Affichage de 272 résultats

Archival description
"Research in Small Universities: The Ontario Perspective"
"Research in Small Universities: The Ontario Perspective"
"Research on the Middle North: The Case of the Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies"
"Research on the Middle North: The Case of the Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies"
"Reshaping the World Order: The Emergence of Circumpolar Organisations"
"Reshaping the World Order: The Emergence of Circumpolar Organisations"
"Resource Development in Northern Ontario: A Case Study in Hinterland Politics"
"Resource Development in Northern Ontario: A Case Study in Hinterland Politics"
"Resources and the Environment: The Northern Ontario Experience and Its Applicability to the Third World"
"Resources and the Environment: The Northern Ontario Experience and Its Applicability to the Third World"
"Resources and the Environment: The Northern Ontario Experience and its Applicability to the Third World"
"Resources and the Environment: The Northern Ontario Experience and its Applicability to the Third World"
"Restructuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: The Creation of a Civilian Security and Intelligence Agency"
"Restructuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: The Creation of a Civilian Security and Intelligence Agency"
Review of "Health and Change in the Subarctic" by T. Kue Young
Review of "Health and Change in the Subarctic" by T. Kue Young
Review of a grant application for the project "The Ottawa Lobbyists: Interest Groups and Canadian Foreign Policy"
Review of a grant application for the project "The Ottawa Lobbyists: Interest Groups and Canadian Foreign Policy"
Review of "An Assessment of Ontario's Health Strategy"
Review of "An Assessment of Ontario's Health Strategy"
Review of "Reforming Health Care in Nova Scotia: The Political Uses of Devolved Authority"
Review of "Reforming Health Care in Nova Scotia: The Political Uses of Devolved Authority"
Review of "Resolution of Wilderness vs Logging Conflicts in BC" by Jeremy Wilson
Review of "Resolution of Wilderness vs Logging Conflicts in BC" by Jeremy Wilson
Review of "Resource Conflicts and International Property Rights"
Review of "Resource Conflicts and International Property Rights"
Review of "The Crisis of Legitimacy in the North"
Review of "The Crisis of Legitimacy in the North"
Review of "The Extra-Billing Issue in Canada: The Dynamics and Limits of Symbolic Politics"
Review of "The Extra-Billing Issue in Canada: The Dynamics and Limits of Symbolic Politics"
Review of "The Impacts of Knowledge and Values on Perceptions of Environmental Risk to the Great Lakes"
Review of "The Impacts of Knowledge and Values on Perceptions of Environmental Risk to the Great Lakes"
Review of "The Politics of Pensions" by Ann Orloff
Review of "The Politics of Pensions" by Ann Orloff
Review of "Trading in the Future"
Review of "Trading in the Future"
"Rhetoric and Reality: Health Policy Under Conservative Governments in Canada"
"Rhetoric and Reality: Health Policy Under Conservative Governments in Canada"
"Scandinavian Security and Intelligence: The European Union, The WEU, and NATO"
"Scandinavian Security and Intelligence: The European Union, The WEU, and NATO"
"Scandinavian Security and Intelligence, The European Union, The WEU and NATO"
"Scandinavian Security and Intelligence, The European Union, The WEU and NATO"
Selected bibliography
Selected bibliography
"Self Government for Canada's Inuit: The Nunavut Proposal"
"Self Government for Canada's Inuit: The Nunavut Proposal"
"Self-Government for Canada's Inuit: The Nunavut Proposal"
"Self-Government for Canada's Inuit: The Nunavut Proposal"
"Shaping Lake Superior's Future"
"Shaping Lake Superior's Future"
"Should British Columbia Create a Ministry of Northern Affairs?"
"Should British Columbia Create a Ministry of Northern Affairs?"
"Should British Columbia Create a Ministry of Northern Affairs?"
"Should British Columbia Create a Ministry of Northern Affairs?"
"Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal" correspondence
"Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal" correspondence
"Strengthening Society I: Health Policy"
"Strengthening Society I: Health Policy"
Table of contents
Table of contents
Talks and Lectures
Talks and Lectures
"The Academic Plan as Built Form: In Search of a Northern Circumpolar University Planning Paradigm"
"The Academic Plan as Built Form: In Search of a Northern Circumpolar University Planning Paradigm"
"The Accountability of Intelligence Agencies in Democratic Societies: The Canadian Intelligence Services"
"The Accountability of Intelligence Agencies in Democratic Societies: The Canadian Intelligence Services"
"The Arctic as an International Community: Circumpolar Organizations and International Relations Theory"
"The Arctic as an International Community: Circumpolar Organizations and International Relations Theory"
"The Association of Circumpolar Universities"
"The Association of Circumpolar Universities"
"The Canada Health Act and the Medicare Crisis"
"The Canada Health Act and the Medicare Crisis"
"The Canada Health Act of 1984 and the Future of the Canadian Health Care System"
"The Canada Health Act of 1984 and the Future of the Canadian Health Care System"
"The Challenge of the Frontier: Regional Development Policies for Northern British Columbia"
"The Challenge of the Frontier: Regional Development Policies for Northern British Columbia"
"The Changing Nature of Health Policy in Canada"
"The Changing Nature of Health Policy in Canada"
"The Changing Pattern of Health Politics and Policy in Canada"
"The Changing Pattern of Health Politics and Policy in Canada"
"The Circumpolar North and Canadian Foreign Policy"
"The Circumpolar North and Canadian Foreign Policy"
"The Conflict of Values and Goals in the Canadian Health Care System"
"The Conflict of Values and Goals in the Canadian Health Care System"
"The Conflict of Values and Goals in the Canadian Health Care System"
"The Conflict of Values and Goals in the Canadian Health Care System"
"The 'Crisis of the Welfare State' and the Changing Role of Local Government in Canada"
"The 'Crisis of the Welfare State' and the Changing Role of Local Government in Canada"
"The Decline of Canada's Universities: Fact of Fiction?"
"The Decline of Canada's Universities: Fact of Fiction?"
"The Delivery of Health Care to Underserviced Areas"
"The Delivery of Health Care to Underserviced Areas"
"The Delivery of Health Services in the Canadian North"
"The Delivery of Health Services in the Canadian North"
"The Determinants of Canadian Health Policy"
"The Determinants of Canadian Health Policy"
"The Determinants of Canadian Health Policy"
"The Determinants of Canadian Health Policy"
The Development of Canadian Health Policy
The Development of Canadian Health Policy