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“Dance Tape”
2000.21.1.19 · Item · May 1979.
Part of Jack Carbutt Collection

Item is a reel to reel recording entitled 'Dance Tape' containing music possibly used by Carbutt in his radio show. Extent 15 minutes

2009 Annual General Meeting
2011.9.01 · Series · 2009
Part of Forest History Association of BC fonds

Series consists of 7 mini DVs recording "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 18-19, 2009. Harry Gairns and Mike Apsey spoke and conference panel topics include:

  • Looking to the Past to Inform the Future? Forest History within a Contemporary Context
  • Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests
  • Forestry History in Our Communities: Robson Valley & Prince George
  • Exploring Our Roots: Forest History Research Methodology
  • From Exploration to Development: Bringing Forest History Forward.
2008. · Item · Dec. 1980
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio recording consists of a CBC radio show produced in Regina, Saskatchewan broadcasting a recording of Bridget Moran’s story entitled “A Child’s Christmas in Saskatchewan”. The unidentified male radio announcer introduces Moran’s story noting it is based on her memories of Christmas as a child in rural Saskatchewan c.1920s with her family. The male announcer notes that Moran “now lives in Prince George.” The story “A Child’s Christmas in Saskatchewan” is read by broadcaster Lorna Jackson.

Audiocassette Summary

  • Jackson reads the story. Bridget provides memories of receiving the Eaton’s and Simpson’s catalogues and Christmas gifts by postal mail
  • Moran’s Dad delivered the mail for a few extra dollars
  • Moran recalls the Christmas concert; plays; carols, and the supper dance
  • Moran recalls memories of sharing Christmas dinner with the Wright’ family who were Protestant Irish farmers
2011.7 · Collection · 2001-2002

Collection consists of eight interviews with experts reviewing A Guidebook for Improving Aboriginal Participation in Forest Management Decision-Making, later published with the title The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators by Melanie Karjala, Erin Sherry, and Stephen Dewhurst in 2003. The reviewers were chosen based on their expertise and interest in Aboriginal participation in forest management decision-making. They were asked to provide their opinions on issues related to Aboriginal participation in decision-making processes in BC, as well as feedback on the Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP) Guidebook. Reviewers had the option to make their review confidential resulting in the return or destruction of the interview. Eight of the original twenty-nine interviews are archived in this collection; the remainder are no longer extant.

The Aboriginal Forest Planning Process: A Guidebook for Identifying Community-Level Criteria and Indicators can be found:

2008.15 · Collection · 1998 - 2005
Part of Prince George Oral History Group Collection

This collection consists of 92 oral histories (audiocassettes and/or transcripts) conducted by volunteer members of the Prince George Oral History Group. Interviewees include the following Prince George residents: Bill Vinson, Jim and Louise Van Somer, Jack Carbutt, Cannon Tom Allen, Wilbur Pond, Ruth (Granny) Cunningham, Bert Irvine, Joyce Antonation, Joyce Short and Lorraine Knight, Bob and Neal Erhorn, Hill Larson, Ella Price, Noreen Rustad, Bea Dezell, John and Gertrude Abrahams, Berenice Fisch, Audrey L'Heureux, Ben Meisner, Frank Hewlett, Terry Camozzi, Armand Denicola, Bert Irvine, Tom Norton, Allan and Olga Stevens, Wilf Aizlewood and the Perry Family.

2006.18 · Fonds · 2001-2019

The Aleza Lake Research Forest Society (ALRFS) records encompass material that was created or collected by the Society over its existence (2001-present). Records created by the ALRFS consist of administrative and operational records, as well as publications from the Society. Collected records include historical records relating to the Aleza Lake Experiment Forest gifted to the Society or its members. These include maps, photographs, reference material, and documents. Members and associates of the ALRFS also documented the history of the forest through the creation of oral history recordings and written histories such as John Revel's "Devil's Club, Black Flies, and Snowshoes".

