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Company Operating History series
2012.05.01 · Série organique · 1959-1970
Fait partie de Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

Series consists of documents providing information on the Columbia Cellulose Company, Limited including its history, historical and geographical context, and plans for the future. These documents often include photographs, maps, and technical drawings of the mills. Series consists of Skeena Kraft press kit; Feasibility Study of Nass River Valley Log Transport Systems; A Summary History and Progress; Development Study: Northern resources; Columbia Cellulose Company, Limited.

2000. · Pièce · [ca. 1980]
Fait partie de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts part of the vacuum dust control and removal system in the Cassiar mill building. Unidentified man can be seen at rotary air-lock, in which heavy blown dust would collect before dropping to plenum conveyor resting just above floor. From here, the dust would eventually be expelled at the tailings pile outside of the mill. Second unidentified man can be seen climbing steps in background. This section of the mill was located above the lab.

Community Album - Tramline
2000. · Pièce · [ca. 1980]
Fait partie de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts ore cars on cables running between tramline towers. Flowers in foreground, mine valley and McDame mountain in background. Tramline ran through mine valley, between loading station (2000. in mine and dump station at mill on plantsite (2000.

2000. · Pièce · [ca. 1980]
Fait partie de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts mine area. Switchback road and higher benches in background. Blasthole drills, track shovels, and ore haulage trucks can be seen on level in foreground and higher bench in background. Mountains visible in distance. Benches in background speculated to be located on the mine's West Peak.

2000. · Pièce · [ca. 1980]
Fait partie de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts machinery in snowy area of mine. Euclid ore haulage truck in foreground, cassiar pickup truck visible in lower area in midground. Blasthole drill in front of track shovel in left background, Wabco ore haulage truck visible behind other machinery in right background.

Community Album - Palletizer
2000. · Pièce · [ca. 1980]
Fait partie de Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts palletizer machinery, where bags of asbestos fibre were shrink-wrapped and made ready for shipping pallets. Palletizer was located near shipping (believed to be in mill building). Unidentified man visible in machinery on far left.

2001. · Dossier · 1984
Fait partie de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Common Problems, Alternative Solutions: A Comparison of the Canadian and American Health Systems" presented by Weller at the 1984 American Political Science Association conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 31 listed in Weller's CV.

Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds
2012.05 · Fonds · 1959-1970

Fonds consists of documents providing information on the Columbia Cellulose Company, Limited covering the period of 1959-1970. These documents detail the company’s history, historical and geographical context, and plans for the future. Files often include photographs, maps, and technical drawings of the mills.

Sans titre
Colby 70-ton bridge crane lifting logs
2012. · Pièce · [ca. 1967]
Fait partie de Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. fonds

Attached description: The operator's cabin is visible behind the Colby 70-ton bridge crane grapples as it lifts a bundle of logs to the breakdown deck. In the background, a boomboat brings another bundle into position for pickup from the holding bay inside the pond formed by the dock.

2003. · Dossier · 1993
Fait partie de Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

File consists of a published copy of a Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences report by R.A. Bams entitled "Coho Salmon Smolt Production from Kelvin Creek (Cowichan River Watershed) B.C., During Four Years of Colonization with Hatchery and Salvaged Wild Fry"

2023.2.1.01 · Dossier · 1981-2001
Fait partie de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Research on the ecological functions of coarse woody debris (CWD) in forests, and techniques for inventorying CWD, were major topics for forest ecologists and soil scientists during Paul Sanborn's years with BC Forest Service research program (1991-2002).

File of documents consists mostly of unpublished internal and consultant reports, workshop summaries & handouts, and government publications (BC, Canada, USA). Methods-related documents may have been drafts which were superseded later by published manuals. In some cases, the document has a memo or email attached which provides some additional context.

Includes the following items:

BIOFOR Resource Consultants. (n.d.) Methodology for developing coarse woody debris photo guides. [consultant report to Ministry of Forests, Research Branch]

Brown, J.K., T.E. See. 1981. Downed dead woody fuel and biomass in the northern Rocky Mountains. General Technical Report INT-117. USDA Forest Service.

Clark, D.F., P.J. Burton, J.A. Antos. 1995. A comparative study employing different methods for inventory of coarse woody debris. Symbios Research and Restoration, Smithers, BC. September 30, 1995.

Ellis, R. 1996. Summary of the coarse woody debris workshop, Cowichan Lake Research Station, April 11-12, 1996. [Incl. handouts by A. Mackinnon, S.W. Taylor & J.V. Parminter]

Ember Research Services Ltd. 1997. CWD/Fuel calculator user’s guide. October 1997.

Hermanek, H. 2001. The distribution and description of CWD in the SBSmk1 and IDFdm2 zones of British Columbia. Work term report, Biology Co-op Program, University of Victoria.

Lajzerowicz, C. 2000. Coarse woody debris: what are we leaving in British Columbia. Examining TRENDS. ET2000-02. Northern Interior Vegetation Management Association.

Lajzerowicz, C. 2000. Coarse woody debris: what are the changes following harvesting in Alberta. Examining TRENDS. ET2000-03. Northern Interior Vegetation Management Association.

