
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996. Peter Haimon File 1974
1996. Hakim Optical File 1994
1996. Ron Hands File 1986
1996. Robert Harlow File 1989
1996. David Hay File 1991
1996. Odile Henault File 1986, 1991
1996. Hot and Dusty Productions File 1994
1996. Andrea Hull File [199-?]
1996. Ellen Hume File 1989
1996. Chief Jonathan Hunt File 1969
1996. Karl Anderson Foundation File 1968-1969
1996. Betty Keller File 1984
1996. Lesli Kelly File 1991
1996. Kelly Kelly Communication Courier File 1994
1996. M. T. Kelly File 1993
1996. Dave Kesson File [199-?]
1996. Marletta King File 1988
1996. Kingston Literacy File 1987
1996. Kingston School Of Writing File 1989
1996. Myrna Kostash File 1984-1996 ; predominant 1987-1990
1996. Patrick Lane File 1983
1996. Don Larventz File 1993-1994
1996. Evelyn Lau File 1978, 1988, 1992-1995.
1996. David Lester File 1990, 1992
1996. Debbie Lethbridge File 1991-1992
1996. S. Linnaeus File 1994
1996. Literary Press Group File 1994
1996. Karen Loader File 1991, 1995
1996. Chris Lowry File 1988
1996. Robin Mathews File 1973-1985 ; predominant 1985
1996. John Maguire File 1986, 1995
1996. Sid Marty File [199-?]
1996. Frank Manley File 1990
1996. Daphne Marlot File 1972, 1977, 1979
1996. Mary Kay Martin File 1993
1996. The Mercury Press File [199-?]
1996. Ann Messenger File 1973
1996. John Metcalf File 1986-1989 ; predominant 1986-1987
1996. Ann Michaels File 1981
1996. Roy Miki File 1987
1996. Mavor Moore File 1986
1996. Francesca de Rimini Mimosa File 1989
1996. Jennifer Monrow File 1995
1996. Shirley Mortimer File 1991
1996. Karen Mulhallen File 1986-1996 ; predominant 1986-1988
1996. Barbara Munk File 1994
1996. P.J. Murphy File [199-?]
1996. Bev McBride File 1989
1996. David McFadden File 1978-1995
1996. Rod McIntyre File 1988-1990