is relevant."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Nov. 1980
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Resource Issues in BC" at a UBC seminar.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech / paper asks the question, "Are we in fact making any real progress towards resolving .... land resource conflicts...?"

A discussion is introduced that land resource issues are rural planning issues and as such they impact rural people and their lifestyle and thus translate to lifestyle issues. GGR suggests that planners are urban oriented and they should stand on the rural side of the fence and look back at the urban areas rather than the other way around.

Too often in government an agency's interests are paramount and insist that others tag along as long as they don't interfere with the prime use thrust. A concern is also expressed with "...too many waves of single use legislative power coming to the fore..." It is noted that the "...goal of any regulatory program should be to protect important public interests."

The paper concludes by considering a few current land resource issues including:

  1. Forestry-Agriculture
  2. Grazing land tenure transfer
  3. Fisheries - Agriculture - Forestry - Urban
  4. Energy - Agriculture
  5. Urban-Rural
  6. Energy-Lifestyles
  7. Wildlife - Recreation - Energy
  8. Agriculture and Recreation Lands - Foreign Ownership and Influence

While farmland preservation isn't central to this speech the rural resource and planning theme is relevant."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 7 Nov. 1974
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Agricultural Institute of Canada Land Use Committee entitled "Land Use Control and Jurisdictional Rights".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is a first draft position paper written by GGR was developed for the Agricultural Institute of Canada, Land Use Committee.

The paper notes that attitudes are shifting from land being considered as a commodity to considering land as a natural resource. There are several references to governmental relationships, the inability to count on local governments to preserve agricultural land and the need for a federal land use policy supporting farmland preservation.

The use of a zoning tool as an effective means to preserve agricultural land is explored. The paper makes a strong case for there being no legal need for compensating land owners for regulatory land use zoning.

Included with the package are two letters written by GGR (November 7,1974) sent to Jim Lore (Alberta) and Steve Hart (Ottawa) requesting their review of the paper and input. A copy of the finalized paper, which may have been a jointly authored paper, is not included and it is not known if the paper was eventually published by the Agricultural Institute of Canada."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 29 Sept. 1976
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Canadian Council on Rural Development entitled "Land Use Control".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is another important document.

GGR covers several points including a discussion of the impact of changes to rural areas from the food producer's perspective. He notes that local governments are not well positioned to effectively achieve farmland preservation - but there is a need for a coordinated approach.

The point is made that good rural planning depends on good urban planning.

A summary is made of efforts at rural planning and farmland preservation in other North American jurisdictions. An example is outlined of the complexity of overlapping land use controls and returns to a common theme - "merging the reality of land as a commodity with the ethic of land as a natural resource"."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 2 Mar. 1978
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the BC Provincial Seed Fair in Fort St. John entitled "Land Use Planning and the Farmer".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Given the title and the audience, this speech reads like a wake-up call to farmers to pay attention to land use planning issues and get involved. Despite the available copy of the speech appearing as a draft the nature of the topic - farmers needing to get involved in land use planning - establishes a point that GGR obviously feels is important in the overall effort to preserve agricultural land.

The speech includes several examples of land use planning that can affect the agricultural industry including:

  • Rural zoning by local governments and the provincial ALR zoning;
  • Hydro-electric planning (a reference in all probability to Site C);
  • Preparation of regional, community and particularly settlement plans;
  • Industrial land development strategies;
  • Federal fisheries legislation;
  • Transportation planning;
  • Crown land lease proposals;
  • Water resources;
  • Various other land use initiatives involving wildlife habitat, open space recreation, historic and archeological sites; and
  • Taxation and assessment policy

Stapled to the original typed speech is a set of hand written notes (not copied) that are largely identical to the typed version. The typed version does have a few mysterious blanks but when checking the handwritten version the blanks may simply represent illegibility problems with the hand writing at the time of typing. Given these blanks, this may in fact have been a first draft of the speech with a cleaner copy typed up prior to delivery."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Jan. 1979
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Use Planning and the Nursery Trades" to the BC Nursery Trades Association.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The primary thrust of the speech is to outline several pieces of legislation and other land uses that may have an impact on the nursery trade use of land including:

  1. Federal Fisheries Act;
  2. Municipal & regional district bylaws and plans;
  3. Agricultural Land Commission Act;
  4. Soil Conservation Act;
  5. Water Act and Floodplain Regulation;
  6. Forest and Range Acts; and
  7. Your neighbours changing land-use activities.