The fonds includes a significant amount of reproduced archival material about Aleza Lake from other institutions, such as BC Archives, the Canadian Forest Service, and the BC Forest Service. Many of these reproductions were created as part of the 2006 ALRFS Natural Resources History Internship in an effort to compile the history of the research forest.

Also included are cartographic and photographic materials that depict the Aleza Lake Research Forest and surrounding areas.

Alistair McVey
2003.11.1.30 · File · 1999-2000
Part of Island Cache Recovery Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Alistair McVey, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original media.

Ann Walsh fonds
2019.12 · Fonds · 1959-2018

This fonds illustrates the writing career of Canadian author Ann Walsh. Types of records included in this fonds include: published and unpublished short stories, manuscripts, correspondence, grant applications, photographs, audio and video recordings, contracts, book reviews, plotting notes, speaking notes, promotional materials and workshop materials.

Walsh, Ann
Anna Bellrose
2001.58.02 · File · 1997-1998
Part of Prince George Metis Elders Oral History Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Anna Bellrose, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's oral history project with the Prince George Metis Elders Society. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original cassette.

2003.11.1.12 · File · 1999-2000
Part of Island Cache Recovery Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Anne Fitzsimmons and Herbert Greulich, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original media.

Annius Van Driesum
2003.11.1.45 · File · 1999-2000
Part of Island Cache Recovery Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Annius Van Driesum, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original media.

Antonia Brommeland
2001.58.04 · File · 1997-1998
Part of Prince George Metis Elders Oral History Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Antonia Brommeland, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's oral history project with the Prince George Metis Elders Society. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original cassette.

2011.9.01.04 · Item · Sept. 19, 2009
Part of Forest History Association of BC fonds

Item consists of the panel on "Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests" at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.

Armistice Day 1914 – 1918
2000.21.1.16 · Item · [196?]
Part of Jack Carbutt Collection

Item is an audio recording of music entitled "Armistice Day 1914-1918" used by Jack Carbutt for his Remembrance Day radio broadcasts. Accompanying note signifies music provided to Carbutt by Bill Ward.

2008.3.1.207 · File · 1988-1996
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

File consists of recorded audio interviews with Bridget Moran:

  • Interview: Bridget’s Interviews re: Judgment at Stoney Creek with CBC/COOP/CKNW, 21-24 September 1990
  • Interview: CBC re: Gove Inquiry, November (?) 1995
  • Interview: CBC re: Justa, March 1995
  • Interview: CBC re: Stoney Creek Woman, 24 November 1988
  • Interview: Social Work 200A interview with Bridget Moran, August 1996
Audio Recordings
2002.12.1 · Series · c.1970 - c.1989
Part of Bob Harkins fonds

Series consists of 30 sound recordings of 46 radio interviews conducted primarily by radio broadcaster Bob Harkins for CJCI Radio, Prince George.

Harkins, Bob
Audio Recordings
2000.21.1 · Series · 1960 - 2001.
Part of Jack Carbutt Collection

Series consists of original audio reels of CKPG radio programming broadcasts recorded in Prince George from 1960 to 1979, as well as, dubbed audio cassette copies made by the Prince George Oral History Group.

Audio recordings - Ann Walsh
2019.12.3.12 · File · 1984-2003
Part of Ann Walsh fonds

Includes 5 standard audio cassettes:

  • 2019. "Your Time, My Time recorded by Ann" (120min),
  • 2019. "Ann's Interviews: various CBC interviews/shows, 1989-2003"- this tape consists of author interviews as well as recordings of Walsh's shows for CBC Radio's Almanac program. (180 min),
  • 2019. "Ann Walsh Hits #3: CBC Almanac shows, 1993-1994" - this tape consists of recordings of Walsh's shows for CBC Radio's Almanac program. (180min),
  • 2019. Home audio recording of Ann Walsh on CBC,
  • 2019. Home audio recording of Ann Walsh on CBC
Barry McKinnon fonds
2000.6 · Fonds · 1958-2003

