BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996.7.5.558 Exhibit 493 - Memorandum from Neil Schubert to Mike Henderson regarding the Estimated Nechako River Chinook Harvest 1950-1993 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.563 Exhibit 498 - Curriculum Vitae of T.G. Brown Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.564 Exhibit 499 - Hard Copy of Overheads entitled "Nechako Margin Community Biomass"; "Relative Bird Counts (1991)"; 'Merganser Distribution (Nechako River 1991)"; "Relative Consumption (By Weight)"; "Fish Caught by Rod and Reel During Four Drifts- Nechako River 1991"; and "Nechako River Relative Fish Consumption" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.569 Exhibit 504 - Article by A.G. Huntsman from the Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Volume 5, Number 3 entitled "Cyclical Abundance and Birds Versus Salmon" (1941) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.573 Exhibit 508 - Table of Fish Requirements for the Nechako River according to Burt and Mundie Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.575 Exhibit 510 - News Release from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Shirvell Views Not Supported by Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Experience" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.583 Exhibit 518 - Document by C.J. Walters entitled "Adaptive Policies for Mitigating Effects on Chinook Salmon" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.586 Exhibit 521 - Document by P.A. Slaney entitled "In-Stream Engineering of Fish Habitat Structures in a Large Regulated Central B.C. River" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.588 Exhibit 523 - Document by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Role of Instream Rootwads as Juvenile Coho Salmon and Steelhead Trout Cover Habitat Under Varying Streamflows" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.589 Exhibit 524 - Letter from P.A. Slaney of Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to T. Leadem of Ministry of Attorney General, regarding C.S. Shirvell's Evidence on a Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Publication in the Bulletin of Marine Science Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.594 Exhibit 528 - Memorandum from W.J. Schouwenburg to F.E.A. Wood, regarding Kemano "Completion" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.607 Exhibit 540 - Memorandum from M. Fretwell to D.L. Deans, regarding Nechako River Programs: Stream Fertilization Fish Assessment Proposal Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.609 Exhibit 542 - Statement by P. Moss, President of the Rivers Defense Coalition, regarding Fish Protection Flows Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.618 Exhibit 550 - Curriculum Vitaes of A.D. Martin, P.A. Slaney, K.I. Ashley, D.J. Cadden, and V.A. Lewynsky Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.619 Exhibit 551 - Hard copy of Overheads of P.A. Slaney Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.632 Exhibit 564 - Table by Petersen Mark/Recapture and Expanded Swim Count entitled "Upper Nechako River (Reach 1) Rainbow Trout Population Estimate" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.633 Exhibit 565 - Graph entitled "Nechako River Rainbow Adults Rearing Area Vs. Discharge Reach 3" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.634 Exhibit 566 - Hard Copy of Overheads of B. Lewynsky Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.637 Exhibit 569 - Memorandum from B. MacDonald to O. Langer, regarding Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Field Inspection on June 7, 1989 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.641 Exhibit 573a - Book of Documents, Volume I from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.649 Exhibit 576e - Remedial Measures- 1992, Volume V from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.650 Exhibit 576f - Remedial Measures- 1993, Volume VI from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.652 Exhibit 576h - Monitoring- 1989, Volume II from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.656 Exhibit 576l - Monitoring - 1992, Volume V from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.657 Exhibit 576m - Monitoring - 1993, Volume VI from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.660 Exhibit 576p - Applied Research -1990, Volume II(A) from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.666 Exhibit 577e - 1993/94 Terms of Reference from the Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.670 Exhibit 578c - Briefing Document for Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Steering Committee, Executive Summary of Activities 1991/92 Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.682 Exhibit 585 - Letter from P.S. Higgins of Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. to B. Hooton of Ministry of Environment, regarding Nechako Reservoir Fish Collection Permit, dated October 31, 1991; Letter from P.S. Higgins of Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. to S. Hatlovic of Ministry of Environment, regarding Nechako Reservoir Fish Collection Permit; and Fish Collecting Permit Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.690 Exhibit 593 - Document by CJ. Perrin of Limnotek Research and Development Inc. entitled "Review of K.S. Shortreed (DFO) Report Regarding Periphyton Response in the Nechako River to the Kemano Completion Project (KCP)" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.692 Exhibit 595 - Document by E.B. Snyder and G. Wayne Minshall entitled ''Ecosystem Metabolism and Nutrient Dynamics in the Kootenai River in Relation to Impoundment and Flow Enhancement for Fisheries Management" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.694 Exhibit 597 - Letter from M. Church to J. Payne of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Analysis of Nechako River Gravel Baseline Data Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.697 Exhibit 600 - Memorandum from S.P. Blachut and M. Fretwell to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Agreement- Decision Criteria Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.700 Exhibit 603 - Document from the Department of Federal Fisheries entitled ''Possible Questions from the Floor - Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Annual Public Meeting on April 21, 1988" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.707 Exhibit 610 - Document entitled "Commercial Values for the Nautley and Stuart River Systems, 1993" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.710 Exhibit 613 - Memorandum from C. Wilson of Klohn-Crippen to P. Holcak. regarding Oldman River HCVs and TGP Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.716 Exhibit 619 - Report by Triton Environmental Consultants for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Analyses of Nechako River Winter Flow Depths and Wetted Channel Widths: Draft Report" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.717 Exhibit 620 - Outline of Evidence from Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. For Technical Hearing Phase IV: Environmental, Social, Economic and Other Community Impacts Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.727 Exhibit 629 - Letter from D. Austin of Fraser & Beatty to K. Spafford of B.C. Hydro, regarding Evidence Given at the B.C. Utilities Commission Review of the Kemano Completion Project Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.729 Exhibit 631 - Meeting Notes of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. and B.C. Hydro Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.732 Exhibit 634 - B.C. Population Forecast 1990-2016. Province of B.C. Planning and Statistics Division of the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.733 Exhibit 635a - Response by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to BCUC Information Request Number 1 from Technical Hearing Phase III: Fisheries Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.735 Exhibit 635c - Response by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to BCUC Information Request Number 3 from Technical Hearing Phase III: Fisheries Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.747 Exhibit 647 - Hard Copy of Overheads of P. Chambers Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.750 Exhibit 649 - Curriculum Vitae of C.B. James Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.753 Exhibit 650c - Document by H.W. Sasaki entitled "Nechako Water Management Plan: Revised Agriculture Water Requirements" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.757 Exhibit 653 - Document from Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper entitled "Brief Chronology of Major Project Development Steps" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.759 Exhibit 655 - Brief Biographies of Presenters with Submissions from Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper for Technical Hearing Phase IV Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.762 Exhibit 658 - Letter from J.E. Farrell of Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to P. Woodbridge of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper, regarding Notice of Appeal from Decision of Regional Water Manager Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.767 Exhibit 663 - Document by R.K. Helmet. al. of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "A Review of the Nechako River Watershed" Item [between 1993 and 1994]