GGR comments (p 2) that, "...exclusion (of land from the ALR) is only allowed on lands not capable of agricultural use where no impact would be effected on adjacent farmlands, or where absolutely no alternative for the alternate use proposed exists." This clarifies that land in the ALR, even if it is proven unsuitable for agriculture, may remain in the ALR if its exclusion impacts adjacent farmland. On the other hand, pressure on the ALR is acknowledged where claims can be successfully mounted that no alternative exists for a proposed use, demonstrating the continual vulnerability of the ALR and the need to be able to clearly assess claims of "no alternative".

Foreshadowing the need for agricultural area planning, GGR suggests (p. 3) that it is important that, "... attempts be made to encourage local agricultural use planning so as to reduce conflicts within agriculture and with your urban neighbours."

2020. · Bestanddeel · 1974
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Use Planning as it affects the Vegetable Industry".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"GGR gives this speech as a representative of the B.C. Land Commission and is directed at vegetable industry reps.

The ALR is mentioned a number of times and it is noted that only 1 - 2% of BC is suitable for vegetable production. Several examples (8) of pressures on agricultural land are given.

GGR draws his audience's attention to the impact of speculation when stating:
"Substantial capital gain from land development or speculation unfortunately can to some degree subvert even the best planning. .... Fortunately, this type of speculation is now on somewhat shaky ground because of the Land Commission Act in B.C."

The overall message is that vegetable producers should involve themselves in land use planning."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 1994]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Landscape Level Planning - Fitting People into the Watershed" at the Stewarding Our Watersheds Conference.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The first half of this speech takes a very broad sweep in defining landscape units and the provincial planning system. In the second section "Entering the People Use Maze", the paper focuses more locally on the Salmon River watershed and discusses the findings of a survey associated with the Langley Rural Plan.

The survey results demonstrated that for both rural and non-rural residents in Langley, 'the country atmosphere' was why they had chosen to live in Langley. Residents also disagreed with the statement that it was unpleasant to live in an agriculture area.

The third section - "Techniques of Integrating Balanced, Sustainable People Use" into the Watershed" considers eight tools that will assist achieving "landscape level" planning, one of which is the ALC Act.

Besides these direct references to agriculture, country atmosphere and ALC Act; the Langley Rural Plan drew heavily on the survey that GGR refers to and the Plan, which was largely comprised of agricultural lands, was inspirational in the development of the Commission of work "Planning for Agriculture".

2020. · Bestanddeel · Sept. 2009
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Managing Conservation Lands to keep Nature's Pulse Beating" for the BC Trust for Public Lands.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"GGR's was the opening address at the workshop. While this speech is focused on the issue of Best Management Practices (BMP), comments about the ALR are woven into the presentation. This copy of the speech appears to be a draft version and includes several hand-written amendments with some points crossed out.

In the opening, mention is made of the grounding that the 2008 document "Taking Nature's Pulse: the Status of Biodiversity in British Columbia" has provided the workshop.

This speech provides an historical overview of the broader provincial context of BMP's drawn from 40 years of GGR's experience. The following is a selection of his comments:

  • BMP's are part of the "tool kit" of policy and management mechanisms that have been experimented with over the decades to try to rationalize human economic activities with the needs of other species and overall ecosystem well-being.
  • Historically the 1960s and 70s Canada Land Inventory program that emerged from the Resources for Tomorrow conferences was a significant benchmark mapping land capability for agriculture, forestry, recreation, wildlife and waterfowl use (of which GGR was centrally involved).
  • Within BC, using the CLI, the 1973 Land Commission Act authorized the establishment of a provincial zone to protect those sacred lands with the biophysical capability to grow food.