Fonds consists of a large and extended correspondence, manuscript materials (both his own and others), publications, proofs, financial records, transcriptions, audio tapes, lectures and preparation work for teaching. A large quantity of influential (and obscure) periodicals published in the west is also included. Includes material related to Barry McKinnon and The Caledonia Writing Series and Gorse Press. The audio collection consists of cassette and reel to reel tapes of poetry readings and interviews in Prince George and other locations within Canada, including Edmonton, Montreal, and Vancouver. Readings from the 1980 Writing Conference Words/Loves at the College of New Caledonia (CNC) are also included along with many Poetry Readings at CNC during the 1970s to the 1990s. Poets and writers in the audio collection include Barry McKinnon, Ken Belford, Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, George Bowering, Robert Creeley, Brian Fawcett, Gerry Gilbert, Arti Gold, Elizabeth Hay, Roy Kiyooka, Robert Kroetsch, Evelyn Lau, Irving Layton, Dorothy Livesay, Daphne Marlatt, Susan Musgrave, bp Nichol, Michael Ondaatje, Stan Persky, David Phillips, Al Purdy, George Stanley, Sharon Thesen, Fred Wah, and Tom Wayman.

McKinnon, Barry
Beryl Amaron interview
2002. · File · 2001-2002
Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of Beryl Amaron interview including audio recording, photos and electronic records of or regarding Beryl Amaron Interview, printed transcript and themes from interviews.

Bjorn Norheim
2003.11.1.33 · File · 1999-2000
Part of Island Cache Recovery Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Bjorn Norheim, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original media.

2000.21.1.9 · Item · 1965?
Part of Jack Carbutt Collection

Item is an audio reel to reel recording of Board of Broadcast Governors (BBG) Hearings, Prince Rupert, 1965 [?] dealing with an application fora broadcasting license for a group in Prince Rupert, BC. The Board of Broadcast Governors later became the Canadian Radio Television Commission

2002.12.8.1 · Item · c.1970 - c.1989
Part of Bob Harkins fonds

Item consists of printed transcript and tape summary of interview with Fran Gibbons who discusses her family's history in Fort Fraser c.1910s and later move to Prince George region and her interest in theatre in Prince George. She also discusses her career as a librarian.

Harkins, Bob
2002.12.8.2 · Item · c.1979 - c.1989
Part of Bob Harkins fonds

Item consists of printed transcript and tape summary of interview with Tony and Alma Skae who discuss their family's history in Stone Creek and later Prince George particularly in the newspaper and food and hospitality industry

Harkins, Bob
Book Reviews audio recording
2008.3.1.208 · File · 28 May 1991
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

File consists of a recorded audio interview on CBC: All in a Day. All in a Day is an Ottawa-based radio program in existence since c.1975 described as “Ottawa’s drive home radio show brings music, news, current affairs, culture and conversation to listeners at the end of the work day”. This radio broadcast feature entitled “The Other Shelf” was hosted by Paul Mackan.

Audiocassette Summary

Scope and Content: Radio announcer Jennifer [?] introduces CBC radio broadcaster Paul Mackan in an episode of “The Other Shelf”, during which he provides a review of Bridget Moran’s books Judgement at Stoney Creek and Stoney Creek Woman and also provides a review of a third book, Aboriginal Peoples and Politics, by Paul Tennant. Mackan describes Moran’s books as ‘a great banquet’ that speaks to the strength of the human heart. He describes the story of Mary John as told to Bridget Moran; Mary John, a Carrier Indian woman, born in 1913 who describes growing up in poverty and prejudice in Stoney Creek, BC. Paul is intrigued by the ‘native way’ of storytelling and how it involves the listener in the story; and how Native people speak of events that happen to ‘our people’ – that tragedies are a shared experience. Judgment at Stoney Creek, Paul describes as a “tale of native people facing justice system in 1976’ and notes that Moran states this was the first case of prejudice in the justice system to reach national prominence. Mackan explains that the Native People of Stoney Creek had to fight to get an inquest into the accident which killed a 9 month pregnant native woman. Mackan notes that both of Moran’s books are recommended reading for high school students in both BC and the Yukon.He then proceeds to review Tennant’s book. He notes that all 3 books come at a significant time in white-native relations in Canada and refers to the Oka Crisis. He concludes that we must not only do “justice” by Aboriginal Peoples in Canada but “we must do ‘right’ by Aboriginal Peoples in Canada

