Kemano Completion Project Dispute Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2003.4.3.133 "Standardizing Spawner Escapement Data: A Case Study of the Nechako River Chinook Salmon" File Aug. 2001
2003. "Biological Engineering Studies Conducted on the Nechako River During 1980, 1981 and 1982" File Mar. 1983
2003. "PHABSIM Error Analyses: Techniques and Case Studies" File 1984
2003. "Assessment of the Influence of Gas Supersaturation on Salmonids in the Nechako River in Relation to Kemano Completion" File June 1985
2003. "Winter Habitat Preference of Juvenile Salmonids in Two Interior Rivers in British Columbia" File 1986
2003. "A Study of Some Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Nechako River" File 1986-1987
2003. "A Test of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Underyearling Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdnerii, in Experimental New Zealand Streams" File 1987
2003. Data tables from "Task 4 Technical Memorandum: Sensitivity of Weighted Usable Area Predictions to Variance in the Input Criteria" File 14 Apr. 1988
2003. "Woody Debris and Its Contribution to Pool Formation in a Coastal Stream 50 Years after Logging" File 1988
2003. "Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Salmon: Can They Be Saved?" File 1989
2003. "Data Assessment and Definition of a Chinook Production Model for the Nechako River" File May 1990
2003. "Fish Habitat Enhancement: A Manual for Freshwater, Estuarine, and Marine Habitats" File Nov. 1990
2003. "Variability of Results from the Use of PHABSIM in Estimating Habitat Area" File 1990
2003. "Analysis of the Diet of Fish from the Nechako River, B.C., 1986-1990" File Mar. 1991
2003. "An Acceptable Level of Certainty: Taking Down the Nechako" File 1992
2003. "Learning to Enhance Salmon Production: Lessons from the Salmonid Enhancement Program" File 1993
2003. "Preliminary Results of Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: Volume 1 - Interim Report" (draft) File 25 June 1980
2003. "Investigation of the Sensitivity of Average Power Flows to Various Definitions of Existing Stock Size" (draft) File July 1982
2003. "Chinook Salmon Spawning, Incubation and Emergence Studies in the Nechako River, B.C. During 1980-1981" File Apr. 1983
2003. "A Comparison of the Results from Habitat-ENV with Results from Habitat (IFG)" File [1983?]
2003. "Environmental Studies Associated with the Proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development - Volume 15: Environmental Planning and Project Design" File Jan. 1984
2003. Raw data gathered by Cole Shirvell at University of Otago File 1974-1975
2003. Nechako River transect data formatted for use in the MOD-WSP program File Nov. 1982
2003. "Assessment of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Atlantic Salmon in Nova Scotia" File 1983
2003. Editorial comments on "Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing Reduced Streamflows and Its Application to Alcan's Proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development" File Feb. 1984
2003. "Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing the Effects of Reduced Streamflows on Fish Populations" File Dec. 1984
2003. Figures, graphs and maps from Nechako River studies File [ca. 1986]
2003. Nechako streamflow overheads File [1986?]
2003. "Selection of Microhabitat in Summer by Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)" File 1987
2003. "Habitat Models and their Predictive Capability to Infer Habitat Effects on Stock Size" File 1989
2003. Nechako overwintering studies, 1990 File 1990
2003. Nechako overwintering studies, 1991 File 1991
2003. Attorney General of Canada v. Alcan File 1980-1986
2003. "Presentation to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Public Meeting by Archie Patrick, President, Carrier Sekani Tribal Council" File 3 Mar. 1984
2003. DFO public meetings in Vancouver and Prince Rupert concerning the Kemano Completion Project File Apr. 1984
2003. "Nechako River Court Action - Alcan Expert Reports: Statement of Evidence on Habitat Modelling on the Nechako River, A. Clyde Mitchell (Volume 4)" File Feb. 1987
2003. "Nechako River Court Action - DFO Expert Reports: General Ecology (Volume 1)" File Feb. 1987
2003. Correspondence regarding expert reports File 1987
2003. Correspondence and memoranda related to Nechako River court action File 1986-1987
2003. "Notes on the Analysis of Risk in the DFO-Alcan Case" File Jan. 1987
2003. Press conference and newscast transcripts File 1987
2003. "Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Annual Report 1988/89" File 31 Mar. 1989
2003. "Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Detailed Terms of Reference for 1989/90 Program" File Mar. 1989
2003. Documents from John Hummel, researcher for the Cheslatta Band File 1992
2003. DFO documents released for BCUC Public Review File [1994]
2003. BCUC Exhibits #537-719 (incomplete) File [1994]
2003.4.1.01 Federal and provincial data of heavy metal content in the Bulkley River File [between 1980 and 1997]
2003.4.1.02 Nechako/Fraser watershed water temperature monitoring data and analysis File 1980-1985
2003.4.1.03 "Experiments on Thermal Requirements for Growth and Food Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha" File Aug. 1982
2003.4.1.08 Total Gas Pressure (TGP) and flow analysis research on the Nechako and related correspondence File 1985