One point was not used in the speech (crossed out). The speaking notes, however, include a reference to the Land Commission legislation originally having a complimentary conservation objective that had since been removed. GGR makes the point that still having the conservation function may have contributed positively to current struggles to preserve natural habitat. Regardless, it is noted that the concept of the ALR has been a unique, effective and, most importantly a lasting management practices tool for conserving lands identified as biophysically significant.

A further selection of points made:

  • We need to evolve BMP tools that are adaptable yet resilient in the face of changing knowledge, climate change and ever-evolving social priorities.
  • Traditionally, planning has been most associated with local governments in the form of official community, regional and neighbourhood plans and as an outgrowth of the ALR - Agricultural Area Plans.
  • Environment Farm Planning - by agreeing to engage in the conservation planning process, participating farmers and ranchers have qualified for funding to carry out farm improvements benefitting conservation and biodiversity.
  • The work of the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust is outlined (p. 8)
  • "My final words of wisdom are - Be focused and be pragmatic"
  • "Many of the best intentions to standardize land management practices for conservation lands have been great on paper - but never quite make it on the ground."
  • And, if BMP are not implemented effectively on the ground, they cannot play the critical role they need to play in 'keeping nature's pulse beating'."
2020. · Bestanddeel · 21 Aug. 1973
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Agricultural Institute of Canada entitled "Managing Our Land Resources for Survival and Pleasure".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech is aimed at land use planning and planners, and GGR provides his definition of "ecology" which includes:
"...the basic characteristics of the land - its geology, soils, climate, vegetation, and animal life, including the devil that does the most damage, man. It also includes the interrelationships within these basic characteristics and of course this is where the word "complexities" comes in. There are no two places where these components combine in exactly the same manner and each ecological unit, if you like, is unique."

GGR mentions the importance of considering options.

This package includes a copy of the speech as well as a second, 2 page document, with the same title in which GGR is noted as 'Manager of the BC Land Commission'. This second document is largely a summary of the more formal speech."

Mission Flats
2020. · Stuk · May 1968
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Slide depicts Mission Flats from South East Kelowna. Photograph taken from an empty field and depicts a developed field and a wooden house. Mountains and the Okanagan Lake can be seen in the background. Original slide index description: "Mission Flats from SE Kel."

Mount Boucherie orchards
2020. · Stuk · May 1968
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Slide depicts orchards surrounding Mount Boucherie. The Okanagan Lake and mountains can be seen in the background. Original slide index description: "Orchards & sunflowers from Mt. Boucherie."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [ca. 1975]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of notes written by Joan Sawicki for an untitled pending speech by Gary Runka.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Despite this being only 4 pages of rough notes, its focus on the initial work of the Commission and challenges of designating the ALR make it an historically important document.

For example it was initially thought the ALR would be guided by class 1 - 4 CLI ratings but this proved impractical in the north and range areas. An additional challenge was that parts of the province only had the benefit of 1:50000 mapping. This presented a very real problem for establishing the ALR.

One concern with this document is that because it is written in point form and consists of rough notes, it could be open to a degree of misinterpretation if not considered by an individual with experience in the administration of the ALR. For a much more refined statement on the B.C. Agricultural Land Preservation program and the designation of the ALR see Items [2020., 2020., and 2020.]."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 1980]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Overview: Planning for Rural Land" for the Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference in Kitchener, Waterloo. Includes newspaper clipping titled "A pathetic tale of two resources" from the Victoria Colonist, June 22,1980.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech is aimed at the "urban" planner who is planning in rural areas. While 'rural land' can encompass many things and there are only passing references to agriculture, the planning approaches and principles - like the need for the urban planner to view the world from the rural side of the fence - is often going to involve agricultural land.

Mention is made of integrated natural resource management and an emphasis is made on the planner understanding the rural perspective.

The comment (warning) is made that "...the rural land use tug-of-war between lifestyle pursuits, population demands and natural resource production will continue" - the message being that planning practitioners will probably find themselves in the midst of these tug-of-wars.