Bradley Johnson
2003.11.1.18 · File · 1999-2000
Part of Island Cache Recovery Project Collection

File consists of an oral history given by Bradley Johnson, which was gathered as part of Dr. Mike Evan's Island Cache Recovery Project. Includes consent forms, transcripts, and the recorded oral history on the original media.

Bridget Moran fonds
2008.3 · Fonds · 1935 - 1999, predominate 1954 - 1996

This fonds illustrates Bridget Moran’s careers as a writer, a social worker and a social activist primarily within the Prince George region of British Columbia. This fonds also contains records pertaining to her personal relationships with family and friends and her receipt of various honours and awards.

Types of records reflective of her career as a writer include: published articles and unpublished manuscripts, drafts and front cover mock-ups, correspondence with editors from Arsenal Pulp Press, grant applications, notebooks, background material, writer’s workshop invitations and overviews, photographs, oral history interviews and transcripts, and VHS recordings of classroom talks given by Bridget Moran, Mary John and Justa Monk re: her publications.

Types of records reflective of her career as a social worker and social activist include: annual reports, work journals, correspondence and published newspaper articles re: social policy, photographs, and general background material. Correspondence, photographs and newspaper clippings highlight her personal relationships, while her receipt of honours and awards is demonstrated through copies of letters of recommendation, newspaper clippings, photographs, VHS recordings of award ceremonies, event itineraries, congratulatory correspondence, and invitations.

The Bridget Moran fonds has been divided into the following four series:

  1. Published and Unpublished Materials
  2. Career Related Materials
  3. Personal Papers and Correspondence
  4. Honours and Awards.
Moran, Bridget
2008. · Item · Sept. 1990
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio cassette contains recorded audio interviews with Bridget Moran regarding Judgment at Stoney Creek with CBC/COOP/CKNW, 21-24 September 1990.

Audiocassette Summary

Scope and Content: CBC Radio Interview:

  • CBC Radio Interviewer Bruce [last name?] introduces Bridget Moran who discusses her latest book Judgment at Stoney Creek, which describes the inquest into the death of Coreen Thomas, killed by a car driven by a drunk white man in 1976
  • Moran discusses what she sees as “Third World conditions” experienced by Natives on reserves in Canada and discrimination against Native People by the Western justice system as experienced in the Thomas Inquiry in Vanderhoof
  • Moran criticizes Prime Minster Brian Mulroney for the plight of Native Peoples in Canada; he had noted that the equivalent of $13,000.00 per year is spent on each Native person in Canada; Moran notes most Native people that she knows don’t see that money
  • Moran notes that although she wrote Judgment at Stoney Creek in 1977, could not get it published as it was not considered “commercially viable”
  • Bridget plans to write a book about her battle with the Social Credit Party
  • Moran notes that this book comes out at a time [interview is during the Oka crisis] when Canadians have to be more aware of the need to settle land claim agreements with Native Peoples in BC and ensure that the environment is protected for the future; talks about massive logging and mineral prospecting occurring in BC which she notes concerns Stoney Creek Elders Mary John & Sophie Thomas
  • Notes that few white people have been on reserves and have no contact with the Native way of life in Canada

Scope and Content: CKNW Radio Interview:

  • CKNW Radio Interviewer Bill [Good?] introduces Moran and talks about the publication of the book. They discuss the status of native-white relations in BC both at the time of the Inquest into Coreen Thomas’ death and in 1990 at the time of the Oka crisis. Moran notes that natives in Canada don’t’ have the benefit of ‘the rule of law’ in Canada and experience injustice in the court system. Discusses the inquest; the role of Harry Rankin in the inquest. Moran concludes that only once Native People are involved in managing their own education, social welfare and political systems in Canada will conditions change.
2009.6.3.34 · File · 1987
Part of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of one audio recording of a taped radio show Perspective by CFUV Radio University of Victoria by Mahinder Doman with Iona Campagnolo in July 1987. Campagnolo discusses a variety of subjects related to her professional career including memories of her early years in municipal politics; her entry into federal politics and as a member of the federal Liberal caucus; her views on feminism and on being a female politician; her impact as the Federal Minister of Sports under the Trudeau government; the John Turner ‘bum-patting’ controversy; contemporary issues facing the Liberal Party in the 1980s and provides commentary on the Mulroney government and Liberal leadership of John Turner. Other issues discussed are the Canadian political scene in 1987: the rise of extreme right wing politics internationally; the prospects of the Liberals in the next federal election; the impact of the Meech Lake Accord; Northern Canadian territories and self-government; the impact of the free trade issue; the campaign for a national child care program; Canadian immigration policy; the position of the lieutenant within Quebec for the Prime Minister. Campagnolo also talks about her upcoming new position at McMaster University to assist in the creation of an international health care facility in relation to Third World countries.

2008. · Item · [1982?]
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio recording is of an CKPG-CBC affiliate recording at the Supreme Court in Prince George regarding the 60th anniversary of Judge J.O. Wilson being called to bar.

Audiocassette Summary
Scope and Content:

  • CKPG-CBC affiliate recording at the Supreme Court in Prince George
  • Justice Harold McInnis talks about Judge Wilson’s achievements and his career On the 60th Anniversary of his being called to the bar
  • Other members of the Supreme Court congratulate him on his anniversary including Judge McInnis & Judge Stewart
  • Judge Wilson recalls his early years practicing law
2008. · Item · Sept. 1976
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Item is a recording of an audio segment from CBC Radio in which a documentary update is provided on the inquest of Coreen Thomas.

Audiocassette Summary
Scope and Content:

  • Update on the case of deceased Coreen Gay Thomas
  • July 3, 1976 Coreen Thomas is struck and killed by a car walking out to the Stoney Creek Reserve
  • Police Report blamed Coreen for causing the accident saying that she was involved in a game of chicken
  • The Driver of the car, Mr. Redekopp, had a high blood alcohol content but was not blamed for the crash
  • Indians claimed that they were frequently harassed on the road by white motorists
  • An inquest occurred and focused on relations between Indians and Whites
  • Redekopp, coroner, police detachment, federal department of Indian affairs all seemed to be on trial
  • Vanderhoof residents state media coverage is sensational with Vanderhoof unfairly labeled as “the most racially troubled town in Canada”
  • Some see problem as due to lack of activities for young people in small communities
  • Stoney Creek Indians live in intolerable conditions
  • Interview with Stoney Creek Reserve resident regarding sanitation problems; lack of proper sewage system; cases of tuberculosis; high rate of unemployment; she states DIA should be responsible and should come up with a solution
  • Problem with the perception of an alcoholic society;
  • Archie Patrick, FN leader talks about the prejudice, harassment and racism found in Vanderhoof and other Northern communities towards Native People
  • Good things could come out of this inquest – Vanderhoof residents should learn about poor living conditions at Stoney Creek
  • Reporter provides update on the inquest; that local Police were accused of intimidating the witnesses
  • Coreen Thomas’ death was unnatural but accidental
  • Redekopp was negligible because vehicle was going too fast
  • Segment of interview with Harry Rankin on the Thomas’ inquest; questions on the state of fairness of the inquest; and the state of white-native relations in northern BC
  • Inquest Findings: Measures that should be put into place: Upgrade emergency system in the area, no person be placed in morgue before death certificate is in issue, get resident doctor for hospital, breathalyzers taken as soon as is legally permitted, RCMP officers be encouraged to have parent or guarding present when questioning young people as witnesses, Stoney Creek Band Council and Vanderhoof Council work to establish a Friendship Centre

Documentary ends with interview of Sophie Thomas on need for a change in white-native relations – and ends with excerpt of music from the Vanderhoof ‘pioneer’ song.

