
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996. Bruce Serafin File 1990-1996 ; predominant 1992
1996. Bryan Skahan File 1966
1996. Hope Smith File [199-?]
1996. Mickey Smith File 1991
1996. Somerville Publishing House File 1993-1996
1996. Tracy Stewart File 1994
1996. Sunshine Coast Festival Of The Written Arts File 1996
1996. Swift Current File [199-?]
1996. Theatrepublic Theatre Society File [199-?]
1996. J. M. Thompson File 1962
1996. Ken Thompson File 1987
1996. Philip Turner File 1989-1994 ; predominant 1989
1996. Alan Twigg File 1988--1994 ; predominant 1989-1994
1996. Chris Tychansky File 1994
1996. Miriam Walker File 1980-1985; predominant 1982-1985
1996. Vancouver Review File 1994
1996. Marianne Van deLeygraph File 1992, 1993
1996. Vanguard Magazine File 1985
1996. Walter Vereecken File 1988
1996. Walt Disney World Co. File 1988
1996. Bryan Wasserman File [199-?]
1996. Jack Weir File 1981
1996. Frank Westcott File 1994
1996. What Magazine File 1986
1996. Doug Whiteway File 1989
1996. Who's Who of North America Poets File 1986
1996. Alan Winter File 1988
1996. Betty Jane Wylie File 1988, 1991 ; predominant 1991
1996. Yale University Press File 1990
1996. Hard copies of digital correspondence File 1991-1992
1996. Hard copies of digital correspondence File 1994-1995
1996. Correspondence - D File [between 1975 and 1995]
1996. Correspondence - G File [between 1975 and 1995]
1996. Correspondence - F File [between 1975 and 1995]
1996. Correspondence - Q File [between 1975 and 1995]
1996. Can Poets Listserv File [before 2006]
1996. Roma-Lynn Gillis File [before 2006]
1996. Graziano Marchese File [before 2006]
1996. Alberto Manguel File [before 2006]
1996. Association Of Canadian Publishers File 1985
1996. Douglas J. Ayers File 1981
1996. Ron Barnard File 1977
1996. Jayne Berland File 1986-1992
1996. Jody Berland File 1985-1988
1996. Sandra Birdsell File 1983-1987
1996. Black Rose Books Publishers File 1989
1996. George, Angela, Mary Bowering File 1968-1995
1996. Border/Lines File 1986, 1993
1996. Canadian Gardening Magazine File [199-]
1996. Billie Bridgman File 1981