This paper clearly recognizes the challenges of introducing urban planning techniques into rural landscapes and provides some very valuable insights. While farmland preservation isn't central to this speech the rural resource and planning theme is relevant."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Dec. 1983
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of the written personal reflections of Gary Runka for the "'Ten Years of Agricultural Land Preservation", December 1983.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"These personal reflections were prepared by GGR for publication in the ALC's document commemorating its 10th anniversary entitled "Ten Years of Agricultural Land Preservation". These reflections form pages 33 - 35 of this 61 page document.

The reflections portray the hectic start of the Land Commission's work but also inform us of GGR's role prior to becoming the Commission's first General Manager. As noted, "I had been extensively involved in drawing up the "suggested ALR plans" for the various regional districts while working with the Soils Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture." He then accompanied the Commission on their initial meetings with regional districts and local governments around the province.

The fact that GGR played a key role in developing the CLI mapping (an important basis of the ALR), then was involved with drawing up the suggested ALR plans, followed by his efforts as ALC General Manager to implement the Reserve plans, and finally sign off on the completed ALR plan map sheets, arguably makes Gary Runka, like no other person, the "Father of the ALR"."

2020. · Bestanddeel · Apr. 1974
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Physical Resource Data Needs in Land Use Planning" which was given at a technical workshop to develop an integrated approach to base data inventories for Canada's Northland.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"While the speech is not related to agriculture or farmland preservation directly, GGR emphasises the importance of data collection and mapping and its use in the planning process. The general principles he discusses were those employed in the development of the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The proceedings of the workshop were published in 1979 by Environment Canada." The proceedings are available online at:

2020. · Bestanddeel · 3 Nov. 1974
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the BC Federation of Labour Environmental Conference entitled "Planned Development and Land Conservation".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"GGR discusses the 'problem' of land being considered as either an "ecological natural resource" or "hot commodity".

He mentions that his background is in the natural sciences and land use planning and prefers to look at land as an ecological resource, not simply as a commodity.

The speech includes a quick review of the Land Commission's work and with reference to the Land Commission Act he makes the following observation (p.2):
"...the purpose is hardly necessary to relate to you - as what animal survives that destroys his food habitat next to his shelter or cover?"

The reason for BC's farmland preservation program could hardly be better stated."

2020. · Bestanddeel · [June 1981]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Planning for the Future Agricultural Land Base of Alberta" for Alberta Agriculture Land Use Activities, Edmonton, June 2,1981.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This appears to be a set of preliminary speaking notes - much of it is point form with considerable hand written notes in the margins. It is not known if these notes were ever finalized into the speech given on June 2,1981 or if the speech was simply given using these notes as its basis.

Many of the references are somewhat oblique relating to topical matters in Alberta. While agriculture is the central theme, this speech is focused on Alberta with little or no reference to the BC farmland preservation program.

Several broader themes are considered which are dealt with in other speeches but GGR speaks to the longer term importance of farmland preservation legislation when stating (p. 3):
"b) from my experience, time is demonstrating ever more clearly to me that, for a variety of reasons, legislating land preservation alone can only hold the land resource for so long if the other aspects affecting the food producing industry are not also given attention e.g.:

  • review of regional planning by the ARB
  • costs of production and marketing opportunities
  • gov't priority for ag. related to other prov. resources
  • urban planning - where are the cites going?
  • rural planning - how secure are the rural communities of which agriculture is a part?"
2020. · Bestanddeel · Aug. 1980
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of an article written by Gary Runka entitled "Political Realities - Protecting our Dwindling Soil Resource". This was published "Agrologist" magazine (Fall 1980) as "Protecting the soil".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This paper is focused on the importance of soil conservation. It makes the observation that soil erosion is often not recognized until the damage has been done, but it takes even longer for politicians to be aware of the problem and then for this to translate into policy change. It is noted that this is especially a problem given the short term time horizons of politicians. There is a discussion of what jurisdiction is best to deal with protecting the soil resource. It is emphasized that we no longer have the luxury of time."