End of Tape

2008. · Item · 24 Nov. 1988
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio cassette contains recorded a audio segment from the CBC Radio program, Daybreak of broadcaster Alison Payne interviewing Bridget Moran on the recent publication of Stoney Creek Woman.

Audiocassette Summary
Context: The recording is a segment from the CBC Radio program, Daybreak of broadcaster Alison Payne interviewing Bridget Moran on the recent publication of Stoney Creek Woman.

Scope and Content: Alison asks Bridget to explain why she is labeled an ‘activist.’ Bridget recalls it comes from her public conflict as a social worker in 1964 when she criticized the WAC Bennett government of its lack of adequate services for foster children and welfare families. And that it was intensified by her open conflict in the BC Legislature in 1972 with the Minister of Welfare Phil Gaglardi, as Bridget, acting as a liaison for the Association of Social Workers and low income groups, criticized the government’s proposed passing of Bill 49 to amend the Social Assistance Act. (The Bill would, if passed, extinguish the right of appeal by welfare recipients if refused the right to services). Bridget recalls that because of the ‘noise in the gallery’ she made she was tossed out of the BC Legislature.

Alison asks Bridget about the book Stoney Creek Woman and why she felt the need to write it. Bridget explains she needed to write the book as she had felt ‘guilty’ about the plight of people on reserves her entire life – and refers to an incident in the 1950s when she had brought her mother Rose Anne Drugan to the Stoney Creek Reserve and revealed to her the plight of poor women on the reserve. Her mother made her promise to assist these women and Bridget states the book was a way to do this. The book about Mary John is a story of a “typical life” of people living on reserves. That it describes the nomadic lifestyle being changed to one of the ‘shock of the residential school’ and the ‘cultural genocide’ that followed. Bridget notes that it was Mary John who realized that Native People would need to speak for themselves to bring about social change.

Bridget speaks about her close relationship with Mary John; Bridget praises her work in trying to change the plight of her people on the reserve for the better and that it became a significant cause for Mary John after the death of Coreen Thomas. Bridget describes Mary John as a woman “dedicated to the world of emotions”

Alison notes at the end of the interview that the launch of the new book is to be held November 25, 1988 at Mosquito Books in Prince George.

End of interview

2008. · Item · Nov. 1995
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio cassette contains recorded audio interviews with Bridget Moran and Barbara Whittington on a CBC Radio program regarding the Judge Gove inquiry.

Audiocassette Summary

Context: The recording is a segment from a CBC Radio program with broadcaster Mark [Forsythe?] interviewing Barbara Whittington, professor of Social Work at the University of Victoria [on the telephone] and former social worker Bridget Moran on the telephone from Prince George. They are being interviewed about the recent report released by Judge Gove into the case of the death of a Metis child ‘Matthew’ [Vaudreuil]. The interview focuses on the need for reassessment of social workers and contract workers training and social work education in British Columbia to be coordinated by educators and the Ministry.

Scope and Content: Recording starts with interview in progress – Barbara is answering question by Mark on the findings of the Gove inquiry- that the judge captured the “sadness” of Matthews’ death in the report.

Bridget is then asked by Mark her views on the Inquiry’s report. She states that she didn’t have any problems with what the judge said – but that there is nothing experimental being done here. She notes however that no specific mention is made of the fact that Matthew was a Metis child in a poor family – and that this should have been addressed in the report and findings. Bridget refers to the fact that somehow ‘social workers got the wrong message’ – and refers to her work experience as a social worker that if children were seen at risk in a home then there were removed from their home.

