Prentiss Gray Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2000.19.3.73 Distant herd of mountain goats traversing a rocky landscape Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.74 Distant herd of mountain goats traversing a rocky landscape Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.84 Red Deer Gorge Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.85 Distant mountain peak covered with cloud as seen from Red Deer River Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.87 Pete Callao holding up head of fallen caribou Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.91 Caribou on a grassy plateau Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.92 Caribou on a grassy plateau Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.94 Prentiss Gray and Pete Callao carry camera equipment at the top of a rocky cliff Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.101 (?) Callao fishing at Potts Falls Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.104 Close up of Potts Falls Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.105 Distant perspective of Potts Falls Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.107 William Taylor repairing a pack saddle at camp Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.114 Joe (?) Callao cleaning the hooves of a pack horse Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.117 Prentiss Gray loading his camera equipment in a specially designed wooden box Item 1928 View
2000.19.1.8 Pack horses in camp at Willow Creek Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.13 Snow-covered valley Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.16 Mountain goats (?) grazing along a mountainous slope above the treeline Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.21 Mountain peak seen across forested valley Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.22 Snowy mountain peak visible through a stand of trees and across a valley floor Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.28 Searching for big game from a mountain ridge at the head of Terrace Creek Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.35 Camp set up within a snowy forested landscape Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.36 Guides Bruce Otto and Alex McDougall standing next to a campfire with food in hand Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.39 Rocky Mountain vista seen through a snow-covered forest Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.40 Rocky Mountain vista seen across a forested plateau Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.41 Looking for game above the timberline Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.43 Vista from the Canadian Rockies Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.46 Forest along the edge of the deeply cut banks of an unseen river Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.48 Snake Indian Falls Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.52 Snowy mountain vista Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.57 Snow covered mountain rising from the valley below Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.64 Snowy mountain landscape covered with barren trees Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.85 Mountain range visible across a wide river Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.87 Snow-covered mountain peaks Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.92 Alpine lake amongst the snow-covered mountain peaks Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.94 Guide laying on his back on a snow-covered mountain slope searching for game Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.98 Forested mountain slope leading up to snow-covered peak Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.100 Snake Indian Falls Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.101 Snake Indian Falls Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.1.104 Guides, Bruce Otto and Alex McDougall searching for game from a snow-covered valley Item 20 Sept. 1926-19 Oct. 1926 View
2000.19.3.147 Lower Sherman Lake Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.150 Camp near Muinok Lake Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.152 Grassy plateau covered with glacial till in the Gray Pass area Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.155 Striated mountain landscape located east of Dimsdale Lake Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.161 Sharply ascending mountain peak of Mt. Ida Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.162 Sharply ascending mountain peak of Mt. Ida Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.164 Forested valley rising to snow capped mountain peaks of Mt. Ida Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.169 Pack horses being led across grassy plateau laden with glacial till Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.173 Grassy plateau laden with glacial till, Mt. Ida visible in background Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.179 Mt. Gray Item 1928 View
2000.19.3.180 Mt. Gray Item 1928 View