BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1996.7.5.345 Exhibit 296 - Document by D.J. Orth for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled ''Expert Report for Nechako River Court Action" about Instream Flow Methodology Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.348 Exhibit 299 - Document by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Kemano Completion Project, Nechako River, the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.356 Exhibit 306a - Table entitled "Escapements of Upper Fraser River Chinook Stocks 1971 to 1993 Continued." Data from Canada/US Chinook Technical Committee (handwritten description) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.357 Exhibit 306b - Document containing data about Chinook escapements 1988-1993 (handwritten). Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.360 Exhibit 309 - Document from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.362 Exhibit 311 - Newsletter Number 16 by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled ''Facts About Kemano Completion Project" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.367 Exhibit 316 - Letter from T.M. Thompson of B.C. Hydro to G.R Hartman, regarding Information Request on Potential Future Nechako Reservoir Levels Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.368 Exhibit 317 - Letter from H. Ledderhof to Lawson Lundell Lawson and McIntosh Lawson and McIntosh Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.374 Exhibit 322 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to C.D. Levings of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.379 Exhibit 326b - Document by J.D. Neilson and C.E. Banford from the Canadian Journal of Zoology magazine entitled "Chinook Salmon Spawner Characteristics in Relation to Redd Physical Features" (1983) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.389 Exhibit 336 - Document entitled "Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. - Corporate Polluter Extraordinaire", News Release from the Nechako Environmental Coalition Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.404 Exhibit 349a - News Release from the Outdoor Recreational Council of B.C., regarding Nechako on the Top of List of B.C.'s Most Endangered Rivers Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.405 Exhibit 350 - Submission by J. M. Black Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.407 Exhibit 352 - Curriculum Vitae of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Witnesses, Nechako River Panel from the Government of Canada (P. Chamut; M. Healey; M. Henderson; R. Bell-Irving; D. Deans; C. Levings; M. Bradford; I. Williams; and P. Saxvik) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.409 Exhibit 354 - Document by W.T. Stanbury and I. Vertinsky entitled "Notes on the Analysis of Risk in the DFO-Alcan Case" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.412 Exhibit 357 - Amended Statement of Defence to Amended Counterclaim - the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. and the Province of B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.417 Exhibit 362 - Letter from D. Morton, President of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. to The Honourable T. Siddon, regarding Attorney General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. and the Province of B.C. Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.422 Exhibit 367 - Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to The Honourable J. Davis, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.427 Exhibit 372 - Document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Report on the Fisheries Problems Created by the Development of Power in the Nechako-Kemano-Nanika River Systems" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.436 Exhibit 380b - Errata of Document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.445 Exhibit 388 - Memorandum from F.C. Boyd to G.E. Jones, regarding Nechako Court Case and Technical Meeting Preparations Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.446 Exhibit 389 - Memorandum from Chief of Habitat Programs to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Reconstruction of Events Leading to Decision by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans in February. 1986, on the Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Case (Nechako Flows Issue) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.447 Exhibit 390 - Memorandum from R. Bell-Irving to Distribution, regarding May 29, 1986 Meeting with Provincial Officials for Nechako River Management Plan Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.448 Exhibit 391a - List of Expert Reports of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.451 Exhibit 393 - Memorandum from J.H. Mundie to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako River- Expert Witness Statement Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.462 Exhibit 403 - Article by C.M. Tarzwell from Third North American Wildlife Conference entitled "An Evaluation of the Methods and Results of Stream Improvement in the Southwest" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.463 Exhibit 404 - Article by R.I. Hunt from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society entitled "A Long-Term Evaluation of Trout Habitat Development and Its Relation to Improving Management-Related Research" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.465 Exhibit 406 - Document by J.P. West entitled "Enhancement of Salmon and Steelhead Spawning and Rearing Conditions in the Scott and Salmon Rivers, California" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.468 Exhibit 409 - Document by W.R. Meehan entitled "Influences of Forest and Rangeland Management on Salmonid Fishes and Their Habitats" (1991) Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.469 Exhibit 410 - Index of Exhibits for Evidence of D. Deans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.473 Exhibit 413 - Hard Copy of Overheads of Dr. M.A. Henderson Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.475 Exhibit 415 - Document by M.S. Henderson and A.J. Cass entitled ''Effect of Smolt Size on Smolt-to-Adult Survival for Chilko Lake Sockeye Salmon" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.476 Exhibit 416 - Hard Copy of Overheads of I. Williams Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.480 Exhibit 420 - Hard Copy of Overheads of P. Saxvik Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.485 Exhibit 425 - Document by S.G. Hinch et. al. entitled "Climate Change and Ocean Energetics of Fraser River Sockeye" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.487 Exhibit 427 - List of Documents on Salmon and Salmon Habitat Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.490 Exhibit 429 - Memorandum m from Chief of the Habitat Conservation Unit of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to D.L. Deans, regarding Municipal Water Supplies Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.497 Exhibit 436a-b - 2 Volumes of Expert Reports by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.499 Exhibit 438 - Document by M.C. Healey of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "The Ecology of Chinook Salmon that Spawn in Headwater Tributaries and River Flows Necessary to Conserve Such Populations" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.504 Exhibit 443a - Document by L. Jaremovic and D. Rowland of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled Compilation and Analysis of Nechako River Spawning Escapement and Carcass Recovery Data 1983 to 1986" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.508 Exhibit 446 - Memorandum from C. Clarke to R. Bell-Irving of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Expert Reports for Nechako Court Action - Temperature Requirements for Juvenile Chinook Salmon Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.520 Exhibit 458 - Document on Salmon Streams by Fishery Officers - Nechako and Stellako Rivers Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.521 Exhibit 459 - Letter from A.R. Thompson of Ferguson Gifford to R.J. Pellatt of the B.C. Utilities Commission, regarding Dr. T. Siddon's Appearance at the Hearings Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.522 Exhibit 460 - Letter from D.G. Alexander to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Court Action - Examination for Discovery Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.525 Exhibit 463 - Document by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Application of the EARP Guidelines to the Kemano Completion Project" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.531 Exhibit 467 - Binder of Documents by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. including correspondence, graphs, and legal documents Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.532 Exhibit 468 - Document entitled "Salmonid Enhancement Program Biological Planning Final Draft: Summary of Salmonid Enhance Program Options for Nechako River Enhancement Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.533 Exhibit 469 - Curriculum Vitae of the Government of Canada Kemano River Panel Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.544 Exhibit 480 - Document by M.R. Morrell for the Rivers Defense Coalition entitled "Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Projects" Item [between 1993 and 1994]
1996.7.5.545 Exhibit 481 - Curriculum Vitae of M.R. Morrell Item [between 1993 and 1994]