Mark questions Barbara on how the inquiry may impact the teaching of social work. Barbara states she doesn’t’ think it will affect the teaching; and that the report had positive comments on the social work program at UVic – and refers to the working of a ‘decentralized model’ of work. However she notes that a Bachelor in Social Work needs to be seen as a ‘entry point’ only – and that comprehensive training between the University and Ministry [of Social Work] is needed.

Discussion of social worker salary; burnout; and the issue of utilizing contract workers is discussed. Bridget notes that she did some research into this 2 or 3 years ago – and that of the 2000-3000 social workers in BC – there was another 10,000 contract workers doing work ‘that don’t know what they’re doing’ – uneducated workers – dealing with the assessment of potential children at risk.

Barbara agrees that many are not well trained and not well supported and that a coordinated effort with the Ministry is needed so that burnout is addressed and that social workers get the support needed.

Barbara concludes that the report should have addressed the issue of contract workers more than it did. She also notes that it should have addressed the need for First Nations community training in social work
– and notes that there are many First Nations community members ‘ready to go’ with this training. Bridget agrees that this issue was not adequately addressed – and notes that about 60% of children in foster homes are aboriginal. She notes that if we ‘fail a person in one generation’ [as was Matthew’s mother] then we ‘fail children in the next generation’. Barbara agrees.

Mark thanks them both –

End of interview

CBC Interview – Justa
2008. · Item · Mar. 1995
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Audio cassette contains recorded audio interviews from a CBC Radio program interviewing Bridget Moran in the CBC Prince George studio on the recent publication of Justa.

Audiocassette Summary
Context: The recording is a segment from a CBC Radio program with broadcaster Mark [Forsythe?] interviewing Bridget Moran in the CBC Prince George studio on the recent publication of Justa. Mark first speaks to Justa by telephone asking him why he wanted his story told.

Scope and Content: Mark notes that Bridget Moran has just published a new book about the life of Justa Monk, entitled Justa: A First Nations Leader. Before speaking to Bridget, he speaks to Justa by telephone and asks him why he wanted his story told.

Justa says he wanted to tell people about the story of his life but also about the hardships of his people; for example he notes the transportation in the early years was difficult and that it took 21 hours by horse to travel from Tachie to Fort St. James. Also he says that what had happened to him [killing his brother] changed his life. He points out that in particular the Elders wanted him to tell his story. [Mark thanks Justa and the interview ends]

Mark then introduces Bridget Moran and asks her to comment on why she decided to write the book. Bridget first notes that she had heard about Justa’s life while writing the story of Mary John and that many people had suggested that she should write a book about his life as well. Although she had seen him at community events (potlatches) she was not introduced to him until November 1991. At that time he introduced himself and asked her to write his story – because he believed that it is possible to make amends for a bad life.

Bridget goes on to describe the circumstances leading to Justa killing his brother in a fight and that alcohol had been a factor. Justa had contemplated suicide.

Bridget then explains the setting of where Justa lived at Portage on Stuart Lake, 150 miles from Prince George. She notes that in many ways it was a very traditional life, totally dependent on the land. She says that Justa felt it was important in telling his story to tell native youth of ‘what they had – and what they had lost’.

Bridget then tells how Justa had been sent to a residential school at the age of 10 and that when he arriving the priest & nun took away his clothes. When he asks why – in Carrier – the only language he spoke – he was hit by the priest.

Bridget then talks about the structure of the book and notes that “what I was really doing was oral history.” She notes that she starting out interviewing him first because she notes she didn’t know him very well – but that it progress she then just talked with him. Bridget comments that Justa is a ‘real communicator’ and uses body language well – and she noted that he could remember details and emotions very well which gives a “sense of immediacy” to his story.

Mark asks Bridget to explain how Justa went from killing his brother – to becoming a leader of his people. Bridget notes that although it was felt he acted in self-defense, that Justa felt that he had to do penance for what he did. He was charged with manslaughter and served his time in a Forestry camp. After that he decided to go back to school and finish his education in Dawson Creek. He then decided to come back to Tachie to ‘make peace with his people’ and that the Elders forgave him and accepted him.