Lloyd, R. 2001. A comparison of coarse woody debris in harvested and unharvested sites in the SBSmc2: First-year report, March 2001. Prepared for: Houston Forest Products.

Mackinnon, A. 1996. What kind of CWD measurements are MOF research ecologists using? [handout at CWD Workshop, April 11-12, 1996]

Mackinnon, A., J. Parminter. 1996. Natural landscape patterns and processes. Notes from a meeting at Cowichan Lake Research Station, April 10, 1996.

Marshall, P.L. 1999. Using line intersect sampling to determine the volume of odd-shaped pieces of coarse woody debris: an explanation of the Vegetation Resources Inventory formula. Contract report to: Ministry of Forest, Vancouver Region. February 1999.

Marshall, P.L., G. Davis, V.M. LeMay. 2000. Using line intersect sampling for coarse woody debris. Forest Research Technical Report, TR-003. Vancouver Forest Region.

Ministry of Forests, Resources Inventory Branch 1999. Pilot study for dead tree information on growth and yield permanent sample plots.

Parminter, J. 1994. Correction factors and the measurement of coarse woody debris. Research Branch, Ministry of Forests. March 11, 1994.

Parminter, J. 2001. Natural disturbance research and project summaries. Cowichan Lake Research Station meeting, April 10, 1996.

Parminter, J. 2001. Procedures for measuring CWD volume in spot accumulations, landing piles and strip accumulations.

Parminter, J. 2001. CWD extensive pilot program – sampling of CWD in cutblocks.

Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project. 2001. Field data collection protocol manual: coarse woody debris survey 2001. [attached covering email from B. Rogers]

Rogers, B. 2001. Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project, Coarse Woody Debris Assessment Phase I: Working Plan 2001. Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. March 3, 2001.

Snag Protocol Team. 2000. Northern region snag management protocol: January 2000. USDA Forest Service, Northern Region.

Taylor, S.W., J.V. Parminter. 1996. Effects of broadcast burning on coarse woody debris in British Columbia. [handout at CWD Workshop, April 11-12, 1996]

Graham, R.T. et al. 1994. Managing coarse woody debris in forests of the Rocky Mountains. Research Paper INT-RP-477. Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service. Available online at: (accessed March 2023)

Harmon, M.E., J. Sexton. 1996. Guidelines for measurements of woody debris in forest ecosystems. Publ. No. 20. U.S. LTER Network Office. Available online at: (accessed March 2023)

Rogers, B. 2002. Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project, Coarse Woody Debris Assessment Phase III: Final Report. Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Available online at: (accessed March 2023)

Stevenson, Susan K. (March 1999). Biodiversity assessments at silvicultural systems sites, summer 1998. Prepared for: Prince George Forest Region, BC Ministry of Forests, Prince George BC. 16 p. + 16 p. graphs

Taylor, S.W. 1997. A field estimation procedure for downed coarse woody debris. Technology Transfer Notes. No. 2, August, 1997. Available online at: (accessed March 2023)

2023. · Sub-subseries · 2001-2005
Fait partie de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During Dr. Sanborn's years with the Ministry of Forests research program (1991-2002), he worked on forest fertilization research with silviculturist Rob Brockley (retired; formerly at Kalamalka Research Station, Vernon, BC). Brockley’s work in the 1980s and early 1990s had documented the widespread pattern of sulphur deficiencies across the BC interior, and the superior response of managed stands to fertilization treatments involving sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) rather than nitrogen alone.

To progress farther, different methods for understanding the fate of sulphur fertilizers in forests and soils were needed. Sanborn contacted the stable isotope group at the University of Calgary which had done important work on the fate of pollutant sulphur emitted by oil and gas extraction and processing in Alberta, using natural abundances of sulphur stable isotopes as a tracer. This was the beginning of a collaboration with Dr. Bernhard Mayer of the University of Calgary, and also with his German soil scientist colleague, Dr. Joerg Prietzel (Munich Technical University).

The research team engaged in the Cluculz retrospective study (E.P. 886.10) for the BC Ministry of Forests.

An ancillary project involved resampling (2002 - foliage, 2003 - soil) of a previously fertilized (1990) installation (E.P. 886.10) south of Cluculz Lake in order to compare the longer-term effects of different fertilizer sulphur forms on soil and foliage chemical properties. Results were published as a journal article and a Ministry of Forests Extension Note:

Sanborn, P.T., J. Prietzel, R.P. Brockley. 2005. Soil and lodgepole pine foliar responses to two fertilizer sulphur forms in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone, central interior British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35 (10): 2316-2322.

Sanborn, P. and R. Brockley. 2005. Sulphur deficiencies in lodgepole pine: occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment. Ext. Note 71. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C.

2023. · Pièce · [between 2002 and 2005]
Fait partie de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This document file "Cluculz Creek Fertilization Research Site.pdf" contains a field description and basic characterization data for a representative pedon at the E.P. 886.10 site.

Clones etc. 1999
2016.5.1.74 · Dossier · 1997-2002
Fait partie de Harry Coates fonds

File consists of documentation for various field sites. File also includes Harry Coates employment contracts (restricted). File also includes a Forest Cover Map Series 93H.093 1998-JUN-02 010, produced by the inventory branch of the Ministry of Forests, Province of British Columbia; Timber supply area: Prince George.