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Archival description
"Lucille Mountain soils"
2023. · Item · 2001
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This born-digital "Lucille Mountain soils" document provides a description and basic data for the Lucille Mt. pedon.

M PSYU Aleza Lake Research Forest Old File #051597
2007.1.25.8 · Dossiê/Processo · 1963-1980
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains various correspondence regarding 1964 annual cuts for sawmills in the area, memoranda consisting of various administrative issues such as the 1973 amalgamation of Purden Lake and Aleza Lake, and the sale of lumber previously infested by spruce beetles. File also contains 1972 applications to purchase Crown timber and road use, as well as 1966 logging permits.

Mackenzie Mountains and Mackenzie Valley, NWT field work
2023.2.2.4 · Subsérie · 2004-2005
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

The eastern flank of the Mackenzie Mountains has a complex history of multiple glaciations by both the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets, recorded in thick sequences of glacial sediments that were documented at 3 locations (Katherine Creek, Little Bear River, Inlin Brook) by:
Duk-Rodkin, A., R.W. Barendregt, C. Tarnocai, and F.M. Phillips. 1996. Late Tertiary to late Quaternary record in the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada: stratigraphy, paleosols, paleomagnetism, and chlorine-36. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 33 (6): 875-895.

Of the 3 sites, the exposure on Inlin Brook, a tributary of the Keele River, was the least well-documented, so in summer 2004 Dr. Paul Sanborn joined a field party of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) based at Tulita, NWT, and was given helicopter support to visit Inlin Brook (August 5-8). A brief visit was also made to the Little Bear River site.

On August 9-10, Sanborn joined Alejandra Duk-Rodkin (GSC) and Rene Barendregt (U Lethbridge) in helicopter-assisted field work at sites in the Franklin Mountains and elsewhere east of the Mackenzie River.

2023. · Item · 1997
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

"Mineralogy of clay and sand fractions of soils developed from till, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits in central interior British Columbia" was a preliminary internal report that provides some background to Arocena and Sanborn's regional soil mineralogy study, as well as a compilation of the mineralogical data.

The key results from this work were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

2023. · Item · 30 June 1997
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This Ministry of Forests internal memorandum of 30 June 1997 from Paul Sanborn to Regional & Research Branch soil scientists provides comparison of Morgan's extractant and BaCl₂ for cations, using the 57 samples from the regional soil mineralogy study.

The key results from the study were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

"Mt. Assiniboine Park Trip, August 19-22, 1974"
2023.7.3.21 · Item · Aug. 1974
Parte de Grant Hazelwood fonds

Item is an original report by Grant Hazelwood entitled "Mt. Assiniboine Park Trip, August 19-22, 1974". Includes original print photographs pasted into the report. The objective was to sample the lakes fishery at the south and north ends of the park and to examine some grizzly bear habitat on the Simpson River and examine the condition of guiding cabins in the same area.

2023.7.3.74 · Item · Oct. 1977
Parte de Grant Hazelwood fonds

Item is a photocopied report by Don Miller entitled "Observations of Caribou and Caribou Environment in Northern and Southern Tweedsmuir Park and Wells Gray Park in Summer of 1977 with Comments on Related Observations in Spatsizi Park during Spring".

Paleosols at the Goldbottom site, Klondike goldfields
2023.2.2.3 · Subsérie · 2004-2006
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

As part of a multidisciplinary team led by Grant Zazula (then a Ph.D. student at Simon Fraser University; later a palaeontologist with the Government of Yukon) and Duane Froese (Professor, University of Alberta), Dr. Paul Sanborn examined a set of buried paleosols (fossil soils) preserved in frozen sediments exposed by placer mining in the spring of 2004.

The findings were published in:
Zazula, G.D., D.G. Froese, S.A. Elias, S. Kuzmina, C. La Farge, A.V. Reyes, P.T. Sanborn, C.E. Schweger, C.A.S. Smith, and R.W. Mathewes. 2006. Vegetation buried under Dawson tephra (25,300 14C yr BP) and locally diverse late Pleistocene paleoenvironments of Goldbottom Creek, Yukon, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242: 253–286.

Paleosols at the Lost Chicken Mine, Chicken, Alaska
2023.2.2.5 · Subsérie · 1991-2023, predominant 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

The Lost Chicken Mine, a placer gold mine in eastern Alaska, approximately 120 km west of Dawson City, Yukon, is an important fossil locality for the late Pliocene (approximately 2.5 – 3.0 million years ago). A comprehensive account of the stratigraphy and paleontology of this site was given by:
Matthews, J.V., Jr., J.A. Westgate, L. Ovenden, L.D. Carter, and T. Fouch. 2003. Stratigraphy, fossils, and age of sediments at the upper pit of the Lost Chicken gold mine: new information on the late Pliocene environment of east central Alaska. Quaternary Research 60: 9-18.

Dr. Paul Sanborn visited the site on July 20, 2004, as part of a group led by Duane Froese (Professor, University of Alberta). The group concentrated on a single exposure (~ 2 m thick) straddling the Lost Chicken tephra, a volcanic ash bed (2.9 ± 0.4 myr) which is a major stratigraphic marker at the site. Sanborn described, photographed, and sampled this exposure, and obtained a basic set of characterization data. Intact samples were collected but thin sections were never produced.

2007.1.45.49 · Dossiê/Processo · 1929-1958
Parte de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains handwritten cross section book, original studies with handwritten measurement charts and black and white photos, loose pages of original correspondence, handwritten diagrams and measurement charts, loose handwritten tally sheets, black and white photographs, hand coloured plot diagrams, photocopies of aerial photographs, and original correspondence for Plot 160.

"Profile Descriptions"
2023. · Item · 1996
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This born-digital "Profile Descriptions" document provides descriptions of Williams Lake (Skulow Lake), Aleza 1 & 2, Log Lake, and Lucille Mountain pedons.