Justa then went on to work in the Band Office, then as Manager, then as Chief and in 1990 was elected as the Chief of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council.

Bridget states that Justa’s legacy for native youth in particular – is that you can overcome hardships and turn your life around. Bridget notes that instead of drugs and alcohol that youths should look to their culture, language and Elders to help them.

Bridget then notes that her hope is to now hold workshops to help First Nations document their own history. To show them how they can take ‘raw material that I start work with’ and ‘work it up into a readable story.’ She hopes to hold workshops with Bands so that they can ‘do it for themselves’ – particularly as so many of the Elders are sick and dying and won’t be around to tell their stories.

Mark thanks Bridget –

End of interview

2008. · Item · Sept. 1991
Part of Bridget Moran fonds

Item is a recording of an audio segment from CBC Radio in which CBC Reporter Karen Tankard provides a documentary report on the CBC Radio program Daybreak on conditions on the Stoney Creek reserve, outside of the farming community of Vanderhoof, 15 years after the inquest into Coreen Thomas’ death in Stoney Creek, BC. Tankard interviews community residents about the inquest and discusses the state of racism in the town of Vanderhoof, BC in 1991 and concludes improvements have not been made.

Audiocassette Summary
Scope and Content: Tankard recalls that Maclean’s Magazine had written at the time of the inquest that “Vanderhoof was one of the most racially prejudiced towns in BC”

Tankard recalls Inquest of Coreen Gay Thomas’ death and includes archived interviews from the 1976 inquest. One Vanderhoof woman says people are putting “racial connotations’ around what is going on in Vanderhoof and that she has ‘many friendships’ with native people that ‘is not unusual’ While Minnie Thomas, a Band Councillor in 1976, discusses how poor white-native relations are on reserve and criticizes the state of housing and the economy on the Stoney Creek reserve

Tankard then talks to students at a dance on the reserve on Sept 15, 1991; she notes there is no high school for the native students. Native student Kevin Prince notes that “white kids don’t like native kids…”

Jackie Thomas who works at the Band Office states that the feelings of racism still exist here in 1991 Yet Vanderhoof Alderman Jack French states that he “doesn’t see it” in Vanderhoof now. Tankerd notes that Native people recall that the Inquest “shamed” the federal government into making some changes – some municipal services now exist and roads are paved in Stoney Creek, yet there is still 80% unemployment and a rise in drug and alcohol abuse. Gordon Smedley, editor of the Nechako newspaper discusses white-native relations 15 years after the inquest – and argues that a ‘core group’ of drug users impacts the image of natives in the community

Stoney Creek Elder Mary John argues that racism still exists and refers to how in the case of one native woman, who was a university graduate that she could not get even a clerical job in Vanderhoof

Vanderhoof resident Hugh Millard – argues that native residents from Stoney Creek are “not hampered by prejudice, but by a lack of education”

Bruce Smith, high school principal, expresses the challenges of keeping native kids in school; that activities have focused on liaison work with the Band. Smith notes the creation of the Yinka Dene Language Institute as means to keeping native students in school - seen as a ‘storefront’ school for adult education

Tankard notes RCMP also attempting to make changes and have hired a native constable

Yet Alderman Jack French notes there is not a lot of contact between the municipal council and the Stoney Creek Band Council – however argues that the municipality has avoided getting involved in such issues – “not our mandate” – the municipality’s mandate is to provide municipal services only.

Tankard recaps the findings of the Inquest – and questions if anything has really changed in Vanderhoof and Stoney Creek since the inquest.

While she recalls that Richard Redekopp was charged with criminal neglect that resulted in Thomas’ death – that due to a lack of evidence he was not convicted

Tankard surmises that perhaps the hope of the inquest that a reunion of white-native community in Vanderhoof and Stoney Creek was ‘too much’ and ‘unachievable’

End of documentary report by Karen Tankard

The Daybreak female radio broadcaster (unidentified) then invites Talk Back listeners to call in on the issue…..

End of tape